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Everything posted by Razputin

  1. Razputin

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    TF2 luckily has never done any shit like Hirez did, the closest they got was with the set hat fiasco.
  2. Razputin

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Hirez went wrong. They didn't give a shit about balance and forced the whole esport thing harder than LoL ever did. They put in an absolutely disgusting pay2win system and then dropped the game like a brick the moment revenue went down. Instead of fixing stock weapons, they'd introduce unlocks which were basically the fixed stock weapons so people had to pay for them or grind for several hours. When they added new weapons, they'd make them filthy overpowered for a week or three, then nerfed them once it stopped selling; they did this 3 consecutive times before I dropped the game entirely. And of course their occasional take-ball-and-go-home-strategy, where they removed a map from the game entirely because they failed at making it balanced and then blamed the community for complaining too much. Oh, and treathening to sue anyone who tries to do some modding even a year after they dropped the game because wsdfggesj fuiwsefes hpladw
  3. Razputin

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I occasionally play QL yeah, it's very fun And I will forever be bitter about Tribes Ascend. It could've been so perfect
  4. Razputin

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    What exactly defines an arena shooter? A shooter based on movement instead of cover. TF2, Quake, Tribes etc.
  5. Razputin

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I need a good new online shooter. Probably gonna buy CSGO soon but I'd prefer a good arena shooter I fear those don't exist at the moment sadly
  6. Do you like girly clothes? Feel like a woman trapped in a man's body? Try new Shlong-B-gone and see all your problems shrivel up and fall off

    1. Rynjin


      Stamda, that's a terrible wish. Why would you wish to be a girl for a week instead of just wishing to be able to swap back and forth? If you only wish for a week and decide you like it, you're fucked. In the latter case, if you like it you have it forever, and if you don't don't have to use it.

    2. tam


      i didn't think of that and that makes more sense

    3. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      Moose and I have already agreed that we have the best taste

    4. Show next comments  300 more
  7. Razputin

    The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style

    EDIT: Shit this is probably one of my favorite /v/ comics I haven't seen it in ages
  8. Razputin

    TF2 general

    It's been over a month now since the last time I played TF2. That's the longest in years
  9. Razputin

    The Binding of Isaac

    BoI's drops were never about balance. The chance of getting both Brimstone and Knife is low enough that occasionally getting it will somehow break the game And let's be honest, overpowered weapons are fun to use
  10. Fuck this, getting Watchdogs for free is still too expensive with all this shit Uplay is giving me

    1. <Witty Name>

      <Witty Name>

      oh christ, they're still using uplay?

  11. Razputin

    the Final Update

    So Binary's post in Slick's thread got me thinking: Imagine Valve would announce there would be only one final update before they'd stop developing stuff for TF2. After that, they would probably do some small patches to fix anything the Final Update inevitably breaks, but after that it's done. What would you want to see to be satisfied to the "end of TF2"? As for myself, I'd like to see a few balance adjustments obviously. Number 1 on the list would be nerfing BFB, and then probably some small buffs to some of the most useless weapons to make them at least fun to use. Keep them below Stock level however, to prevent eternal TF2 to be stuck with an insanely overpowered Sun on a Stick The one big thing I hope to see added before TF2 kicks the bucket is some official support for competitive matches. They shortly touche don that with dedicated Highlander classlimits on a few servers but we'd need some sort of lobby system to make it work. That would be enough to guarantee TF2 would survive another year or two on community content alone.
  12. Razputin

    the Final Update

    I kind of expected EotL to be the final update for a long time but considering how it's not canon and the comics are still running I kind of doubt it now. Moonbase map and the comics however seem to be building up to a conclusion to the TF2 lore which will probably mean an end to the update
  13. Razputin

    Smache Brothers

    I wonder how far they're gonna push this skin thing. Will we see more Fire Emblem characters als skinds for Marth and Ike? Will we see Paper Mario as a skin for Mario?
  14. I kind of miss the chat

    1. Razputin


      Do people actually use that, otherwise I wont really bother installing mumble

    2. tsc


      If people actually went on there and stayed there, I bet it would be used more often.

    3. Razputin


      there would indeed be more people in it if there were more people in it. I'll check it out soon.

    4. Show next comments  300 more
  15. Razputin


    Maynun EDIT: Surprisingly enough there is no fanart of May as a nun. You have disappointed me, internet.
  16. Razputin


    Good list. Although I think Caramel May is closer to canon than Almond. It's kind of inbetween
  17. Razputin

    Game Deals Announcement Thread

    Has there ever been a gaming franchise that sold out harder than PvZ?
  18. Razputin


    This last page will go down in the history of subspuf as the Battle of May 2014
  19. Razputin

    TF2 general

    I begrudgingly have to agree with Rynjin that the Gunslinger is balanced right now, even though it's probably my least favorite weapon to fight against bar the BFB It's still rather broken on koth, but you can't really fix that without making it useless on every single other map
  20. Razputin


  21. Razputin


    Honestly I am shocked to see how few people here have let the delicious brown into their lives yet
  22. Razputin


    I want to hug Mocha To be fair I want to hug them all but Mocha the most
  23. Razputin

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    It's definitely not a WHAM ending or anything- it's just clever. I liked how it taught you what you needed to solve the last little puzzle without making it too obvious. Anitchamber spoilers (no shit) In other, completely unrelated news, check out this enemy they cut from The Last Of Us:
  24. Razputin

    The SPUFiest Place on Earth

    bredy gud And I will never get enough of evil Gurren-glasses wearing Freud
  25. Razputin

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    It's not really the ending story-wise, but the way it is built gameplay-wise. Conveyance 'n shit. I can't really say more without spoiling plus I fear I might overhype it