I just had a game wherein I snowballed out of control with Centaur. I was in lane with a Leshrac, versus a TB Profit lane(they also had Drow mid, and Weaver LS bot on Dire). Both are squishy as hell at level, so as soon as Lesh landed his stun on TB, I stun, ez First Blood. It was all downhill for them from there. I stalked the Prophet in the jungle and got about 2 kills doing it, then he switched to lane with TB. Didn't save either of them. Had Blink by 10 minutes. Roamed a bit, got more kills,got my Hood. Farmed a bit, got my Halberd. Any attempts to pick off teammates were met with a literal thunder of hooves and an axe to the face(teammates did get picked off, but they paid dearly). Halfway into building a Shiva's, I go F it, building Satanic. I was able to kill both Weaver, Lifestealer, and Prophet solo from 600 hp when the courier delivered it to me as I was running away. Ended 24/1/10.
TL;DR. Centaur is scary when he snowballs.