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The Last Templar

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Everything posted by The Last Templar

  1. The Last Templar

    Elder Scrolls Online

    i was interested in this game until they said there will be a subscription fee for the game when it's released
  2. The Last Templar

    The Reppies / Replayyies

    the only problem with this is that it requires the use of the replay editor which is terrible otherwise it sounds great
  3. The Last Templar

    share your worst jokes

    seen on a whiteboard in a lab: "Screw physics!" "With how much torque?"
  4. The Last Templar

    TF2 general

    so i started tf2 and got one of the new chemistry sets right away but of course since Valve hates me it requires strange mantreads and no one wants it
  5. The Last Templar

    What'cha been playing?

    let's face it, the best part of burnout is the crashes. it's been that way since the original (which was the first video game i played)
  6. The Last Templar

    Planetside 2

    hmm this may actually inspire me to try the game out i played the beta for like 10 minutes, couldn't figure out how to leave the base or get over 10 fps
  7. The Last Templar

    Deus Ex Series

    double post thanks bad connection
  8. The Last Templar

    Deus Ex Series

    I really like the original best, despite its kinda dated graphics. It just seemed to provide more options for traversing levels and actual melee. My favorite one-liner has to be "My vision is augmented" My favorite character would be a tie between Jensen and JC but then I saw that fantastic animated video about Paul Denton and so it's a three-way tie now I think the prison level is my favorite map, it has so many places to go and then there was the surprise at the end.
  9. The Last Templar

    Global Warming Caused By Abortion

    what global warming
  10. The Last Templar

    Game Deals Announcement Thread

    look at that rich loser, spending all his money on video games he should find something meaningful to do with his life
  11. The Last Templar

    Game Deals Announcement Thread

    new humble bundle incoming, features Batman http://www.pcgamer.com/2013/11/05/next-humble-bundle-showcases-the-warner-bros
  12. The Last Templar

    ITT We Appreciate Good Video Game Music

    I was listening to the Brothers soundtrack this morning... the main theme is just great.
  13. The Last Templar


    aww i thought we were talking about tropical fruit
  14. The Last Templar

    Apparently this is a thing

    well hello there
  15. The Last Templar

    TF2 general

    i like how he just dies at the end
  16. The Last Templar

    TF2 general

    they remind me too much of the internet to be funny :epic: :epic:
  17. The Last Templar

    TF2 general

    Who didn't saw that fucking coming.
  18. The Last Templar

    TF2 2013 Halloween Update

    maybe valve just wants me to switch to counter strike instead of tf2. at least i'd be safe from this stupdity.
  19. The Last Templar

    ITT We Appreciate Good Video Game Music

    All the sound design in Rayman Origins is amazing, but this one level's soundtrack in particular has become one of my all-time favorite pieces of game music.
  20. i pay how many thousand dollars to this university and still they can't afford real internet.

    1. Medic


      Cutting corners to save money?

  21. The Last Templar

    So, Skyrim...

    i too was playing daggers-only on my current character, when i discovered how hilariously fun tf2 spy in skyrim is with the invisibility spell.
  22. The Last Templar

    subSPUF takes over the world (Huge Civ 5 match)

    i know nothing about civ 5 and would be happy to play as long as I get to be cuba or some other dictatorship
  23. The Last Templar

    TF2 general

    the spray crashing exploit still lives