Last night I was on a pl Valve server and saw one of the weirdest hackers on Upward. He was using the standard aimbot, nothing really special, but he was on defense spamming the pistol as engy. It was annoying, yet somewhat amusing at the same time. He even had a pocket Med who was cheering him on, which was annoying. So I went Sniper, and you know what, I tagged him quite a few times, even as he was hitting me. When teams switched, he went Machina Sniper, but I managed to get quite a few times by using my teammates as decoys. And even though we lost badly, I still took pride at being a "hacker slayer" on the server.
Ironically enough, after he left and we switched to Barnblitz, I was accused of Demoman. But what do you expect on a Valve pub.