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Batty Batterson

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Everything posted by Batty Batterson

  1. Batty Batterson


    The Battle Pike is a miserable fucking place.
  2. Batty Batterson

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Should be good, as long as it doesn't suck.
  3. Batty Batterson

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Had my silliest Risk of Rain run to date.
  4. Batty Batterson


    negarep urself pls.
  5. Batty Batterson

    Binary Models

    I like the far right.
  6. Batty Batterson


    I guess I'd better hurry up with the Battle Frontier, chances are there's going to be a new one.
  7. Batty Batterson


  8. Batty Batterson

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Games should never do things simply for the sake of being realistic.
  9. Batty Batterson


    I haven't been on in a while. We need some sort of group project or something.
  10. Batty Batterson


    Most people, including myself, would just use an emulator. And I still have a Blue cartridge lying around that I keep forgetting to fix. In other news, I got my first gold symbol at the Dome.
  11. Batty Batterson

    Knights of the Old SPUF: The Empire Strikes Shaq

    I change my vote to selling clothes for sneakers.
  12. Batty Batterson

    Poker Night at the Saloon

    It was 1 PM PST.
  13. Batty Batterson

    Poker Night at the Saloon

    An hour earlier would be better for me, as it is I'd have to leave half an hour in.
  14. Batty Batterson


    Dratinis take forever to hatch.
  15. Batty Batterson


  16. Batty Batterson

    "The best flight simulation in the history of computer games"

  17. Batty Batterson


    Got pretty close to getting the Gold Symbol at the Battle Dome, lost on my eighth or ninth run through. I've transferred my save to an emulator to speed things up since I'm anticipating a lot of failure.
  18. Deliberately poured non-chunky half-n-half in my coffee.

    1. Buddhazilla


      there's a good man

    2. Sir Slick

      Sir Slick

      what even is that

    3. Buddhazilla


      half milk half heavy cream, apparently it's just an american thing

  19. Batty Batterson

    Poker Night at the Saloon

    I should be around this saturday.
  20. Batty Batterson

    Rhythm Games

    Bit.trip tho. Other than that the only other rhythm games I've played (that I can think of at least) are WarioWare Smooth Moves and Guitar Hero. Used to play a lot of Guitar Hero back in the day.
  21. Batty Batterson


  22. Batty Batterson

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I just played a Terry Cavanagh game called Naya's Quest. It was really good and I highly recommend it. It might actually be my favorite game of his, though it's been a while since I've played VVVVVV.
  23. All my q's are coming out as g's, I think witches were involved.

    1. Argeon


      it's happening

    2. <Witty Name>

      <Witty Name>

      maybe you need to step it up

    3. Simon



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  24. Batty Batterson


    I found this today.