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Everything posted by Wulff

  1. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    SO WHATS ON THE MENU FOR NEXT SEASON BOYS? Personally I will be looking into Boku Dake ga Inai Machi (Sounds good, no idea if it will deliver) Dagashi Kashi (Romcom otaku-pandering pick of the season) Dimension W (Most excited for) Musaigen no Phantom World (Which I honestly believe will be shit, but it's the KyoAni show of the season, so I want to watch it)
  2. Wulff


    what the fuck even is this thread at this point.
  3. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    New Berserk project being announced this Friday. Tentative hype for now.
  4. Wulff


    I had a dream a couple of days ago, but it might honestly have been a vision of my death. I was sitting a military transport with a bunch of other guys, we're in full gear and all. I have no fucking idea where this truck is going, but I guess you don't get to ask many questions in the army anyway. After a short drive, the truck stops and we all get unloaded in this really large pinewood forest. It's evening, pretty dark and the snow was falling gently. There was already like knee-deep snow when we got out, so walking around was really difficult. Me and the guys in the truck were basically the fresh-faced recruits and everyone else already in the area seemed like they had been through some shit. After standing around trying to keep warm for a good fifteen minutes, us new guys all get taken around to our positions. I got told to jump in a foxhole on the front of the line together with one of the veteran guys. The guy in my foxhole isn't paying any fucking attention to me, so I start making really awkward small-talk. After about thirty seconds of me talking about myself, the guy asks me if I smoke. I tell him that I do and then he tells me to grab one so I can shut the fuck up. So I pull out a cigarrette from my chest pocket and light it while the other guy just stares at me. After I had inhaled a couple of times, he shakes his head, pulls out his own cigarrette, lights it and then tells me that his shit is way better than mine. He offers me his cigarette, I accept it and inhale. As I'm smoking his cigarette, I'm amazed at how gentle it feels on my throat and how nice it tastes in general. I was really fucking surprised at how good it felt to smoke that cigarette and then suddenly I could hear the ringing of incoming artillery shells, I looked up and a second later everything exploded and I woke up from my dream. Maybe I shouldn't join the army next year.
  5. Wulff


    kill urself honestly fam. its ok, i can say that, we're friends.
  6. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    Shokugeki no Souma Season 2 confirmed. tfw u will never be a japanese delinquent.
  7. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    Welcome to another installment of "Wulff talks in length about an anime he watched and finished recently". Now I do believe that I talked about the first season of this anime at some point in this thread, but seeing as I am technologically impaired and can't figure out how to work the Search function, I can't be 100% certain. The anime of today is Black Lagoon... And the OVA. When I was still just getting into anime on a whole over two years ago, the first season of Black Lagoon was one of the first 10 anime I ever watched. I seem to recall at the time, that I honestly wasn't too impressed by it. It was fine, but nothing more than that. I liked Rebecca and her two Cutlass pistols. Having since that time watched (literally) hundreds of anime series/films/OVA's and developed a bit more of a personalized taste for anime, as opposed to when I first started and just watched anything recommended to me by anyone, I figured it was time to return to Black Lagoon. You see, I like guns. Any sort of story which takes place in modern times, involves guns and prefferably has some kind of military/mercenary/espionage theme, I am guaranteed to enjoy. And from what I remembered of Black Lagoon, it fit the bill. So I set out on my journey to not only re-watch the first season, but also continue and finally finish the series, by watching the second season and the OVA as well. Here's how it went. It's great, watch it if you enjoy over-the-top action and cool gunfights. EDIT: Oh and this is one of the few anime where I think you genuinely get a better experience out of watching the dub. Not only is the dub relatively well done, but 98% of the characters that appear in Black Lagoon aren't even Japanese anyway and sound a lot better speaking English.
  8. Wulff

