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Everything posted by Huff

  1. Huff


    hussie writing himself as getting NTR'd is p funny though
  2. Huff

    We Media Now: TF2 Edition

    ye boi that's the stuff
  3. Huff

    Interest in Blogs

    I'd read a blog of your thoughts on Anime. I don't even watch it and I read all the bigass posts of yours I see. But ye I kind of agree, it probably would die.
  4. Huff

    Animation General

    Steven Universe holy shit it's happening
  5. Huff


    But is it a male or female Goodra? This is important mods can ban other mods right [uSER WAS BANNED IN SELF-DEFENSE FOR THIS POST]
  6. I'd watch the FUCK out of this.
  7. Huff


    Well Pheobe is perfect too, there's no arguing that. Still can't beat proper purple lady in my book though.
  8. Huff


    oh my god it is satisfying as FUCK to see the cloun put down for once
  9. Huff


    best girl
  10. Huff

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    god who even cares anymore he's not even in my top 10 freddies
  11. Huff

    Payday General

    Anyone want to heist with me and Guy in a bit? I need a breather after all of these close as fuck lost runs.
  12. Huff

    Stamda's art dump

    http://cloud-4.steamusercontent.com/ugc/39737508625853513/F9B15D748B4EAFA18EF7B6686E58366B3CB12384/ memerize me captain
  13. Huff

    The Binding of Isaac

    What about ??? I wasn't able to ball out of control enough to handle the chest
  14. Huff

    The Binding of Isaac

    Hard Mode Isaac kill as The Lost get. Fuck, my heart is pounding.
  15. Huff

    Your GOTY for 2014

    I think my top picks are Isaac Rebirth, ORAS, and Professor Layton v Ace Attorney.
  16. Huff

    The Binding of Isaac

    trying to do my Lost runs Edmund is a fucking hack
  17. Huff

    Payday General

    who the FUCK beat up my heistfu
  18. SPUFurb update! Remember, the story is partly driven by your commands, so dont let the fuckfaces over at the MSPA forums steal your job!

    1. Arm the Homeless

      Arm the Homeless

      so that's where we got rock papers scissors

    2. <Witty Name>

      <Witty Name>

      ALL> Establish the Fourth Reich

    3. Huff


      ace would look disturbingly goodbin an SS uniform

  19. Huff

    TIAM: Entertainment Stuff

    . It was a lot of fun. Is it still in theaters where you live? I was planning on seeing it with a friend of mine but we never got around to it. There's a theater that does late showings of movies, there might be one where you are.