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Everything posted by hugthebed2

  1. hugthebed2


    Part of my dream last night was that the moderation of subSPUF changed. Tsc was no longer an admin (had a special legacy group applied to him), Binary and Rammite stayed admin. Stamda was picked up as a mod and ended up restricting my content for a year and 224 days for posting a status update with an anime image. I don't think I saw Rynjin but Raz got a new name but was still a mod. Spycicle got a special blue name. I don't remember much else.
  2. hugthebed2

    Operation Posterboard

    A lot of the buttons on the text editor are not using the correct icons. Also can SPUFOrange get orange collapsed spoilers and black text in the editor menu? I wish that it didn't make a scrollbar appear as well on 1280x800. Tried to remove it from my signature but I can't.
  3. yo how many posts does it take to get 4 dots under my title
  4. hugthebed2

    Operation Posterboard

    I think logging into the site while it was down wiped my avatar, doesn't matter though. What does matter is that pretty much every theme is borked now. There's also three "topics" bars on the side of the forum.
  5. It was my first time being knocked out and I had a panic attack when they made my mom leave so I didn't breathe in any laughing gas. Queue weeks of Vicodin and suffering. I've said this many times but the best part of that was removing my speech issue.
  6. At first I was like "Wait how could breaking up a bunch of people be awesome?" until I realized you meant with laughter.
  7. hugthebed2

    Random Image Thread: Animu Edition

    ​not an anime get out you faggot ​As if I wouldn't be bitched about if I put it in the the other thread
  8. hugthebed2

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I don't like putting nicknames on people. I think I have like three in total.
  9. hugthebed2

    Operation Posterboard

    This probably isn't going to help at all but I came across this because of another issue and could help maybe I don't know
  10. hugthebed2

    Operation Posterboard

    Rolling over somebody's avatar on SPUFOrange is all white as well.
  11. I am in constant fear of Star Wars being spoiled for me by someone in a video game or at school.

    I've already heard rumors that I don't like to dwell on.

    I just need to survive until the 21st.

    1. hugthebed2


      I played CS:GO last night and before somebody did I turned off voice chat.

    2. Raison d'être

      Raison d'être

      At the end of the movie Luke fights the Imperial god-king and is about to be defeated when Chewbacca comes in and unloads his Tec 9 into the god king's head and says his only intelligible line in the series - "Hasta la vista, motherfucker."

      Then there's a cliffhanger for Episode 8.

    3. hugthebed2


      i might've been spoiled aaaaaaa

    4. Show next comments  96 more
  12. hugthebed2

    Operation Posterboard

  13. hugthebed2

    TF2 general

    With perfect crossbowing, it takes 19.36 seconds to get 100% Übercharge if you get eleven 136+ healing arrows.
  14. hugthebed2

    Operation Posterboard

    "Oh man, we got no formatting AND .webms!" and then I told people and now I look like a DUMBY
  15. hugthebed2

    Operation Posterboard

    On SPUFOrange, the "More" tab has grey-on-grey which is kind of ugg.
  16. hugthebed2

    The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style

    This is a test to see if we can webm.
  17. hugthebed2

    TF2 general

    ​Sounds a bit too hopeful. Regardless, mildly interdesting. Probably a bad time to quit medic.
  18. hugthebed2

    Operation Posterboard

    On SPUFOrange, quotes still are moved up so that they cover dates and other parts of the post. obligatory .webm testYour browser does not support HTML5 video.