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Everything posted by Guy923

  1. Guy923


    move peasants, man who has played since day 2 of the closed beta moving through Thoughts on general balance in the game: bar a few maps and like 2 underpowered heroes, everything's pretty good. Game balance is in a good spot. thoughts on every hero enclosed Offense Class in general: It's offense. Not much to say. You need like one or two of these in every lineup at the very least if you want to do well. Genji: My personal favorite hero and I'm not gonna be humble, I kick ass with this guy. One of the offense heroes with the strongest kits in the hands of a good player, his ultimate can absolutely demolish people in a lot of circumstances. Generally good but depends a lot on the player skill. A very good Genji can be more annoying than the best of tracers because reflect and dash make him far more mobile and survivable, and dragonblade can wipe teams. McCree: The hard counter to every flanker in the game. For the people with a deep hatred for Tracers who wish to watch the entirety of the Tracer main population be thrown into a volcano. Demolishes anyone in short range assuming he's got flashbang up, reasonably good at midrange, garbo at long range (as he should be). High noon is an excellent ultimate overall and flexible. I'd rate him slightly better on defense than on attack though due to the nature of a lot of maps. Pharah: Another very solid overall hero, absolutely shits out damage and trades cover for superior positioning. She's soldier with a jetpack and a great ultimate. Pretty simple. Reaper: His name is not important. Probably one of the weaker flankers/offense in general due to his lack of mobility*, but what he lacks in combat mobility he makes up with obscene firepower at close ranges. He can decimate tanks and get behind backlines very easily, and can be quite survivable and self sustainable by eating fucking souls and healthpacks. *He lacks mobility in active combat, but has the ability to get around more easily by teleporting. You can get around sure, but you can't get do that in general during combat as easily as other classes like S76, Pharah, Tracer, and Genji. Soldier 76: Jack of all trades, master of...some? Strong at medium range and longer ranges, his heal is useful, he's just kind of good. Generally good against most heroes, especially good against Tracers and Pharahs. Tracer: Scout but on steroids. Extremely mobile, extremely survivable, a shark in most senses of the word. Stop moving for a second and you will get fucking trounced because you're made of tissue paper. Eats squishies for breakfast. Can unaware tanks. Pulse-bomb is hard to use extremely effectively but good overall. Defense Class in general: It's not really much of a defense class honestly. It's more like "Miscellaneous heroes which are all kind of situational but still good and do random shit that we decided to stick into defense. Except for Bastion and Tobjorn. They're actual defense." A mishmash swiss army knife kind of set of classes that can accomplish a lot. Bastion: Ahem. Bastion sucks. Well maybe not sucks, but he's not OP like literally everyone says he is (in my opinion). Unless you have a Reinhardt sitting on top of him he's not that good. Grab a Genji, a Tracer, a Widow, a Roadhog, or a ton of other heroes that can just kind of shoot him. I will give him that he's absurdly good on stupid capture maps like Volsakaya and Hanamura, but that's about it. Lacks mobility (duh) and survivability but can shit out damage. Also has an 80% to get a potg. Addendum: Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Bastion Real Hahahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Just Play Genji and Press E Haha Hanzo: Sniper class for people who like RNG in their sniping. Isn't that consistent but depends on the player. A good Hanzo will tear you a new asshole. See: Huntsman Sniper. Junkrat: One of the more consistent defense heroes, does obscene amounts of damage and is a good counter to heavily shield reliant heroes (Reinhardt, Winston basically). Spam down a closed hallway for area denial and a million damage because his grenades do stupidly high damage. Riptire isn't the best ultimate but ti's good enough, you can get it quite often considering the obscene damage you do so trading a tire for a kill is pretty decent for how often it comes up. Mei: Awful to play against. Being frozen sucks. Only really beaten by McCree and good Reapers at close range. Thank god they nerfed icicle damage so I don't die from across the map to random icicle spam Tobjorn: Fuck flankers V 2.0. Makes the lives of Tracers and Genjis everywhere living hell. Useless on attack 85% of the time, not the best on defense 50% of the time due to how weak turrets are without his ultimate up. Provides some decent utility and area denial though. He's okay. Widowmaker: Man fuck snipers. She's a fucking sniper, the hell do you need. She shoots you from far away with her sniper rifle.That's literally it. Support class in general: In a really weird spot right now seeing as one of the supports isn't...really a support? More of a defense hero. One of the other 3 is underpowered, so there's really only 2 reliable healers in the game. Game needs another healer and Zen buffed honestly. Lucio: The best support, hands down. Probably always will be with the way the game is designed. Absolutely braindead beyond his ultimate. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, so naturally sound barrier is one of the best ultimates for breaking into capture points or trying to defend them. Why rez your teammates when you can make sure they don't die in the first place? Also looks like someone who should've been in a Jet Set Radio game. Mercy: The medic but she can fly and bring people back from the dead. Not as good as Lucio but still pretty good. Superior if you want to pocket someone, but far more difficult to play well and be a good healer since you have to prioritize targets to heal rather than just pressing E and healing everyone for a gorillion health. Rez is good, a large rez can help you keep momentum on a push or stop one. Symmetra: Not... really a support class in the sense of a healer. If you have one you will need another support. That being said, she's pretty good at defense in general, and an extra 25 shields on everyone helps take a bit of the stress off your healer since shields regen, and makes everyone more generally survivable. Teleporters are very good for holding down points since people will always inevitably die. Zenyatta: Poor Zenyatta. Not as strong of a single person healer as Mercy, can't slap an orb on backliners anymore and send them on their merry ways, can't heal everyone without blowing his ultimate anymore. He's not in a great spot, you trade AOE healing and stronger single person healing/damage boost for your own increased DPS and Discord orb. 50% extra damage on a target is nice but they can just not be within line of sight for a few seconds and suddenly whoosh orb gone. He's still got the highest damage output of any support but that's not saying a whole lot. He's made of wet tissue paper so it's hard to use it effectively. His ultimate is also just kind of worse than both res and sound barrier, sound barrier is much better for breaking into bases and can shield a lot more than transcendence can heal. He needs something, what though I'm not too sure. General thoughts on Tanks: Surprisingly diverse playstyle class, there's a little something for everyone in here. From the humble shieldbearer Reinhardt, to the wannabe-offense D.va. Need one (or maybe 2) on a team if you wanna get anywhere. D.va: She's kind of a tank in the sense that she can eat a lot of damage, but her kit is naturally more oriented for backlining. A backliner tank is weird but... not terrible. She has solid damage potential at close ranges, a great ultimate for zoning, but she can fulfill the "Make sure your teammates don't fucking die" role well enough if needs be. Reindhardt: "Don't worry my friends! I am your shield!" Good on every team, good on every map, you can't ever go wrong with a Reinhardt. A simple but strong ultimate, and a very strong shield with massive general utility and just generally good for making sure people don't die. Also #1 candidate for best Overwatch dad. Roadhog: The secondary contender for "Tanks for people who like offense." but it all depends on whether or not you can land/time hooks. In general being hooked by a competent Roadhog just means you're dead unless you're another Tank. Even then, chances are you'll get chunked of basically all of your health. The most self sustainable of all the tanks and generally the most independently acting. Can't really aid his teammates in any way other than facetanking all the damage because he's a massive fat guy (aka free ultimate charge if you shoot at him) Winston: Monkey that jumps around a lot. Good defensively, good for fucking with the enemy... kind of. Excellent against backliners like Tracer and Genji but sucks against Reaper. Eats Widowmakers for breakfast. Ultimate is great utility. Definitely a big team player if you have one on your team if played well. Zarya: High damage potential, very high utility with her ultimate and shields, flexible but not quite as flexible as Reinhardt. Also the squishiest of any tank without her shield, so a good knowledge of how aggressive to play is very key. Preserving your energy by not dying is very important. Overall the game is very good and well balanced, needs some minor tweaks but I have a lot of faith in blizzard to make this work.
  2. Guy923


