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Everything posted by Mersopolis

  1. The wisdom teeth are out. For now, I am feeling okay. I've gotten over the vision focusing problem, but I feel a light head ache and can hardly feel anything in my mouth. I have to force myself to swallow while I have gauze in my mouth. At least I can eat again.
  2. Oh hey! Quite a while ago, we were wondering where you went. Anyway, the SPUFpocalypse happened and now rep is more important than food. Give me yours or I will read poetry to you like a vogon.
  3. Mersopolis

    2015 Retrospective

    2015: The year I... performed in a full (more or less) Shakespeare play had my first kiss performed in a full straight play started dating will get my wisdom teeth out (in 2 days) went to the movies for the first time in a while But that's just some personal milestones. The year could have been a lot better, but much of it was beyond my control.
  4. Mersopolis

    DeGroot turns your shitposts into shitarts

    Recreate Kayoghee in ignorant twat form.
  5. I got: Books Sweatpants Underwear Insoles Fees for school shows paid Candy and $15 As a family, we got: Holes and Toy Story 2 on DVD Cardinals (birds) ornaments Heck, I don't really need or want anything material. What would really help me out right now is motivation and willpower.
  6. Hef a hahry jahry Christmas, nerdsh.
  7. On New Year's Eve, my wisdom teeth are coming out. Joy!
  8. Mersopolis


    Greetings, good sir! Welcome to our corner of the internet! I am Mersopolis, the resident Thespian! I see the initiation ritual has already begun. Don't worry, I am a certified doctor and will glue you back together (after taking your tongue, of course). Also, you need not worry about my infamous question list. A past joke completely ruined it, and I'm not going to bother with remaking it.
  9. ​ But to be on topic, my family is not doing much. Christmas is too much of a hassle for it to be something very special for us, so we don't really try. We do about everything one would expect of any family during Christmas: Put up decorations, a tree, ponder the holiday: the season now and those past, listen to Christmas music, have a special dinner, etc. When it comes to gifts, we get the ones we need as soon as we can, without bothering with waiting until the 25th. On the actual day, we simply get some extra things that may be useful: Toiletries like tooth brushes and towels, candy, books. We may buy a few DvDs or Blu-rays. Things are really calm and toned down. We don't mind that it's not as grand as it could be. We need this time to reduce stress, and not add to it.
  10. For rehearsals today, representatives from the Alzheimer's Association came and shared with us some of the facts about the disease. Alzheimer's is terrifying! IT'S WORSE THAN CANCER! Holes start appearing in every part of your character: Memory, language, motor function, anatomical function, thought process, personality... People lose who they are! All from literal holes in your brain. What's worse than having it? Seeing it happen! Seeing them struggle with communication and basic functioning until their brain forgets how to swallow, or make their heart pump blood... UGH! Absolutely horrible! More people are lost to this than breast cancer and prostate cancer combined! AND WE CAN HARDLY DO A THING ABOUT IT! It's hard to diagnose. Even if it is, it's impossible to cure, or even slow. At best, we can have them find temporary workarounds to help them with basic things by giving them medication, but beyond that, we have nothing. I do not intend in the slightest to say that other diseases don't matter, but research into remedying cancer has billions of dollars of funding while research for remedying Alzheimer's gets, at best, only tens of millions. If Alzheimer's had the same support from the 1960's/70's as was given to HIV/AIDS research, we could have had a cure today. Thankfully, I can rest easier knowing that this show will do A LOT to help increase awareness and support. There's also the Walk to End Alzheimer's event held by the Association every September-ish. I'm planning on participating in that. http://act.alz.org/site/PageServer?pagename=walk_homepage
  11. The cast list for When was posted, finally. I'm in as a minor character. And now I have a script-in-progress to work with. The story is about a lady who is a very successful theatre director. In it, her mother, whom she had poor a relationship with, is discovered to have Alzheimer's (The play is going to help promote Alzheimer's awareness and raise money for finding a cure). Much of the play deals with how they go through this particular part of their lives. The mother ends up dying while her daughter is away, there's an old native american descendant for some reason, and the daughter ends up in a relationship with her assistant, who has been with her through thick and thin. I got the part of Tim, a teenager during a flashback of the mother. The script is undergoing heavy revision, and so far, I have one line. I'm still glad to be a part of the play, though.
  12. Mersopolis

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I have a Logitech H330. It's simple, yet has served me well.
  13. There was a Christmas choir gala at school tonight. As part of the theatre tech class I'm in, I was able to go and observe, helping with lights and sound however I could. Free Christmas music, and I get school credit. Sweet.

  14. Auditions for the next show, "When," were today. I feel like I did well. Cast list will be posted SOON.
  15. Mersopolis

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Wow. KOTOR 2 got some official updates, recently! Controller support, widescreen support, even achievements and workshop mods!
  16. Well, I'm tired. Third night on Saturday for Music Man was decent, probably our worst night of all, but still very good. But tonight though, Closing Night, we did wonderful. We almost had a full house! We wrapped everything up, cleaned up all the set, costumes, props, and now we are all ready to die in our beds.
  17. Mersopolis

    attacks in Paris

    Well then. Doesn't sound good. You can't enforce a law that well enough to accomplish what they're trying to do. Anyway, night two was even better than Opening Night! We all did wonderful, received much praise, and everything was swell!
  18. Opening Night of Music Man was a great success! The crowd was quite large. We performed the best that we had ever done. However that could be a bad thing. It means that's we either broke past our wall that was holding us back or we used up everything we had, that night.
  20. Can we retire SpookPowered for the year, now? I'd like proper formatting back.

    1. Binary


      It's been off default since like the 3rd. You can change themes at the bottom of the website. 

    2. Doopliss2008


      Its not there for spookpowered, that or a donator's glitch.

    3. Mersopolis


      You can't change it from mobile, but now I'm on a desktop, and can barely see the grey text against the green background at the bottom. Ah, well.

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  21. Today was the longest day for Music Man rehearsals. Things are coming together nicely and OH GOODNESS WE PERFORM ON THURSDAY!
  22. Mersopolis

    attacks in Paris

    This is happening on Friday the 13th. I wonder if that was on purpose.
  23. Mersopolis

    In which we post the randomest shit we find on YouTube.

    Just today in Government class, we watched a documentary about what things are like in North Korea. My goodness, what a terrible place.
  24. Statistically, I think you will be okay for a while.