    Stupid shit you've done

    This story contains spoilers for Harry Potter, so I guess if you're not familiar with the full extent of the story and don't want to be spoiled, don't click it.
  9. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    Is that the one where it took an entire war with witches before people finally realized that guns can kill things really well, yet despite this one of the main-characters uses a sword for no conceivable reason? ​Yes and the one where a high-school girl (who looks more like a middle-schooler) lugs around a 50. Rifle seemingly with ease and "a hero summoned from the past" is actually just a mech.
  10. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    If you value your time, stay away from the anime "Anti-Magic Academy 35th Test Platoon". It's otaku-pandering of the worst kind and the characters are straight up stereotypes with no depth.
  11. Wulff

    attacks in Paris

    tfw youre caught in the middle of a terrorist attack in a european city and all you can think about is how they're all using a mish-mash of weapon calibres, can't easily share ammo and have essentially manyfolded their own logistical work.
  12. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    Finished Psycho-Pass 2 just now. Considering how much enjoyment I got out of the original Psycho-Pass, it pains me to say that PP2 is a poor sequel. Not in the sense that it paled in comparison to the original, but still managed to at least carry on the torch, but more in the sense that it was really just poor. The original Psycho-Pass was an entertaining and thrilling anime series centered around a futuristic, dystopian society in the year 2113, ruled by the utilitarian "Sibyl System" which values the collective happiness of society over the individual and enforces some rather harsh parameters in order to maintain public mental health. PP2 is the same, except all the good characters from the original season are sidelined to the extreme and speak maybe a collective 100 lines of dialogue throughout the anime. Instead new characters are pushed to the front of the show and unfortunately they're all exceptionally low quality. The only real returning character with any sort of respectable screentime is the protagonist of the original PP, Akane Tsunemori. A resolute Inspector of the Public Bureau of Safety (Which is essentially the FBI of this future society). Once again she picks up the mantle of the protagonist and thankfully she actually manages to be quite an interesting character throughout PP2, because she has actually grown and changed from her original self in the first PP. More confident, more stalwart and less afraid of taking action, Akane is easily one of my favourite anime protagonists. Unfortunately, while she has changed from PP > PP2, within the duration of the sequel, her character does not grow at all. She remains static, which considering the events that take place in PP2, is quite impressive if not downright unbelieveable. New characters to the series include Sakuya Tougane, an Enforcer within the Public Bureau of Safety who is a lot more than what meets the eye and Mika Shimotsuki, a rookie Inspector who essentially fills the same role as Akane did in the original PP series. Tougane was initially my favourite new character and as the series progressed, he honestly became my overall favourite. Unfortunately, in the second half of the anime, the writers completely dropped the ball and Tougane's character completely shattered to a point where I was genuinely dumbfounded at their lack of creativity. That's not unique to Tougane however, as the series in general just took a dip in the second half and is the main reason why I consider PP2 a "poor sequel". As for Shimotsuki, it's clear that the writers intended for her to be some sort of poster-child for the Sibyl System. A citizen who is willing to completely leave her fate in the hands of the system, because she has never known anything else her entire life and change scares her. I can see where they wanted to go with her character, but unfortunately she just ended up being really damn annoying... All the time... In every single episode. There is nothing likeable about Mika Shimotsuki and she never seems to apply any sort of logic or reasoning to anything that she does and sometimes you have to wonder if she's just plain stupid. Because of this, any development that she gets is pretty much overshadowed by the viewer's burning desire to slap her across the face. Also new to the series is the main antagonist, Kirito Kamui. I can't talk much about him without spoiling central points to the anime, but I will say that he is essentially just a watered-down replica of the villain from the first series. The original villain in Psycho-Pass was charismatic and interesting, whereas Kirito Kamui is just kind of the same character except with a lot less charisma and a lot less impact value, because all the shit that he does is shit we saw the original villain of PP do. He's boring and he possesses so many different skills that it becomes hard to understand just what exactly his character is supposed to be. And in the end, that is what PP2 boils down to. A less smart, less interesting and less original COPY of the original. The plot is in its essence centered around the same thing and the various issues which the Public Bureau of Safety face are in their essences, the same issues they faced in the original PP. Because of that, PP2 kinda stops being interesting around episode 7, when you come to the realization: "Oh, I've seen this before". Not to mention that the directing is constructed a lot worse in PP2, to the point where one scene (Which is supposed to be emotional and shocking) ends up being laughable, simply because it is over-dramatized to the extreme. Worse characters, worse plot, worse resolution. In all aspects Psycho-Pass 2 fails. Had the original season been of this low quality, I would never have recommended it to anyone. As it stands, if you're interested in Psycho-Pass, watch the first season and enjoy yourself, because it is genuinely good. Watch PP2 only if you want to bear witness to a trainwreck.
  13. Wulff

