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Everything posted by Paero

  1. Paero

    Touhou Containment Thread

    Ronald best touhou https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9ZT0HXjTBs
  2. Paero


    I dont wanna play real games to get cards because im shit and I dont wanna pay for cards because I'm already set to spend about £100 on WoW to re-sub, but WoD, transfer 2 characters and then faction change the 2 characters when the next expansion comes out (although I probably wont do all that) so I dont wanna give them all my money
  3. Paero


    I had a dream where I had to fly to America at 5pm, then it turned out it was 5am the next day, and then 5pm on the second day. I think it was to play a Hearthstone tournament against Arteezy. I've played like 5 games of Hearthstone so naturally I was scared.
    1. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      it's okay

      your life barely classified as "not ruined" before this

    2. Paero


      It was fine when I was under the impression that Guy wanted my number.

    3. Arm the Homeless
  4. Paero

    League of Legends

    New champion: http://promo.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/gnar/ Someone came up with the name 3 years ago, who knows about skills though: http://forums.na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=949490 OT: I won a ranked game, which was my first proper game in months, and my first game as Janna in a hell of a long time.
  5. Paero

    Anime General Discussion

    Erwin Rommel or William Halsey.
  6. Paero

    Anime General Discussion

    If it was gonna be a Mio body pillow then you are correct, my family have good taste.
  7. Paero

    Anime General Discussion

  8. I want to re-sub to WoW but I still have like 20 days on FF14 what do?

    1. ICBMoose


      what cell said

    2. Arm the Homeless

      Arm the Homeless

      Go play Everquest

    3. Paero


      I don't wanna install Project 1999

    4. Show next comments  177 more
  9. Paero

    The F2P Model

    Oh boy, this is a subject close to home for me. So Maplestory sits at my favorite game of all time, it's grindy, buggy, childish but even today I find it stupidly fun (despite me not playing regularly). It was F2P since it released and for years it was pretty good, the cash shop was pretty much just for cosmetic items, and pets that would auto use potions at certain HP/MP and pick up items for you. It wasn't fairly priced but it barely affected gameplay (at least from what I remember). This all changed when the fire nation attacked Nexon (the publisher) decided to implement a system like Diablo games (from what I know) where gear has bonus affects that you can identify by paying with in game currency. They tiered this in such a way where better items with better "potentials" (the identified stats) were given a ranking, and this is where the F2P model when from fair to the most disgustingly P2W shit ever. Essentially you could drop a few dollars in the cash shop to reset the potential, and have it be better or worse when you re-identified it (with some limited time cash items guaranteeing a potential increase). This lead to hardcore players dropping THOUSANDS of dollars to get the best gear, but essentially gambling their money away. So yeah, to answer your question I hate F2P models and I think they're ruining games. I love MMOs and they're worst hit by it, any F2P MMO makes me feel like a second class citizen when I don't pay, so I only play P2P ones now. Sure you can argue "But they're businesses and they're there to make money" but in almost all cases I've found F2P turns into showing no respect to players even if they do pay. This is why im so worried about the DFO relaunch. Although it must be doing good by raking in fuck loads of money if this many companies get away with abuse. Once it goes past cosmetic in my opinion it becomes bad.
  10. Paero


    European Speedster Assembly happening this weekend. Looks like it's gonna be way better than SGDQ with way more games.
  11. Paero

    What song are you listening to RIGHT now?

    Ill mind 6 rivals 5, which is pretty crazy considering how good 5 was. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vuv2mvfO_mg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QBsA2ETp7JA
  12. This makes me happy.
  13. Paero

    Anime General Discussion

    BNSFW: Wulff this may interest you.
  14. I've reached a new level of hypocrisy and am now listening to some Big Room House and kinda liking it.

    1. FrozenFirebug


      is that the one with really bad sounding drum like thingy sounds or some thingy

    2. Paero


      It's "progressive house" so really it's all exactly the same buildup to the same drop each time. It's so god damn fucking bad but it's kinda catchy and it pisses me off that I like it. This kinda explains a lot

    3. Paero


      Oh also similar stuff can be said about Hardstyle so that makes it worse.

  15. Paero

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    It's pretty bad, no way to choose what songs to listen to while in game, you can only control what you already have loaded. I'm sticking with other music players for now.
  16. Paero

    Game Deals Announcement Thread

    Yeah, just because EA have shitty business practices doesn't mean that Origin is objectively bad. Hell I've got a list of pretty good free games from it and the deals on it are pretty nice too.
  17. Jacky Mao playing Clannad OST on strim raise ur BibleThump

  18. Paero

    Anime General Discussion

    I recognized characters from fate/stay night in episode one so I'm just worried if I watch I'll miss something.
  19. Paero

    Anime General Discussion

    I watched episode one of fate/kaleid liner prisma illya and it seems pretty but I dunno if I should watch fate/stay night first. What do?
  20. Paero

    League of Legends

    Katarina a