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Everything posted by Grobag

  1. Grobag

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Tetris Battle Royale is cool and all but when are we getting a Tetris Attack sequel
  2. Grobag

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    All of the "fight multiple enemies" battles where they aren't like horde battles seem very unfun to me, I know I'm not a good smash player by any means but it really sucks to get your shit kicked constantly from multiple directions and have to find some way to cheese past it all
  3. Grobag

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    when can we get sad reacts on this forum
  4. Grobag

    What song are you listening to RIGHT now?

    The "pen and a pad" section always gets me
  5. Thanksgiving is probably the part of US culture I'm most jealous of. You guys get to have turkey TWICE a year!??
  6. Grobag

    What song are you listening to RIGHT now?

    For my money, this is the best Mouth album
  7. How the heck's everyone doing? It's been too long

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. LordCOVID Monkey

      LordCOVID Monkey

      Hello SPUFFriend. I don't know you, but I don't know anybody here anyways.

    3. Veez


      We implemented a new clause that after a set period of time, coming back allows for a second organ harvest. Hope you won't be needing those lungs.

    4. John Caveson

      John Caveson

      Welcome back. You just missed the battle with your evil twin: Shrinkbox.

  8. Grobag


    Is there a post with everyone's Blizzard tags somewhere? Grobag#21115 over here. I only started playing at the free weekend but I'm fucking HOOKED. This game's pretty good
  9. Grobag

    SPUF Refuge Thread

    No, SPUFers' will do just fine
  10. Grobag

    Battlestation/Living Space Thread

    Business on the left, party on the right
  11. Grobag

    What song are you listening to RIGHT now?

    Early Christmas present from King Gizz
  12. Grobag

    Game Deals Announcement Thread

    Limbo is well good, definitely get it. I don't think the physics were wonky at all, just took a little getting used to
  13. Grobag

    Game Deals Announcement Thread

    PayPal just sent out an email saying that the Steam sale starts on the 23rd, looks like he was right.
  14. With that price range you could definitely get an SSD and an HDD, especially seeing as you're not going for a super-high-end CPU/GPU. I'd say an SSD is definitely worth it, you can get away with a small one for just your OS and then get a 1TB HDD for everything else. Just looked it up on Amazon and there were some 120GB SSDs for £35, which is like $50. The best part about self-building is getting all the parts as cheap as possible. If you haven't already used it, pcpartpicker.com is a super-handy tool that compares prices from major sellers for different parts, and tells you whether or not things are compatible. If you want to save even more, look around for second-hand monitors and cases (and maybe even other parts, but new is probably better for most of the actual PC components).
  15. Grobag

    Benchmark your rig.

    I don't know what this means really
  16. Grobag

    Headphones went kablooey

    I've had the same Gioteck Ex-05 headset for like 4 years now I think. It's got good sound quality, a good mic, is super comfy and can also work with consoles if you feel so inclined. They're pretty cheap off Amazon, the only negative reviews I've seen are about durability but mine have been fantastic. If you do get one then I'd recommend having a cable tie handy though because the leads are pretty long.
  17. Man, I sure love Walkers crisps
  18. I was forced into Windows 10 against my own will. It's pretty okay though
  19. Grobag

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Warioland 4 is really good
  20. Grobag

    Dota General

    Goddamn man. I haven't won a single ranked game since I calibrated (at 2.4k). Most of the games I didn't play too well but this last one I felt like I was on fire, then we couldn't push at all against Techies and Ember. At least the team morale was good, otherwise I probably would've killed myself about 50 minutes in
  21. Just started up a homebrew from a kit I got for Christmas. Smells a little bit beer-y already, well hyped.
  22. I left a towel outside to dry but I forgot it's January and now it's frozen. On the plus side a frozen towel looks really fucking cool, but on the downside I have a frozen towel