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Everything posted by hugthebed2

  1. Just approach the sun when it's night time and then inhibit it for the next day
  2. hugthebed2

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    My cause of space being taken up were all my system restore points never deleting. Check that.
  3. hugthebed2


    I was dreaming that I needed to wash out all of our orange dish detergent down the sink for some reason, and then I recalled a time to when I was like 10 years old and that when my mother did this, a monster appeared in the sink. Curious if I was remembering correctly, I looked up a video on my phone to see what that was all about. I learned that the dish detergent got kind of foamy and solid when in contact with water and if too much is washed down a drain then the foam could clump together and create a creature named The Bulwark Monster. The video tried to explain some facts about the Bulwark monster, stating its urinary system is almost identical to humans and in most cases will appear very far underground but slowly rise up meaning it would take hundreds of hours for the bulwark monster to reach your home. It wasn't so large (about the size of a tissue box) but still very menacing and a pain to get rid of. I don't think the video said how to get rid of it, and the dream ended after I tried to garbage-disposal the foam and it ended up flying everywhere and I got worried it would create multiple bulwark monsters.
  4. hugthebed2

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    wow eh
  5. I was at a German festival and saw some delicious-looking rotisserie chickens so I got one. My exchange partner's girlfriend said "Wow that looks so good" when i sat down with it. I asked her if she wanted it and she replied with "No, I'm vegetarian" I thought that was humorous at the time.
  6. hugthebed2


    But you get to catch pokémon in real life and it gets you active!!! I really don't care about it. I got it because my sister forced me and I crashed on my first pokémon catch what a funne joke Still though, I think it's fun to see all the stuff about it online, I personally don't find it fun in the same way that I didn't play too much Pokémon myself when I was younger.
  7. I'm American I shouldn't HAVE to use VPNs grumble grumble
  8. hugthebed2

    What song are you listening to RIGHT now?

    100% Orange Juice gives some good themes sometimes, really.
  9. I just want to listen to songs that I used to have on my computer plz why does this exist
  10. hugthebed2

    The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style

    get your german hand-painted tattoos here
  11. hugthebed2

    The Binding of Isaac

    If you really want Lilith's box to take two charges instead of four then run your game in korean because it uses an older version of the itemlist and makes it two.
  12. hugthebed2

    TF2 general

    There's a button for it on the main menu! It just doesn't work for some people? Still, there's no way it's intentional.
  13. hugthebed2

    TF2 general

    I'm able to open the server browser fine using the fourth button on the "Find a server" list, but that doesn't make the queueing not-horrible.
  14. hugthebed2

    The Adventures of Admiral Doe (CYOA)

    >Consult the robot destruction robot if it knows anything.
  15. hugthebed2

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    No it's mainly two huge youtubers that have videos of them winning huge money against all odds with great luck! Oh my god they won $13,000!!! The twist is that they actually own the site and their fake videos are there to make kids try and waste their money so that they can make money themselves with their rigged systems. They didn't disclose they're the owners (which is illegal) and their damage control is pretty funny. The class-action lawsuit is different and probably won't actually do anything from what I remember when it came out but with this new controversy something might happen.. Don't read my tired rant read this instead https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2016/07/04/counter-strike-global-offensive-csgolotto-gambling-scandal/
  16. hugthebed2

    My art, because you all totally want to see it.

    Get off of them! Seek them out!
  17. hugthebed2


  18. hugthebed2

    Animation General

  19. hugthebed2

    In which we post the randomest shit we find on YouTube.

    In terms of those weird videos, the Grand Theft Auto videos always creeped me out in terms of what they are.