    attacks in Paris

    ​I agree with this. I don't usually care for his opinions and I am certain that his statement regarding Islam could have been articulated better, but did he really deserve a ban? As for the Paris situation, my heart goes out to France and her people. I also think people are getting caught up in the debate about Islam as a whole way too quickly. Must we go through all the usually regurgitated knee-jerk responses to muslim extremist attacks that we always do? Of course anyone with even the slightest amount of sensibility realizes that terrorists =/= all muslims. Can we calm the defense squad down ever so slightly. This isn't about Islam as a whole, currently it's about establishing the facts and recognizing that something terrible happened in the heart of a European nation and that it could happen again. Arguing Islam on an international scale isn't going to solve anything other than stating facts and coming across as daft.
  14. Wulff

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    ​For a long time. I am not exactly a fan of Bethesda and their games, but I do recognize the fact that Fallout 4 is not the irredeemable pile of garbage that metacritic/4chan users would have the rest of the internet believe. I'm a big fan of the series and I am looking forward to playing the game once I get a rig that can run it properly. I have been reading some things about FO4 which makes me furrow my brows though, I just don't want to call shit out until I've actually played through the game myself.
  15. Wulff

    Fallout 4

    ​Is it true that weapons don't degrade in this game? I've also heard that the whole shelter/settlement/base stuff you can build and customize isn't really all that incentivized or even useful bar a couple of sidequests, what do you think?
  16. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    Finished Heaven's Feel, which means I'm technically done with Fate/stay night. This was the final time for all three routes together... That being said, I've still only seen 3/5 endings, so there's still a lot of content left for me to sift through if I am interested. Which I probably will be, just not tonight. There's been enough suffering tonight. Bring on Fate/hollow ataraxia I guess? EDIT: It begins.
  17. that moment when you suddenly realize that your flatmate's girlfriend of several months is actually cute as fuck and will also be living with you for the foreseeable future.

    penis, cease your actions this goddamned instant!

    1. Idiot Cube

      Idiot Cube

      This is just like one of my American animes!

    2. John Caveson

      John Caveson

      Let the awkward silences and love triangles commence on this season of Wulffman

  18. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    The exact reason I'm curious to watch this show. I personally enjoyed Hellsing Ultimate very much. Now the question is whether or not it's going to take them almost 7 years to finish this one!​ ​I won't pretend to be fully "in the know" regarding this anime so don't quote me on this, but I believe that the reason there are seemingly characters from a mish-mash of different eras of history is because the premise centers around temporal displacement to some degree. Why and how people are torn from their respective dimensions, I'm not really sure about, but they end up banding up together in this new fantastical world they enter (the one with elves in it) and forge new lives. This is the MAL synopsis Shimazu Toyohisa, whilst involved at the Battle of Sekigahara, manages to mortally wound Ii Naomasa, but is critically wounded in the process. As he walks from the field broken and bleeding, Toyohisa finds himself transported to a corridor of doors, where a bespectacled man at a desk waits for him. This man, Murasaki, sends Toyohisa into the nearest door where he wakes up in another world. There, Toyohisa meets other great warriors like him who have been transported as well, to be part of a group known as "Drifters."
  19. ​Go (ch)air force for maximum comfy. ​I'm afraid it's the army for me. Even if I had a particular desire to be a part of the air force (or the navy for that matter) of this country, they have no available space until 2017, according to the people I spoke to today. Not that I mind too much. Regular army was pretty much what I had in mind from the beginning.
  20. ​ What are you looking to do? Shoot people with rifles? Shoot people with artillery? Shoot people with sniper rifles? Cook food for the people that shoot people? ​Honestly I don't have much of an idea. I'm at a part in my life where the plans I had made for my future have fallen apart and I am feeling very uncertain about a lot of things. I enjoyed my time as a conscript four years ago but chose not to continue with the military because at the time I had my mind set on university. I know somewhat what to expect because I've already been through basic once before in my life and both my father and grandfather were in the military for a large part of their lives. So in essence I am going there to see what they've got for me.