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Everything posted by FreshHalibut

  1. FreshHalibut

    TF2 general

    I have a spare one if you want it.
  2. FreshHalibut

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    If you're getting MGS, just go straight for the Substance (MGS2) and Subsistence (MGS3) versions. MGS2:Substance has like 100+ VR missions, Snake Tales bonus missions, and that skateboard minigame. MGS3:Subsistence has the improved Camera, Metal Gear 1/2 (MSX), and a few other goodies. Just make sure MGS3:Subsistence comes with both discs, MGS2:Substance is only one disc though. Or if you have an Xbox360/PS3, you could just get the Metal Gear HD collection.
  3. FreshHalibut

    Mario Kart 8

    Somehow they turned Toad Turnpike from the worst fucking map on the planet into something reasonably fun. Kudos Nintendo. It's also nice to see the classic maps aren't just copy/pasted, but actually revamped to work with new mechanics. Gives the impression that the tracks exist in universe and weren't just plucked from the void. Lastly, I'm pretty sure the Computer cheats on 150cc cups. I know it's always supposed to have been hardmode, but goddamn.
  4. FreshHalibut

    TF2 general

    I'd just like to point out that Spy and Engi have new Pistol animations. EOTL might have weapons after all. Or maybe Aussie Christmas.
  5. FreshHalibut

    Love & War (A.K.A. Bread Update)

    Backscattergun -Sounds powerful, hope they got that accuracy nerf well adjusted. Turnshield -The flanking/picking Demoknight's new Groove Parashoes -Still sounds useful, though I hope you can cut it loose before hitting the ground. NoscopeRifle -Sounds like a more different version of the walkabout. Hoping it doesn't fire pre-charged charged shots without scoping. Domino Launcher -Sounds really good on defense because you generally get lots of kills without dying. Offense or 5cp probably not though.
  6. FreshHalibut

    Love & War (A.K.A. Bread Update)

    I want that Payload Pinball cabinet.
  7. FreshHalibut

    Love & War (A.K.A. Bread Update)

    Pauling uses at least two new (sorta) pistols. I wonder whether the Derringer or the Silenced pistol will be the back-crit scout pistol. Edit: I'm a dummy. Bet derringer is scout back-shot pistol and Silenced Pistol is the new Spy Tranq gun. Edit2: Actually, yeah. I thought it was the silenced special at first glance. Reverse gear, it's just a PBPP with a silencer.
  8. FreshHalibut

    TF2 general

    Chances are June 17: TF2 multiple day update revealed June 18: Day 2 of update revealed June 19: Steam Summer Seal begins, Third Day of update revealed, Update released
  9. FreshHalibut

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Windwaker HD, Pikmin 3, or NSMBU? Edit: Gotted WWHD, b/c I keep hearing resounding "Meh" about NSMB
  10. WiiU Get!

    1. Buddhazilla


      welcome to the family

    2. Rynjin


      Play the sirens!


    3. Idiot Cube

      Idiot Cube

      Welcome to the cool nerds club.

    4. Show next comments  102 more
  11. FreshHalibut


    Pirates are going to fondle your (poke) balls.
  12. FreshHalibut


    I'm not deciding anything until I see what the exclusives (like, megastones) are.
  13. FreshHalibut

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Thief is on sale, kind of want. Anyone care to weigh in? Don't care that it's nothing like T2, is it a pretty fun game on it's own or pretty bogus? Will probably wait for the Summer Seal anyhow because it'll definitely go at least %50 again.
  14. FreshHalibut


    Nuu Mega Metagross Meta
  15. FreshHalibut

    TF2 general

    what the shitwhy Sentry Costs 130, Dispenser costs 70. Build Dispenser, build sentry, business as usual for people not spamming aimbots. Huge nerf to people spamming aimbots. Edit: I'm anticipating a Nerf to Minisentry cost back to stock's 130, which is why this makes sense. Also is it just me or is the Highfive now a button toggle and not a button hold? Edit: Also if someone if left hanging, a highfive icon appears above their head.
  16. FreshHalibut

    TF2 general

    Thoughts on new Eureka Effect? -Changes- Can choose to teleport to spawn or your teleport exit Also works with only a teleport Exit up, don't need both teleports up. Can carry stuff now Only upgrades 12 metal a hit Only repairs half as much Hidden Upside: Can Taunt without teleporting to spawn because it has the normal wrench taunt now. Changes seem like valve is trying to make it the Ninjaneer Wrench. Crap at Tanking because downsides, sounds useful for flanking because it still builds at the same rate and you can port back to a dispenser or something instead of spawn.
  17. FreshHalibut

    Smache Brothers

    I don't know if anyone's bothered to browse, but some of the Screenshots on the Smash Website are reasonably amusing. A nod to a scene FE:A Dedede Flatulence "Cheer up Kirby, have a Galaga ship!"
  18. FreshHalibut

    Smache Brothers

    I didn't believe you until I checked for myself. Still unsure if it's real or just a troll by nintendo. Edit: And Apparently G&W is back too?
  19. FreshHalibut

    Smache Brothers

    How to win as ZSS: -Run -Hide -Spam Whip at anyone who tries approaching.
  20. FreshHalibut

    Smache Brothers

    3DS Smash looks like it might be really barebones. The Main menu only had Smash and Smash Run. Hopefully there's a little more to it than that (EG: Arcade mode, Homerun, Targets, etc)
  21. FreshHalibut

    Smache Brothers

    Venom Pilot wings stage. Edit: And the ZSS player spends the whole matching running away again.
  22. FreshHalibut


    I strongly suspect it's Electric. It turns yellow, controls rainclouds, and thunderstorms are a thing that exist. Also because of all the lightning in the trailer when it shows up.
  23. FreshHalibut

    Smache Brothers

    Still hoping Wario gets a slight redesign in SmashU More flavor from Wario World and Wario Land and less from Warioware.
  24. FreshHalibut

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Good times. I killed a lot of time watching the AI controlled Mugen fights on saltybets this year (usually backgrounded while doing something else). Saw Rare Akuma lose on occasion.
  25. Bring us the grill and wipe away the debt.

    1. Guy923



    2. Idiot Cube

      Idiot Cube

      Bring us the grill but wipe away the grease first
