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Everything posted by Wulff

  1. http://a.pomf.se/qagibo.mp4
  2. Wulff

    Dota General

    I'm running out of space for my fucking Immortals
  3. Wulff

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    By slightly more polished Gamebryo he means the Creation Engine which Bethesda cobbled together for Skyrim. It's most likely it's on that, if not something else. ​Gamebryo, Creation Engine - Whatever you choose to call it, it's basically awful. Also it's pretty damned easy to tell that it's on Gamebryo or w/e they call that engine these days, just look at the human running animations. EDIT: Also nice shitpost above my first post btw, love it.
  4. Wulff

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Yeah the Fallout trailer was less than impressive to me. I'm not even trying to pull the "le jaded internet fuckwit who hates modern video games Xddd" meme, I'm a big time fan of the Fallout series, I just have zero trust in Bethesda to not fuck this up. It's kinda bad when the only thing that stood out to me in the trailer was the old soundtrack and none of the new footage. Though I will say, that it already looks a lot better aesthetically than FO3, at least this game seems to have some fucking colour. I remain wary. EDIT: Also it's on fucking Gamebryo. I thought we were past that.
  5. Wulff


    Tracer does look like a lot of fun, it's a shame her voice makes me want to slam my head against a wall. I also really hope they do something about that gasp soundfile that triggers at several points in the game. I can't tell if it's when the player drops below 50 HP or if it's when they take a big chunk of their maximum health pool of damage, but it got really awkward in the Symmetra video, where she was taking a lot of fire while being healed by Mercy and it basically sounded like she was being dicked with the amount of gasping and groaning she was doing.
  6. Wulff

    Dota Scoreshot thread

    ​Looks like a "hard ass game" my friend, i'm happy that you won. A lot of questionable builds going on in that match, especially the Juggernaut and the CK. I don't know why people thinking building Moonshard before you're six-slotted is a thing. Vlads Ursa is also kinda bad in this game I mean maybe vs Witch Doctor or PA or other massive physical damage dealers, but leaving it at Morbid Mask is probably the realest build you can do. I also fucking hate Bloodstone Axe, but hey I guess he won this one. I think you should get another Soul Ring on Tinker, even after you finish a Bloodstone with the first one. The mana you can get from Soul Ring is insane.
  7. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    Today I watched the first three episodes of "Kekkai Sensen" or "Blood Blockade Battlefront" as it's titled in English. I found the character presentation to be a bit questionable but other than that, the show has been thoroughly enjoyable so far and it has a lot of flair. I'd say people are spot on when they compare it to shows such as "Baccano!" or "Durarara!!". It's not quite the same, but the comparisons are still apt. Love the ED too.
  8. Wulff

    Dota General

    Will you play Dota 2 again ever in the future? Then it's worth it to grab a compendium.
  9. Wulff

    Dota General

    Got everything but the golden AM bashers, fuck. Guess I'm sticking with my Arcs of Manta for now.

    1. Guy923



















    2. Silent



  11. Wulff

    Dota General

    can we talk about dota memes? this one is my favourite, it makes me roflmao every time Xddd
  12. Wulff

    Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft

    Hearthstone on Mobile is surprisingly fun. Pretty sure I've already played the mobile version for way longer than I ever played the desktop version. I've also drafted the shittiest Hunter deck ever in the arena, 2-3 here I come.
  13. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    Boys I need an anime that will make me cry like a bitch. Tears streaming down my face, eyes puffing up, snotty nose, heart writhing in agony, post-watching depression - the whole spiel. Preferably not super long (<100 episodes) For reference, the following anime have achieved this effect on me: Clannad: After StoryRurouni Kenshin OVA Tsuikohen + Seisouhen ("Samurai X" is the English title)Grave of the FirefliesA specific episode of Legend of the Galactic HeroesAnd the following anime have been recommended to me in the past under this same subject and while I did watch them, I did NOT enjoy them. Angel Beats!Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada ShiranaiThank you.
  14. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    ​That's me...
  15. Wulff

    Dota General

    I just realized I made some mistakes in the winrate rankings. Oh well, it was 3 in the morning when I did this shit. Also The Summit 3 is good entertainment, you should watch it if you can find the time.
  16. Wulff

