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John Caveson

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Everything posted by John Caveson

  1. My dad's girlfriend's sister has a place up in Idaho that just happens to be right in the middle of the path of totality. So me, my dad and my brother and his gf are all flying up there Friday. I got my bosses to approve a week vacation without pay to go (doesn't hurt that one of them was taking two weeks off as well to go up there, and that I asked months in advance). My brother and his gf are going back Wednesday, while I stay with dad until the next Sunday and go back to work Monday. I'll be sure to remember to post pics when I get back home.
  2. Nintenderuu~ Switchuu~ geteruu~ boysuu~ kawaii desu~~ sugoi~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 

    1. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette


    2. Doopliss2008
    3. John Caveson

      John Caveson

      So far just Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. But I'm considering Spla2n and even Minecraft of all things, iunno why. I'm also waiting on Super Mario Odysseus. As for LoZ:BotW, I'm on the fence about it, I never actually played Zelda before, but I've seen my bro play it plenty of times.

  3. John Caveson

    Anime General Discussion

    What did you do to me!?
  4. John Caveson


    double post, but btw. Can't wait for that Widow/Sombra/McCree porn. It also seems that the old skins from last year came back and now they're normal price. I guess as a way to differentiate them, and the chance for newer players to nab them. Thanks to Loot Box 2.0 however, you'll most likely get every new legendary in 100 boxes, plus plenty of change for the what you don't get if you have a lot of non-event stuff already, since dupes should be rarer.
  5. John Caveson


    Testing out the Highlights 2.0.
  6. John Caveson

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Same here. I've been trying to find a replacement for TF2 as my main timesink game. But no matter hard I try, I always come back to it. I thought Warframe would be it, but I ran out of stuff to do, though i haven't played since the latest quest and frame came out, so there's that. Then I thought Overwatch would be it. And was going strong for the first year, but lately I just can't bring myself to have fun playing that game, even in the nonsrs modes like Mystery Heroes. So what's the point of playing it? As for single player games, I'm just reluctant to learn new mechanics for a game, only to enjoy it for a good 5 to 10 hours before leaving it to rot in my library, never to touch it again. The exceptions being Valve games, but those have familiar movement mechanics and gunplay as TF2, so it's easier to adjust.
  7. John Caveson

    Forum Update

    I knew something was broken when I noticed tsc rose from the dead.
  8. John Caveson

    Selbi's TF2 is Dead Giveaway

    Gah, why did you have to post this while I was at work!? Eh, whatever. The Slo-Poke and Boomerslang looked enticing, but then I remembered how many cosmetics I have for those classes.
  9. John Caveson


    RIP the Terry Crews dream meme.
  10. It's that time of year again. Never gets old.
  11. John Caveson

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I have a spare rhino set if you want it Medic.
  12. John Caveson

    Anime General Discussion

    ikr I was so confused with all the Overwatch stuff there. Persona 5 also for that matter, but that's more anime-like than OW. But I guess people who watch anime, also generally play vidya as well. I think it has something to do with the shared "geekiness" stigma the two have in common.
  13. John Caveson

    Anime General Discussion

    Went to Anime Expo for the first time yesterday with my brother (who was cosplaying Joker from Persona 5) and his friend and gf. Overall I would say it was a good time. Right off the bat, I get separated from the group to take a picture with a YTer who was cosplayig as McCree. Couldn't find the rest of the gang, so I just went off into the entertainment hall to do some shopping and look around. Bought a pair of foam Reaper guns for lie $35. At the same booth, there was life-size D.va pistol with lights and everything, but it was $90 and I only brought $100 with me, so I passed. I went down to the artist hall and bought some key-chains and fan art for Overwatch which I was going to have one of the VOs sign. Speaking of which, there was an Overwatch voice over panel at 1:00 at the Marriott across the street for the main convention hall. So I get over there with a half-hour to spare and wait in line. 1:00 hits and it's time to go in. Line moves to the next room before we head in. However, rumors start to float that it was capped an they aren't letting anyone in. So eventually my worst fears were realized when finally I asked the lady by the door and she said the room wasn't cleared as they predicted and they couldn't fit any more people, so they just told everyone left in line to leave. I could have stayed in line for the AoT season 2 VO panel, but I was too bummed to care at the time. Well shit. The main event (at least for me anyway) and reason to go and I couldn't because jackasses wouldn't leave the show room. Whatever. I could salvage this so it wasn't a complete wash. So I go back to the convention hall and notice the line was LLLOOOOOOONNNGGG. In fact I met a dude who was in linesince noon and was still next the sports center. Poor bastard. He offered me a spot in the line, but I declined. After much detective work. I decided to just sit under a tree and eat my lunch to think on it. Out of boredom I walk around to get pictures of some cosplays, then I stumble across the Rooster Teeth gang taking pictures with fans. Saw the line was short and decided to see them. That inspired me to make the most of my time outside. So I go back to the Marriott and try to see some screenings. I mean, might as well watch some anime at an anime convention amirite? So, I watch some Cowboy Bepop till 4:30. Get a call from my bro and he says the line to get back into the convention hall is super short. So I go back inside hall, meet up with my group and go back into the entertainment hall. Figured out that Lucio and D.va were signing autographs, but that line was capped, so....shit...again. Oh well. We finally go home at around 6:30. My brother and his friend have a 4-day pass, so they went again today. I'll see if they can get me an autograph from the VOs as they were doing another signing session. So again, overall it was a success I suppose. Managed to make lemonade out of lemons when things went south. Was it worth it? ehhh, if I could attend that panel it definitely would be. But it was nice to be in a place where I'm surrounded by people who at least had some sort of common interest as me. Anyway, here are some noticeable cosplays I took pictures with: Reaper Junkrat 2B (minus blindfolds) Darth Revan One Punch Man Rooster Teeth gang Lost Pause (the YTer I was talking about. Very cheery guy. Only say a few of his vids, but I recognized him. Even if you're not much of a fan of someone, it still is cool to meet someone from the interwebz irl). Sorry for the sideways pictures, I took them all on my phone. Just open the image in a new tab, it should correct itself. Saw alot of Overwatch (particularly D.va and Soldier 76), Persona 5 (particularly Joker and Futaba), and 2Bs running around. But I suppose that's just what's popular this year.
  14. John Caveson