    Please let McCree roll in mid air. I have been asking for this since day 2 of the closed beta. Thanks.
  3. Guy923

    Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft

    playing this kusoge again. it's pretty alright, dusting all of naxx is actually pretty good since it gives you a ton of dust to work with, and the game gives you like 13 packs. Been playing c'thun priest and control priest, trying out New Age Miracle Rogue. S'okay y-you wanna buy a funnel cake?
  4. Guy923


    tfw progress getting wiped. goodbye my legendaries
  5. Guy923


    Stress Test weekend this Friday and Saturday. Hanamura, route 66, and Nepal only. Gross
  6. Guy923

    Anime General Discussion

    Yes. It's true. Sakamoto is so absurdly over the top and stupid that's the appeal. The main character is literally perfect to the point where it's completely overblown and exaggerated while the characters trying to fuck with him are seen as incompetent and ridiculously dumb. It's good. 1) Aikatsu Stars was good. 2) Soon finishing the fate route of f/sn. It's been interesting.
  7. Guy923


    It's still better. Actually fits the character, the ass wasn't the problem
  8. Guy923

    Anime General Discussion

    Yes. It's stupid as hell in a fucking amazing way, it's great.
  9. Guy923

    Anime General Discussion

    No, space patrol luluco is their new thing. It's stupid as hell
  10. I can't believe everyone is Gary.
  11. Guy923


    removing that one tracer pose is
  12. Guy923

    Anime General Discussion

    i may be an idolshitter but i dont touch LL
  13. Guy923

    Anime General Discussion

    it's good
  14. Guy923

    Anime General Discussion

    Aikatsu Stars in the spring boys, who's joining the Aikatsu adventure with me
  15. Guy923


    There's no way they keep that Zen change, it breaks the hero too much. I think the change to discord orb is good but the change to orb of tranq is too harsh, means you cant pair him with a genji or tracer anymore
  16. Guy923

    Anime General Discussion

    BokuMachi is good. Konosuba is trashy but I'm watching it anyways Osomatsu is Osomatsu Aikatsu is good, actually
  17. Guy923


    Kind of. Not much like Dota, kind of like TF2 but way more fast paced and none of the classes are too similar to anyone in tf2 despite appearances
  18. Guy923


    mandatory potg bragging http://gfycat.com/LittleEachBorzoi
  19. Guy923


    Reaper skins are amazing. Tobjorn is really good now, bastion is actually broken progression system is too rng to be worthwhile though
  20. Guy923

    Anime General Discussion

    yeah, the shorts have all been fantastic, but I would still say Erased/BokuMachi is still the best thing this season so far it's actually incredible
  21. Guy923

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Nuclear Throne is going to make me strangle someone it's really good tho
  22. Guy923


    Hey dude you probably don't remember but you owe me 30 bucks. I'll take it whenever.
  23. Guy923

    Anime General Discussion

    Sick. It's actually a pretty good show so no qualms here maybe that one Juushimatsu and Ichimatsu episode was a tactical move