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Napkin Dust

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Everything posted by Napkin Dust

  1. Poundfist, where art thou, Poundfist?(I have not slept for 12 hours)

  2. Napkin Dust

    Dota General

    Other Pubstompers: Riki: countered by 150/180/200/900 gold items and game sense Spirit Breaker: countered by 150 gold items and game sense Pudge: countered by 150 gold items and game sense Slark: countered by Silencer, lots of stuns, tanky heroes, 150 gold items, and game sense PA: countered by a 5400 gold item that is really only effective on the cores/carries of the team(a support with a mkb isn't going to do much in terms of damage(then again if they were able to farm a mkb maybe not), and that's only the evasion part of her passive can't be countered by wards unless you constantly check the areas their vision covers requires your team to be smart in item choices(blademails before she has bkb, ghost scepters/sheep sticks on supports who can afford it, halberd on cores/carries, mkbs everywhere) requires your team to be smart in hero picks(either pick a shitload of magic damage, stuns, or bkb piercing spells.or pick bristle and centaur) game sense can't do much when the world's fastest and lowest cd dagger comes flying out of the fog and crits you before getting crit for the remaining 40% of your health Don't really know what I getting at here, mostly rambling because of the amount of PAs I've had to deal with. But I agree she takes a lot more to counter than other pubstompers, thus can get away with a lot in most pubs compared to something like Riki or SB.
  3. Pockets are truly a gift to mankind.

    1. Argeon


      Outrageous. Pockets... Truly outrageous.

  4. Napkin Dust

    Dota General

    Sounds interesting. I'm not sure if I'm ready to see PA in every game, instead of every other game. pls give tips(aside from picking Oracle every game)
  5. Napkin Dust

    World of Warcraft

    It's not so much the problem of knowing what to do, the problem is Area 52. But from what I've seen of streams and such, the leveling looks pretty fun on Alliance. Horde side seemed to have a lot of "Go talk to X", but may be more enjoyable since I'm a bit of a lore nerd.
  6. Napkin Dust

    World of Warcraft

    Despite not having the expansion yet(physical copy), I made the horrible, horrible mistake of leaving my shaman flying in front of the Dark Portal. I am prepared to not be able to log onto him for a couple days. Good thing I'll be maining my DK who's chilling in Org.
  7. Napkin Dust

    Dota General

    There is no better feeling than playing Kotl with an amazing Techies. (I've also noticed that the Russian players I run into tend to be very good and nice.)
  8. Napkin Dust

    Dota General

    The only time I've gone halberd and blademail is on Centaur, as the ultimate middle finger to anyone who thinks they can kill you(or to shutdown a team with two carries/right clickers). I generally halberd first, then as soon as it wears off and they think they can attack, blademail. I blademail earlier in teamfights if needed, but it's always amusing to see a Sniper or Huskar think they can solo you, then get killed by the ridiculous amount of damage return. Granted I'm still in what I assume is considered the trench(haven't played a single game of ranked, but in my unranked games the players are at a tier where they'll creep block, deward, smoke, etc).
  9. Any day besides Thursday is fine for me, since on Thursday I'm on campus until 10pm. 11pm on Thursday is still fine.
  10. Napkin Dust

    Dota General

    I just had a game wherein I snowballed out of control with Centaur. I was in lane with a Leshrac, versus a TB Profit lane(they also had Drow mid, and Weaver LS bot on Dire). Both are squishy as hell at level, so as soon as Lesh landed his stun on TB, I stun, ez First Blood. It was all downhill for them from there. I stalked the Prophet in the jungle and got about 2 kills doing it, then he switched to lane with TB. Didn't save either of them. Had Blink by 10 minutes. Roamed a bit, got more kills,got my Hood. Farmed a bit, got my Halberd. Any attempts to pick off teammates were met with a literal thunder of hooves and an axe to the face(teammates did get picked off, but they paid dearly). Halfway into building a Shiva's, I go F it, building Satanic. I was able to kill both Weaver, Lifestealer, and Prophet solo from 600 hp when the courier delivered it to me as I was running away. Ended 24/1/10. TL;DR. Centaur is scary when he snowballs.
  11. Did Steam just explode for anyone else?

  12. Napkin Dust

    Facade has a crack at streaming

    If you want music to play during the stream, Above and Beyond: Group Therapy is a Trance podcast, and each one is about 2 hours long, give or take.
  13. Napkin Dust

    Dota General

    I just had the best game of Dota in my life. The game became 3v5 after our Jugg and Zeus dc'd about 15 minutes in, and the rest was history. ID is 866243737 if you want to see it. Would this go in the Scoreshot thread?
  14. Napkin Dust

    How we hold our mice

    Fingertip, as my fingers are much to long to palm grip. When/if I get another mouse, I'll probably get one I can palm grip on.
  15. Napkin Dust

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    It looks stupid fun. I'll probably wait till online multiplayer is a thing before getting it, but seeing how fun it is even with bots is making me want to just get it now.
  16. Napkin Dust

    Dota General

    Played my very first(technically two, but that game was such a feedfest and stomp it's not worth mentioning) game of Dota today, with fyp and friends. Our team was Weaver, Dazzle, Jakiro, Legion Commander, and Drow. Enemy team was Pudge, Sniper, Alchemist, Disruptor, and Pugna. Went 4/14/19 as the Dazzle. My graves saved many lives, unfortunately none were mine. We lost the game as the Alchemist got too tanky for any of us to handle. Game went 60+ minutes. But it was fun anyway. Maybe too fun.
  17. Napkin Dust

    The International 4

    You can watch it in-game without a Compendium, but you won't win any items for multi-kills/first blood/etc., and possibly miss out on compendium exclusive things.(Emotes, weather, and other such things)
  18. Napkin Dust

    The International 4

    [spoiler2] (Should this be spoilered?) TECHIES[/spoiler2]
  19. Napkin Dust

    The International 4

    [spoiler2]The come back in that DK vs. LGD game was amazing.(I'm still rooting for DK.)[/spoiler2]
  20. Napkin Dust

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I happened to win a copy of Awesomenauts from a giveaway. How do?
  21. Napkin Dust

    Dota General

    I just noticed that due to a new laptop, I can play Dota. Help.
  22. Woo, graduated from highschool. Now to sleep for the next 2 months.

    1. Idiot Cube

      Idiot Cube

      Congratulations! It only gets harder from here.

  23. Napkin Dust

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I'm currently being reminded why I never tried to get the extra characters for Mario Party 8. Painfully.
  24. Napkin Dust


    Ruby, Brendan, and most likely Treecko because of the grip Sceptile has on my heart after the Mystery Dungeon games. It'll also be the first time I've chosen a grass starter.
  25. Napkin Dust

    Dota General

    I'd buy it. In other news, due to how sporadically I watch competitive games(I don't watch rebroadcasts since I'm lazy), trying to keep track of roster changes is driving me crazy.