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Raison d'être

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Posts posted by Raison d'être

  1. I do remember a few space-battle-esque files from that Dota 2 leak some time ago. Thought they were red herrings.Can't wait to pull out my wallet when it releases 5 years from now.

    A bit optimistic, aren't you?

  2. The thing is though, each company has had 2 years since release of their last game so they probably get around 1 and a half minimum to be working on a new game. With sledgehammer on board I imagine that it's going to be rotating between the 3 of them now so we should have each company getting 3 years between games.I'd like more space between the games but I do like seeing the difference between each game and each one does seem to maintain a solid player base after the sequel comes out. It's not for everyone but I'm getting quite into the series now and the 1 year thing doesn't really change that for me. I disliked it for a while after MW2 and didn't like Activision until I picked up MW2 again, had fun then didn't mind so much.

    Still, I believe that having a date set in legal stone is a little crippling to innovation, because if near the end some guy has a great idea, they wouldn't be able to implement it within the time frame, lest they risk getting sued. For example, MW3 used the same basic HUD as MW2. Sure it was good, but not good enough to withstand revision.Most Triple-A franchises' games take around 3+ years to make, like MGS4, GTA games, Halo (1,2,3; not the spin-offs), and of course TF2. Of course there are exceptions; BF3 being one. But many of its hallmarks, like a destructible environment, were already in BC and BC2.Perhaps Sledgehammer will help, but if I recall, it was only either a temporary OR permanent replacement for IW, since many IW employees were sacked a while back.

  3. Is it me or is the button giving us a lot of empty space under our posts? I don't like that. At all.

    It's making me check for invis text almost every time

    Even on posts I've just made


    Yea, I think it is. Doesn't bother me much though.

    I always check for invisible text. The one time I don't, it's there.

  4. Personally, I enjoy the games. Not that they're my favorite games, not even close, but I still find them enjoyable despite they're problems. In fact, they share qualities with a lot of games I do like. For example: It's poorly balanced, but so is TF2. It lacks innovation, but so do Nintendo's A-list franchises. It's known for stubbornly releasing a game every year, but so is Sonic the Hedgehog. It's not a masterpiece, but I can enjoy it.

    TF2 is unbalanced, but is still fun somehow. I hate most of Nintendo's modern A-list titles, as they're mostly the same things they were when I was a child. Hell, the graphics are hardly even better. Sonic is in decline in my opinion, as it's like other A-list Nintendo titles.I enjoy an occasional round of CoD (I even got to prestige 7 in MW2 and around 4 in Black Ops), but I believe it's not worth paying $60 each year + $15 dollar maps in between games for what is essentially the same thing.

  5. Let them figure it out for themselves.Or we could set up a mini-arg where we all post different sections of the link or something and they have to piece all the clues together....maybe I'm just getting addicted to doing that.

    I was thinking the same thing.But then some random "helpful" guy would come fuck it up. That's humanity for you. People are only kind to others when it's at your disadvantage.YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEA HEARTS

  6. Eh imo the games have been getting better each time with the exception of MW2 (although that did introduce some pretty good features). COD4 is still great but I don't feel it's just as good as some of the later games. I love Black Ops because it seems to allow good players to have a little more fun with things and give them more time to react with it taking longer to kill people. I love MW3 because it's pretty balanced for the most part, really fun and has pretty good maps.I think where a lot of people took a huge dislike for the series was when it became one of the most popular games around and the media will not shut up about it. I've been put off games before with things being over hyped, people shouting about how it's the best thing ever and the games basically pushed into my face. Obviously not everyone, each person has their own individual likes and dislikes but it seems those kind of things just pushed people into hating the series. Personally, I'd be happy if people could accept that they don't like a game but that doesn't necessarily make the game bad (for example, I've gone off TF2 as I find it incredibly boring these days but I fully acknowledge it's a good game).Also imo, the games since COD4 have been much more enjoyable on console than on PC with the exception of WaW which I loved on PC. Something about the aiming on PC in the later ones felt really off.Anyhow, got my first MOAB a few weeks ago anyhow and that put me into a pretty good mood. Just sound whoring with a headset, trying to have some fun instead of keeping count with kill streaks and the notification telling me I got the MOAB popped up. Pretty damn satisfying to get.

    I think if Activision would stop driving them (whatever's left of IW and Treyarch) so hard to pump out a new CoD every year, and they actually teamed up, they could make one of best games ever made. As it stands they don't really have much room for innovation beyond the comforting basics as that takes time and money, something Activison will never allow.But they're divided and Activision is sitting atop its pile of money and contracts, so it'll never happen. I used to love CoD, but Activision is making it so hard to play without shelling out $15 for a map pack every month or two.