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Everything posted by tsc

  1. tsc

    IPS 4 - The Future

    I remembered why I renewed our license and attempted to get a test copy of the forum upgraded to Beta 3 - no dice. It seems like the error is being fixed, though, and hopefully that means we'll be up and running with something to preview in Beta 4.
  2. tsc

    IPS 4 - The Future

    This is a thread where I'll post some screenshots from the IPS preview forum that I have access to, in order for you all to get an idea of what changes will be coming.   Quotes in the new version - by default they're collapsed like in the top image, but can be expanded like in the bottom image.
  3. tsc


    '?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>>   Turns out we fucked up somewhere and didnt do some last year or something   But we had one in summer 2012 so this is still our third secret santa   Well, I know for a fact that someone didn't get their gift due to issues on the sender's part. I don't remember when exactly, but I do want to make it up.
  4. tsc


    If you were the one person who didn't get their gift last year, PM me. I'll give you a very belated present.
  5. I'm trying on a skirt right now and I have no clue why.

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. tsc


      I'm still trying to figure out why this status got 30 comments. This is almost thread-worthy (except not really).

    3. Stackbabbin' Bumscags

      Stackbabbin' Bumscags

      Because you tried on a skirt and you committed the worst internet crime, you didn't post pics.


    4. tsc


      In order to be able to post a picture I'm going to have to spend even more money that I don't have.

      are you guys gonna give me that money or something

    5. Show next comments  15 more
  6. tsc


    I merged your old account into your new one.   Welcome back.
  7. tsc

    TF2 general

    Perhaps, but the majority of this is the value of keys rising, since the value of everything else in relation is falling. To continually represent it as "metal dropping" is at best a grave misunderstanding and at worst a deliberate misrepresentation.
  8. tsc

    TF2 general

    In theory, a democratic system like Backpack.tf should work as well as the technical system of the spreadsheet.   This fails for Backpack.tf because: not everyone affected by these prices is involved in the process of making them not everyone participating in the process is doing so in good faith a few users are allowed or even given explicit power to dominate the process This gives Backpack.tf dangerous power to use its "community-created" label as both a weapon against other competitors and a shield against criticism.
  9. tsc

    The IT thread.

      > SSD > not a bunch of USB splitters with flash drives > flash drives > not http://hackedgadgets.com/2011/08/31/counterfeit-chinese-usb-hard-drive/
  10. tsc


    Maybe, but for now it continues to grow, and competitive will hopefully breathe life back into the game. I know that we're going to do our best to help that process, given what's occurring internally at TFTV.
  11. tsc


    Not dead, competitive is growing and MM will be a huge boost. I've seen the figures.
  12. tsc

    Star Wars Thread

    I hope that they're going to stick to the Lucas sequel trilogy scripts. If not, it's going to be worse.
  13. There is so much I have to regret right now.

    1. Argeon


      Not sure if ironically attention whoring

    2. Raison d'être

      Raison d'être

      Scientists are still puzzled by corv. Puzzled and frightened.

    3. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      okay you get a little frisky with them and then they think you're some kind of rapist

      i just drugged them a little, goddammit

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  14. tsc


    Yeah, but I know that if I don't make a commitment to play a game consistently, I probably won't play it because I most likely will suck.   They don't call me "worst player world" for no reason.
  15. tsc


    Seems like it will be interesting, but I'm not sure how well this class mechanic will work out.   I'm cautiously optimistic, but I've invested a lot into TF2, and it would take a lot for me to switch.
  16. tsc

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Mapping in Hammer feels like smashing your head in with an actual hammer. When Rammit added the new and got removed. Except, well, it was an accident done by me, which I admitted to.
  17. tsc

    IPS 4 - The Future

    Security updates, and it'll actually be supported in the future (as opposed to this one which will no longer be).
  18. tsc

    IPS 4 - The Future

    Apparently many others are having the same issue. I'm 99% sure it's a licensing issue (my key for the testing install was rejected). I'll try to fix it ASAP.   First of all, opposition to what? This update is REQUIRED, and we will be upgrading to it.   Second of all, suppressing opposition? All I want is to not clutter up this forum with feedback for the future version, and to keep feedback easily accessible where it's relevant. You can still talk about the new forum on the test forum, which is publicly accessible without registration required.   troled :^)   In all seriousness though, if you don't want to clutter this forum, just make a feedback thread. That in turn gets rid of any clutter off the test forum, speaking of which is supposed to be wiped every so often according to you. Also, is there any way to keep the old forum's themes? Some of them are amazing, so it'd be terrible if we lost them   I'm sorry that I'm overreacting to hearing the same shit over and over again.   I might make a thread for that, but only if it's warranted. Otherwise I'll probably create a list in this thread of the feedback which has been reviewed, probably.
  19. tsc

    IPS 4 - The Future

    First of all, opposition to what? This update is REQUIRED, and we will be upgrading to it.   Second of all, suppressing opposition? All I want is to not clutter up this forum with feedback for the future version, and to keep feedback easily accessible where it's relevant. You can still talk about the new forum on the test forum, which is publicly accessible without registration required.   If you're going to give feedback, I think it's reasonable that you're required to actually use the forum that you're giving feedback on. I hope that's not too demanding.
  20. tsc

    IPS 4 - The Future

    A fresh beta installation is now installed at http://test.spufpowered.com/. Since the upgrader is not working, we decided to give you a copy that you could test. Note that this site will be replaced with an upgraded version of this site when the upgrader starts working properly.   As a beta site, I would like to stress this is for testing ONLY. Any other usage is disallowed. This community may and most likely will be WIPED several times in the process of testing, so do not use it for anything you consider even remotely useful.   By using the site, you are agreeing that you will follow all directives posted by administration. Violations of this policy will result in action at administrator discretion and a possible ban from further testing. The first directive: you are required to restrict all of your feedback to private conversations and the test forum itself.
  21. tsc

    IPS 4 - The Future

    As an update, we are working on getting a beta installation out for testing. There have been some notable issues with converting our current database over, which is delaying the effort.
  22. tsc

    Costumery of Samhain

    Still takes some guts. Masculinity is hard to break away from.
  23. tsc

    Costumery of Samhain

    I didn't actually care, but you actually went to those lengths? Hardcore, man.
  24. tsc

    Costumery of Samhain

    No, but surely someone had a better camera you could borrow.   I know that I definitely would if I had to document something like this.
  25. tsc

    Costumery of Samhain

    Well, Corv actually delivered. I never expected that. Bravo, sir.   Though that image quality is pretty bad.