Hirez went wrong. They didn't give a shit about balance and forced the whole esport thing harder than LoL ever did. They put in an absolutely disgusting pay2win system and then dropped the game like a brick the moment revenue went down. Instead of fixing stock weapons, they'd introduce unlocks which were basically the fixed stock weapons so people had to pay for them or grind for several hours. When they added new weapons, they'd make them filthy overpowered for a week or three, then nerfed them once it stopped selling; they did this 3 consecutive times before I dropped the game entirely. And of course their occasional take-ball-and-go-home-strategy, where they removed a map from the game entirely because they failed at making it balanced and then blamed the community for complaining too much. Oh, and treathening to sue anyone who tries to do some modding even a year after they dropped the game because wsdfggesj fuiwsefes hpladw