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Everything posted by Guy923

  1. Guy923

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

  2. Guy923

    The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style

  3. Guy923

    Payday General

    I've heard it happens but I've never EVER seen it. I kinda want to hop in a lobby and just keep restarting until it happens. Ez 1 mil
  4. Guy923

    we media now

    http://a.pomf.se/qoxoyn.webm Posted this in the wrong thread shit
  5. Guy923

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    So Contagion is having its free weekend. Anyone ever play it before? Looks kinda bad but hey it's free for two days.
  6. Guy923

    Zoe Quinn

    Someone was gonna do it eventually
  7. I owe commander 2,000,000,006.34 dollars apparently.

    1. Razputin


      too harsh, cmndr.

    2. tsc


      It's only 2,000 rep.

    3. Guy923


      man I barely have 433 rep pls

    4. Show next comments  138 more
  8. Guy923

    Payday General

    Fast learner is pretty legit, and dead presidents might actually be worthwhile now that loose items scale on DW & OVK. The only "oh my god why would you EVER FUCKING GET THIS" tier skills are hard boiled, moving target, nine lives, professional, carbon blades, and improved crafting/marketeer.
  9. Guy923

    Payday General

    I'm a fan of fully loaded aced, it makes you completely independent from ammo bags if used correctly. Also for the record, the OP to this thread contains a lot of useful stuff. Patch history is ofc outdated though. Edit: Ya don't really need any upgrades for the saw. In fact, all of them sans beserker are pretty garbage.
  10. Guy923

    Payday General

    Dude, the cash is goddamn insane on some heists now. Got a million from Go Bank, and 450k exp (with a 19% exp bost but still). Shit's insane, suddenly the game is a lot easier to grind. I get the feeling with an upcoming update we might get either more infamy trees or maybe more skillpoints for t7 skills? There's no way they would just suddenly hand us pretty much quadruple exp on most heists and quintupled cash on every other heist for no reason. Yep. A mastermind with inspire is infinitely more useful than 3 techforcers. Too many masterminds is kinda lame though.
  11. Guy923

    Payday General

    https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wRDFy9hcRTQXeBXWaEpWOCaE6yjlR1y0eIq1NBgtsgg/htmlview?sle=true# >go bank now gives you 1.3 mil and upwards of 260k exp
  12. Guy923

    Payday General

    Shit what, rats tier jobs for everything? Jewelry store no longer gives 5k per bag? Any mission is a farm mission now? Jesus christ, this is glorious. Thank you based oyveyyshill. Sentries are kinda bad. Unless you dump a million points into them, they become "okay." But a sentry will never be as useful as ammo bags/meds/etc. They're definitely fun though. Looks good, just swap underdog for diehard and move the combat medic ace to endurance.
  13. Guy923

    Payday General

    Combat medic isn't that great, I mean it's okay. It's actually a negative on DW if you have beserker aced, something about %'s gettin fucked and pushing you just barely out of a damage breakpoint with a lot of weapons And inside man is a nice skill to have it just doesn't do anything useful on most heists.Only heists where it's useful off the top of my head is big bank, framing frame d1. Although escape driver is really nice, I dunno. It's okay, I just don't like it much myself.
  14. Guy923

    Payday General

    http://www.pd2skills.info/#/profile/4_dakka/ I made a few edits but it's just what I think is slightly better -Threw out combat medic -Swapped inside man ace for spotter ace -Basic endurance rather than aced -Added cleaner aced, cat burglar, and martial arts so you can hit the t4 ghost bonus (really useful) -Got die hard basic Everything else is the same.
  15. Guy923

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    It keeps happening
  16. I just realized I have 11 variants of the same avatar. http://puu.sh/b83rq.jpg

    1. Simon
    2. Silent
    3. Sir Slick

      Sir Slick






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  17. Guy923

    We Media Now: TF2 Edition

    Forgot I had this
  18. Guy923

    Anime General Discussion

    Erwin 2014 Why can't we all get along? erwin for president
  19. Guy923

    Zoe Quinn

    Let us take a moment in remembrance of the day Fez 3, 4, and 5 died.
  20. Guy923

    Zoe Quinn

    > Also that website is 503'ing for me, I don't suppose you have a screencap? Looks to be dead. The site is down for me too. It was a dox of Fish's information but it's all gone already. There was a download file of it but it's all gone now looks like. also this http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:http://polytroncorporation.com/
  21. Guy923

    Zoe Quinn

    >/V/ >head mod at /V/ >leader of 4chan.org MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT
  22. Requiem aeternam dona ris domine

    1. Veez


      why are you guys speaking portuguese

    2. ICBMoose


      Simon stole my joke dammit

    3. Paero



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  23. Guy923

    Payday General

    In other news, Almir did the ice bucket challenge. Nothing too memorable but among the characters that dumped the ice on him there was one that didn't look too familiar... Old hox confirmed to have edgelord mask.