    TF2 general

    What the fuck are these Spy changes. Who asked for these? DR now only works with L'Etranger/Big Earner. Don't get me wrong, DR+BE combo is godly fun to play. But restricting item synergies, particularly the synergy of the watches with the rest of Spy's arsenal, is not good. At least bump up the recharge rate a bit if you're going to do that, so you're not useless after a feign. The Your Eternal Reward change, while an admirable attempt, still falls short in what was needed to fix the weapon. The biggest problem here is the cloack nerf. Like the DR, this now restricts it to using the L'Etranger in order to get cloak back and to minimize the drain rate. As for the watches, the DR is now even more useless with it. Stock you need the L'et with to go anywhere, which leaves only the Cloak and Dagger, which encourages more camping around since drain on moving is so high.Though I do admire the attempt at discouraging desperate shanking, it's still bs. As for the Ambassador.....just why? Who asked for this? Why nerf skill? Just buff the other Revolvers if anything. Spy could use some powercreep on his guns tbh. On the bright side, at least the more egregious Sniper secondaries have been nerfed. And I do remember typing somewhere that I would be fine with an Amby nerf if Razorback was nerfed as well. Unless that was about the banlist for UGC? Either way. Wish granted I guess..... Let's just hope they make more adjustments before the update actually comes out. Aside from the above, I didn't see anything that stood out out as stupid, or I at least just don't care some of them, e.g. Guillotine. In other news. I came across an interesting video of a side by side comparison of TF2 from 2007 to now. It's amazing how many little cosmetic changes have been made in the past decade. I actually kind of miss the glossy look of 2007 TF2. I always did notice something was...off visually about TF2 even back when I first got the PC version after the Uber Update hit. Makes me nostalgic. In fact, I kinda just want to play some TF2 right now and just take in the visuals like I did with the Xbox version.
  15. John Caveson

    E3 2017

    E3 news and points of interest. Schedule. Discuss.
  16. John Caveson

    E3 2017

  17. John Caveson

    The Eternal Adventures Season 2: History Repeated

    I'll just go ahead and leave this here..... SE 02, CH 01: A Desperate Skirmish Location: Dracium System, Current approximate midway point between the orbits of Dracium 9 and Sectonia 8. Sountrack: Link is set to play at 0:12. TL;DR A Dracon fleet is gathering to make an offensive into Sectonia 8, but are momentarily interrupted b a desperate raid. After which, John has his promotion confirmed.
  18. That's right, it's back!!! You thought I dropped it after the first season, you were WRONG! Suck it! Anyway, all gloating aside, I really am appreciative of the feedback I have gotten from last season and am highly looking forward for the continuation your criticism and praise. As like last time, I will be introducing some of your guys' characters (with your previous permission of course) into the story, and promise not to screw them up too much. Keep an eye out for those. For this season as well, I will be introducing a new interactive feature I recommend you guys use to enhance with your imagination when reading. I'd like to call it Mood Music(TM). With this system, I will link a song or a piece of music before the chapter starts, and that will serve as the theme song/background music of that chapter. For example, playing the Star Wars music above and reading the prologue, makes it feel like the opening Star Wars crawl don't it? Well, that is just one instance of what I'm trying to accomplish with this system: to provide a piece most befitting the chapter to enhance your reading experience. There are some nuances to this system though I'd like to list: 1.) By default, press play once you start reading. If I want you to press play at a certain time in the chapter, I will note the sentence in which you hit play. 2.) I will note the specific second to start the music on (e.g 1:23, or 0:34 or 4:55, etc.). If no time is stated, start at 0:00. 3.) Generally, unless otherwise noted, if it's a song with lyrics, it's just a general theme for the chapter, that most of the time, is not really connected to a specific part of the chapter, just play it and let your imagination do the rest. Follow these guidelines, and you should get the most out of the music I post. While on the subject, I am also looking into finding themes for each of the characters (I already have a few in mind while writing this). If you have a recommendation for a theme song/track for a particular character, post it here or PM me, and I'll consider it. So without further adieu, welcome to the second season of The Eternal Adventures, coming soon to a sub-forum near you.
  19. John Caveson

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    oh, so that's what those were. huh, that's neat I guess.
  20. John Caveson

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    R.I.P Greenlight. You made memes become dreams.
  21. John Caveson

    E3 2017

  22. John Caveson

    E3 2017

    Sports fans.
  23. John Caveson

    E3 2017

    EA getting their shit together with SWBFII(TM) I've been hearing good news from it so far.