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Everything posted by hugthebed2

  1. hugthebed2

    GOTY 2016

    The games I've played that were released in 2016 are Overwatch, and Xmas Shooting - Scramble!! I simply can't make a valid decision on that, considering I'm not too fond of Overwatch even though I'm decent at it and play it semi-often, and Xmas Shooting - Scramble would be a meme and obviously isn't GOTY. Got a new PC in 2016 though, and I've got $60 on Steam with no idea as to what to do with it.
  2. hugthebed2

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    How many games have you finished?
  3. hugthebed2

    Anime General Discussion

    shouldn't you spoiler that
  4. hugthebed2

    Anime General Discussion

    mfw milky movie
  5. merry christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. be careful not to choke on your words, mods

    1. Arm the Homeless

      Arm the Homeless

      if i said that that would be considered a threat

    2. Huff
  7. Anything said is construed as not serious. it's a losing battle for all parties.
  8. hugthebed2

    In which we post the randomest shit we find on YouTube.

    Woah when the heck did he change is avatar
  9. hugthebed2

    Anime General Discussion

    Consider reading Kizumonogatari if you don't want to be dumbfounded on certain things that are referenced, or you can just watch release order like my friend insists on. Kizumonogatari has movies being made with the first part being out there in the wild and the second part in theaters now/were 2 weeks ago. Part three isn't out though. Just a consideration, as that's what I was told to do and i'm glad I did because it helps AND is a good book (it has an official translation in stores and such).
  10. hugthebed2

    Fidel Castro dies, age 90

    I wonder if he enjoyed seeing Cuban bans being lifted in America before he died.
  11. hugthebed2

    ITT We Appreciate Good Video Game Music

    fight me I've still got 2 CDs and their keys
  12. Unless it's a one-off post and we'll never see him again
  13. I just hope the whole wall thing doesn't come to fruition where we're forced to pay for it when it will never get completed.
  14. I see Donald Trump as Celebrity Apprentice guy, not the President. It just feels so goofy to think about. I wish I wasn't missing school tomorrow so I could see everyones' reactions.
  15. tfw 9 days too young to vote
  16. There's also the case that their userbase was dying and other things started to replace it, like directly uploading videos to Twitter or Instagram.