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Everything posted by kayohgee

  1. GIMP it was just really hastily, sloppily assembled like most of the dumb shit I post here hence leaving a pair of eyes in the wrong spot
  2. sorry sorry i think i got it right this time?
  3. NEXT TIME ON BRITTANY'S SHITTY DRAWING; I attempt to draw a triangle by hand. i'd still hit it also i just realized i left a pair of eyes on her tits but that just makes me want to hit it even harder
  4. cube it's a catgirl with huge tits no one is paying attention to the sides of her head
  5. i'm gonna stab you in the eye with a foreign object. bop ba-da-da bop bop ba-da.

    1. kayohgee


      no one listens to the mountain goats here?

    2. <Witty Name>

      <Witty Name>

      Sharp! I'm going to give you sharp!

    3. ICBMoose


      I listen to the mountain goats a little because my former stepdad worked for them at one point

    4. Show next comments  57 more
  6. I blame guy.

    1. Guy923


      Even I don't get that childish.

  7. I'm sorry I'll stop shitposting And he never posted again.
  8. i guess you'd know all about being a flaming faggot, huh
  9. http://iga.in.gov/legislative/2015/bills/senate/101/#document-a92866e9
  10. kayohgee

    Movie Thread

    It Follows was a pretty damn good movie. I didn't find it scary but it was suspenseful as hell, it did a good job of eliciting some real dread. Not to mention the cinematography was great too, which usually isn't the case with a lot of horror movies.
  11. I'm being completely serious. If he's weirding you out just weird harder. If you meet him on the same ground it'll either get him to back off, or help you feel less like you're getting fucked with and more like it's a game or something. An easy way to accomplish this is to invite him here. because that worked out so well last time jk britt
  12. I'm being completely serious. If he's weirding you out just weird harder. If you meet him on the same ground it'll either get him to back off, or help you feel less like you're getting fucked with and more like it's a game or something.
  13. That's a story for another day.
  14. You just have to out-creep him and he'll probably stop. My brother went through this weird phase where he kept threatening to shove stuff up my ass as a joke. One day he and I were having some kind of argument, so he grabbed a golf club and yelled "if you don't stop I'm going to shove this golf club so far up your ass!" So I held eye contact with him, put on a creepy smile and just said "Promise?" There were no more butt jokes after that.
  15. kayohgee

    share your worst jokes

    oh god
  16. kayohgee

    Payday General

    Good. Just keep it that way. Those icons look like complete shit crammed together, anyway.
  17. kayohgee

    Payday General

    The Flamer is fun as hell. As long as you have a good secondary it definitely isn't a gimmicky liability either (which I kind of assumed it would be). My only complaint is that I burn through ammo so quickly because sometimes it's difficult to tell if I'm actually hitting anything or what kind of damage I'm doing. I'm guessing that's just a matter of getting used to it. I like the new Shotgun but I don't know how often I'm actually gonna use it for anything. Dragon Breath rounds seem very hit or miss. I'm not sure exactly what the mechanics are but it seems half the time I shot people they didn't even catch on fire. I noticed that more with tans and specials though. It doesn't seem to add much of an advantage over regular, HE or AP rounds. They're fun and I think that's about it. Molotovs seem kinda wimpy. I'll probably just stick with grenades. I haven't used the Piglet yet but it looks crazy. I'm going to assume the accuracy will make it a lot less reliable over distance than the GL-40, but that's rarely an issue. I'd say worth the five bucks. I'm glad Overkill did something interesting with this one.