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Everything posted by Doopliss2008

  1. Doopliss2008

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Fallout 76 doen't even have gameplay videos out yet, I say wait and see. /optimism
  2. Doopliss2008

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    ????? more fallout before elder scrolls VI?
  3. Doopliss2008

    The Thread that Makes you go Hmmm

    Honey is also bee puke, just saying.
  4. Doopliss2008

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I mean they already have plane-girls, girls with tanks, boat girls, it would only be logical to make something with guns.
  5. Some monster put chocolate covered raisins in a chocolate covered peanuts container.


    this is the worst.

  6. Doopliss2008

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Im really tempted to get the neptunia bundle on steam, anyone has any strong opinions about it?
  7. Doopliss2008

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    TFW only legendary outside of FAL is thompson. What are your guy's friend codes anyways?
  8. Im heading to NYC in a few days, any of you nerds live near there?
  9. Doopliss2008

    The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style

    Unless I am remembering wrong, I thought M1A1 thompson was a prereg bonus, not showing up for me?
  10. Doopliss2008

    Barely Useful Superpowers

    (useful for me only) Ability to get a rusted/stuck nut/bolt/whatever bolt off everytime without it breaking, using minimal effort.
  11. Doopliss2008

    The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style

    Speaking of that game, I know I pre-registered, but the emails never showed up, even in the junk folder.
  12. Doopliss2008


    I dreamnt that there was a massive heatwave/drought, so every grass/tree etc was bone dry and flammable, some asshat then somehow started a fire that burnt down half the neighborhood for some reason.
  13. Doopliss2008

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    >boi booster pack 5 released >68 achievements and I havent even got the base 100% yet
  14. Coworker drove by it yesterday, saw the emergency vehicles there going on, and asked the dudes there.
  15. Update: Apparently some guy won a blind auction at a self storage place, opened his thing, and whatever he/she found inside was dangerous/serious enough to require that many emergency personnel. Nothing on the news yet though, so this feels like the beginning of a zombie flick or something.
  16. No idea what, but something major is going down near my area. at work, Ive been seeing way more than usual amounts of tanker trucks heading down a major street, like 5-10 an hour when nomally one or two pass a day. Then there were disturbing amount of emergency vehicles headed in the same direction, all with their lights and sirens on, including the fire chef, a hazmat team, and a special/elite emergency/rescue unit. All I know is that there are industrial parks and oil refineries in the direction they are going, nothing on the news yet.
  17. Doopliss2008


    I had a weird dream about rat-people (2-3 feet tall, rat like features) digging through my house's basement, and then coming into my house proper to steal stuff. At first, nobody noticed anything, but gradually we see doors that are normally closed left open/ missing things. (even in my dreams, I was wondering if it was carbon monoxide poisoning at first), then I finally went down to the basement to check things out, and found crate loads of assorted junk, not only from my hose, but other things I have never owned before. I then caught movement out of the corner of my eye, and I grabbed the nearest weapon, a footlong switchblade, for some reason and shouted/roared in fury. The things, being rat-like, immediately bolted to the basement storage room, where there was a tunnel built, the two-three rat-men I saw scurried away into the tunnel while a slightly bigger guard came to stop me. I swung the switchblade and took off its head, with the body "poofing" away as if its a video game, I then spied a pistol laying nearby, grabbed it, and headed into the tunnel. Then I woke up.
  18. The only problem I have with software autoupdating would be the google play services, for some reason, it would fail to do so, play store will also get bugged out, and eat what would be a 3 day battery life to 1 day on my tablet.
  19. Doopliss2008

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Got a few games for free for the switch now (discovery cashback ftw) only kirby came in so far, its stupid easy, but still neat graphics and great music, as usual. odyssey, BOTW and skyrim should arrive Soon(tm)
  20. Doopliss2008

    Welcome to our new Administrators!

    I like spuforange.
  21. Caved and got a nintendo switch. Now to think of which games to get....
  22. I might be going to new york city next month, how many of you guys live there?
  23. Bawls is pretty good imo if you can find it, also I think NOS is pretty good. Rockstar lime freeze is decent, so is monster khaos. source: work as a mechanic, used to drink 2 cans every day until I was having sleeping problems.
  24. What do you usually get/drink?