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Everything posted by kayohgee

  1. kayohgee

    In which we post the randomest shit we find on YouTube.

    Darude - Sandstorm
  2. kayohgee

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    This, and my first console games were Metroid Prime and Super Mario Sunshine.
  3. kayohgee

    The IT thread.

    Does anyone have experience or know anything about Steam Family Sharing? I want to share my library with my brother, but I also sync my games up to the cloud. Does that mean if my brother installs and plays a game from my library that he could potentially be fucking around with my account/saved games?
  4. kayohgee

    TIAM: Entertainment Stuff

    Apparently the Master Vampire (if you can call them that, exactly) in The Strain is voiced by Robin Atkin Downes, better known as The Medic. Just noticed it in the opening credits today.
  5. kayohgee


    Yeah, as far as PVE goes melee weapons are the way to go. They're silent, they do good damage and they never run out of ammo. I found a katana early on and carving through hordes of the undead is usually a cakewalk. I carry around a Deagle, a shotgun and an assault rifle and I think I've used the Deagle once through the entire game, and that was only because I wanted to use the noise to draw a horde of zombies out to clear a town instead of going house to house like a schmuck.
  6. kayohgee

    Sig Size Restrictions

    Am I correct in assuming 20 pixels above the height limit won't be considered egregious?
  7. kayohgee


    The inventory system definitely needs to be changed/streamlined. At the moment it seems like the game is going with a "realistic" ammo system. So if you have one clip with four bullets loaded in the gun and a second clip with one bullet and you reload, you end up with... one bullet. I lost a shitload of handgun ammo before I realized this. EDIT: So apparently clips and bullets aren't ammo types, but separate items altogether. You find things out in the wild called "Civilian bullets" or "Military bullets" and you actually have to combine them with the appropriate clip to get a full one. As far as the "what to do" is concerned, it's a survival game. As long as you don't die you're pretty much doing it right. If there's any kind of endgame I'd say it's building a base that's self sustaining. I've found a few items like seeds so I'm assuming you can farm plants for food and stuff like that. I haven't been playing long, but for beginners the best thing to do is probably to find a decent melee weapon. If you try to carry around guns and ammo before you get a backpack you won't have room for food and water and other shit you need. Grab an axe or something for starters. The zombies are so stupid that kiting them into a single file line and bashing their brains in one by one is pretty easy.
  8. kayohgee

    In which we post the randomest shit we find on YouTube.

    It's a nine minute video and I'm not watching that shit for nine minutes. Does his head explode eight minutes in? Otherwise it's pretty much just a kid being cute as far as I can tell.
  9. kayohgee

    Movie Thread

  10. kayohgee


    I had a dream the other day where I was a Time Lord. I was dating a Time Lady but in this weirdly non-linear way with me zipping around in my TARDIS fucking all of her regenerations through different periods of history. It was a good dream. It was a really weird, good dream.
  11. kayohgee

    The F2P Model

    I think putting non-cosmetic items up for sale is not good, but acceptable, as long as there's an alternate way to get them for free.
  12. kayohgee

    The F2P Model

    I have mixed feelings about it overall, but I think F2P can be a good business model for game developers and the consumer if done correctly. This probably goes without saying, but TF2 balances its F2P aspects pretty well. There are legitimate, free ways to get most of the weapons in the game and balance issues aside, the intent of the developer is to introduce sidegrades so people can pay for early access to new play styles and options, not necessarily advantages. The main issue I have with it even when it is how it affects new content, which really becomes a mixed bag. One on hand, F2P helps out a game's longevity because players will keep paying as long as developers update the game. On the other hand, this encourages the devs (and really, makes it necessary for them in some cases) to flood the game with bullshit gimmick items. Unless they charge for map packs, weapons or game modes, which are all fucking terrible things to put behind a pay wall, developers aren't going to put as much time and energy into those kinds of updates, or they'll become less frequent. In that way I think the model definitely causes a quantity over quality issue. Going F2P doesn't just make the game free, but in many ways cheapens the overall experience as well.
  13. kayohgee

    Doctor Who

    Should be on TPB. The episode's called "Deep Breath". Just FYI, this version is a pre-air screen test kind of thing, so most of the CGI is laughably unfinished, the music isn't all there (in several scenes they use tracks from The Dark Knight as a placeholder which is pretty weird), the new title sequence isn't included, it's in black and white and it has a watermark. That being said, if you just want to watch the episode to see what Capaldi's going to be like, it's worth ignoring the faults.
  14. kayohgee

    Doctor Who

    Has anyone watched the leaked premiere yet? I won't spoil anything, but Twelve is great. I'm very excited for this next season.
  15. kayohgee

    Forum Changes - Early July 2014

    Dammit, you can't make those jokes, we have someone who's colorblind! I guess I forgot to check my privilege.
  16. kayohgee

    Forum Changes - Early July 2014

    I'm beginning to suspect binary might be color blind.
  17. You're all strange.

    1. FrozenFirebug


      if this is a fucking pun i will find you

    2. Skye


      Well, I DO keep count every time I kill someone...

    3. Spycicle


      are we mildly menacing

    4. Show next comments  147 more
  18. kayohgee

    subSPUFCraft 2: The Revengeance

    Just FYI, I have an assload of certain types of items (including some harder to find ones) so I've set up a little "store" thing near spawn where I'll be periodically dropping off free stuff like records, horse armor, arrows, enchant books and shit like that.
  19. kayohgee

    Forum Changes - Early July 2014

    If the rep system's already based on TF2/Valve, why not just make the colors TF2 themed? For instance: Valve for admin Collector's for Mods Community for Donators Regular for the rest of us plebs or something. I don't think there are any colors in that palate save for maybe Haunted and Unique that are too garish.
  20. kayohgee

    Forum Changes - Early July 2014

    Riight, I forgot cosmetic ranks are a thing now. I think the Holiday Punch ones work a lot better, actually. That or just the normal strange ranks.
  21. kayohgee

    Forum Changes - Early July 2014

    Why are we all clothes now
  22. kayohgee

    Forum Changes - Early July 2014

    The only one I've noticed is so far is 2-bit. I'm guessing he's either added more ranks higher than anyone's existing rep or ranks for specific numbers. Or for negative rep? Is that a possibility now?
  23. If they had gone with white with gold/yellow lights or something I probably would have been fine with it because that fits a little better with the existing theme. The main issue I have with it is the whole white and blue thing is clearly being fueled by this "Apple design" fad (which is funny because even Apple doesn't make all of their shit glossy white any more) instead of it being a well thought out change with the actual character in mind.