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Everything posted by alexgndl

  1. Yeah, I'm just a teensy bit happy Game of Thrones is back...this season's gonna be freaking AWESOME.

    1. <Witty Name>

      <Witty Name>

      Episode 1: Everyone dies. GoT is now about ponies and homoerotic star trek fanfiction

  2. alexgndl

    Age of Mythology-Coming Soon to Steam

    Any idea if you can do cheats in multiplayer? I wanna gank my friends with an army of Lazor Bears.
  3. alexgndl


    If you're talking about the temple to Cthulhu on the original incarnation of the server, that was me.
  4. ... "MLK is dead and therefore his words no longer have any influence" I don't think that's what he meant-I think he was talking more about how we can't know what exactly they were attempting to do when they made the laws, or at least what the spirit of the laws originally were. That's a big part of the whole second amendment debate-there's multiple ways of interpreting it, and due to the fact that technology's advanced so much in the two centuries since, it's incredibly vague about what it does/should mean.
  5. alexgndl

    League of Legends

    No-reactivating her ult moves Tibbers instead of creating a new one. You can pretty much always have him up though.
  6. alexgndl

    Age of Mythology-Coming Soon to Steam

    Well yes, mostly because BF2 didn't have the Bespin maps. But I'm talking about the new Battlefront game that's coming out next year.
  7. alexgndl

    League of Legends

    Also Alistar bot. His headbutt is absolutely GODLY. About to last-hit the guy he's supporting? Lolnope. About to make it just out of turret range with a sliver of health remaining? Haha MOO BITCH. I've seen so many people knocked into the spawning pool turrets by him. This is made so much worse in URF mode as well-you can be perma-stunlocked with his headbutt/ground pound.
  8. alexgndl

    League of Legends

    That's not because of Varus and Jayce. It could have easily been anyone with a fair amount of poke (eg Sona Ezreal back in season 2). That's where Kog'Maw falls down, sure his late game is one of the best in the game, but his early game is shit, so anyone with poke or all in potential can either straight up kill him or at least keep him away from farm. It's why Kog'Maw isn't played as much, all the popular ADCs at the moment have at least some poke, so if you want a Hyper carry then Vayne and Tristana are all round better because of their mobility and trade potential, plus they hit the "I can actually do damage" breakpoint earlier. No, this was in URF mode-having Jayce's Q or Varus's piercing shot thingy coming at you every single second isn't fun. It's basically walking into a storm of bullets.
  9. alexgndl

    League of Legends

    Yesterday I found out the hard way that Varus and Jayce in lane together is basically an insta-win. They have so much poke, it's not even funny-I was Kog'Maw and I was easily getting outranged-couldn't even get to the minions without getting hit by something.
  10. alexgndl

    League of Legends

    So if you haven't tried out the new game mode (Ultimate Rapid Fire), do it NOW. It's so much fun. 80% cooldowns, no mana/energy costs, buffed movespeed, gold generation, attack speed (ranged champs only) and tenacity. It's utter mayhem-Lux's ult is every 10 seconds at max level. Maokai shits out saplings like a machine gun. Pantheon and Gangplank become ranged ADCs, and Karthus ults every 30 seconds. By far my favorite game mode they've made so far.
  11. mineself say, this is smashing!

  12. alexgndl

    Magic The Gathering (TCG)

    I didn't think they were supposed to start for like another two weeks? Also, the convention at my school was selling Guildpact boosters, so I bought one. Pulled a Godless Shrine. Feels good man.
  13. Got a new phone and my paycheck today, there's a gaming convention later tonight at my school, and I'm installing Goat Simulator because I preordered it. Also the temperature's above 30 for the first time in over a month. It's a good day.

    1. Huff


      Sounds like a nice one!

    2. Argeon


      For me, it's one more week. Then the glorious one-week Spring Break is upon me.

    3. Unromantic XYTWO

      Unromantic XYTWO

      Spring break get! I'm sick, but I'm going to go ziplining and possibly see the Captain America midnight premier! I am currently at an acceptable level of happy

  14. alexgndl


  15. alexgndl

    League of Legends

    You know, I gotta agree-I've only very recently started playing actual matches, and I gotta say, it's a hell of a lot more fun. You just have so many more "OMG THAT JUST HAPPENED" plays. Like during a Hexakill game when I Pantheon mandropped onto Dragon during a teamfight, killing it and then I got a double kill. That shit just don't happen in bot matches.
  16. alexgndl

    League of Legends

    How the FUCK did Ashe's team win?! I mean, Kha'zix ain't all that great in ARAM, but Yi, Sona, Veigar and Ziggs are more or less the best. Like...that should've been a cakewalk. Also, I'm assuming you're the one playing Ashe?
  17. alexgndl

    League of Legends

    She's fun in ARAM, okay? Her ult literally one-shots most mages, it's hilarious. Especially when you do it on a Lux who's channeling her ult.
  18. alexgndl

    League of Legends

    I've always been that moron who plays AP Tristan's, so I can't really help you there... but in my opinion Bloodthirster's usually a safer option in general.
  19. alexgndl

    Game Deals Announcement Thread

    South Park-The Stick of Truth is on sale on Amazon for today only-it's about 25% off. http://www.amazon.com/b/ref=amb_link_410333082_1?ie=UTF8&node=8524689011&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=auto-sparkle&pf_rd_r=1CK284G5V57JX5G11G54&pf_rd_t=301&pf_rd_p=1752944382&pf_rd_i=stick%20of%20truth
  20. alexgndl

    Best website in existence.

    Oh shit, has it really been two years? Goddamn.
  21. alexgndl

    Game Grumps

    Ok, I'm not even mad anymore that they made a giant dick creature in Spore-George fo dayz had me nearly crying with laughter.
  22. alexgndl

    Magic The Gathering (TCG)

    Ok, so fuck Rhys the Redeemed. He's such bullshit in EDH.
  23. alexgndl

    2014 Mod Selection - Nominations

    4th Raz as well
  24. alexgndl

    2014 Mod Selection - Nominations

    Huff, Rynjin, Idiot Cube
  25. What will the difference between the admins and moderators be, in terms of power/responsibility?