    Dota General

    I was bored so I stalked everyone on Dotabuff. Please bear in mind when you read these numbers that I don't know the detail of every single match. You might've had several games where you were a support Elder Titan or a support Necrophos, but I counted those heroes as non-supports. You might also have had games as mid Lina or mid Nyx, I counted those heroes as supports. All data taken from Dotabuff, total number of games include abandons. I shaved the decimals when calculating total support games played because I am lazy. Also human error. If you really got into the nitty-gritty, your numbers would probably come out different, but not by a lot I imagine.
  17. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    Shokugeki no Souma Probably my favourite show this season. A stupid over the top shounen set in a high school with maybe just a little bit of ecchi. The main character is the son of a chef in a small diner who is sent to the most prestigious culinary school in Japan, where students have to constantly fight for the right to remain there in cook offs known as 'shokugeki'. The cool part is how much actual attention to detail goes on in the cooking sequences. The shounen part of it comes from how the protag gets around a certain obstacle at the last second (having limited ingredients, having his meat sabotaged by an antagonist dumping a load of salt on it) and the way he gets around it is usually very clever. But it's all stuff you can actually do yourself, all of the recipes used are available to use (they're printed in the manga, I think). Well, I say you can do it yourself, but the food you make probably won't have the same effect on those who eat it as it does in the show. Unless they're really turned on by food. It's fantastic and it looks so good that it just makes me hungry watching it. Would really recommend it. ​
  18. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    Hey kids, it's me again, back to blog about dank animaymays for all the cool kids in the club. I've been away from this board for a while, so I have a lot of shit I need to write about. First up is a long anime, so I think I'll leave my thoughts and comments on the other stuff I've been watching for another time, as this post will be very long. Hunter X Hunter (2011)
  19. Wulff

    Dota General

    ​sounds dank af fam.
  20. Wulff

    Dota General

    ​Warding is one of the things in Dota 2 that takes a while to get a feel for. Where you should be warding will change depending on the situation in the game you're playing, the same goes for when you should be warding. The three most common types of warding are: Defensive WardingOffensive WardingRiver WardingDefensive warding is primarily focused on giving you and your allies vision on your side of the map. You usually ward defensively when you're playing up against heavily gank-oriented lineups or if you're playing with extremely farm-dependent cores (Hyper carries such as Spectre for example). Common ward spots for defensive wards are at the entrances to your team's Jungle and your team's ancient creeps. Defensive warding is also usually the thing you do if you're behind and wish to take engagements near your own towers and your own highground, for maximum efficiency. Offensive warding is the exact opposite. It focuses on giving you and your allies vision on the enemy side of the map, so you can get easy pick-offs on enemy cores either in lane or in jungle. Offensive warding is usually done when you're playing a heavily gank-oriented lineup, which relies on getting kills to snowball or if the enemy team has a heavy farming hyper carry that needs to be shut down. Offensive warding is also good for sniping couriers and in general getting intel on how the enemy team are progressing in terms of items. Usually offensive wards are placed in the enemy jungle, near the enemy ancient creeps, in between towers in enemy lanes or in the enemy base... Outside of tower range of course. River warding is what the name implies, wards that overlook the river. They fall into a mixture of both defensive and offensive wards, as the river is the middle-ground of the map. River wards are probably the most commonly placed wards in the entire game as they are used to keep tabs on rune spawns, jungle entrances, river ganks and Roshan. It is very standard at all skill levels of Dota, to place one of your two starting wards as a river ward. Arguably, River wards are the most "value for money" wards, as a single ward can give you information on runes, Roshan and incoming ganks through the river, That being said, they're also the ward type most susceptible to being dewarded, so be ready to defend them if it comes to that. There are also some less common warding types such as Lane wards or Camp wards. Lane wards are used to give your cores a helping hand by granting them vision over their entire lane, making incoming teleports to the enemy tower and enemy support rotations easy to see. Camp wards are used to block enemy jungle/ancient creep camps. Strong if you want to mess with the enemy jungler's progression or if you want to prevent the enemy supports from pulling, but mainly relevant to offlane core players. As for when you should be warding: Usually when there's a spot of downtime in your game. If a big teamfight has occurred or if your team is invading the enemy jungle, grab some wards and plant them while you're safe around your allies. Ideally, you always want to have wards active on the map.
  21. Wulff

    Dota Scoreshot thread

    come on, meme it up.
  22. I'm out boys. Thanks for the three years. I'll go join my friends Nitzan, Marcus and Insectan, wherever they may be today.
  23. Wulff

    Dota General

    I don't actually think this is too farm off from the truth...