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Everything posted by Medic

  1. Medic

    Net Neutrality guff

    Ajit Pai's dick is probably more punchable. Would hurt way more too.
  2. Medic

    TF2 general

    Wasn't worth losing a real Scream Fortress update over.
  3. Medic

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    God that looks like every other piece of teenage action drivel, oh hey random poor person down on their luck suddenly ends up doing great things and there's a rebellion too.
  4. Medic


    Warframe specters revive fallen defense targets in Sortie Defense as well.
  5. Yeah but surviving would be worse than just dying in the initial event because I would guaranteed die of ketoacidosis and that's a slow, not at all fun way to go.
  6. Apocalyptic scenarios bother me because I know that, even if I survive the initial world-damaging event, I'll be dead within six months once I run out of medication.
  7. Medic

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    It's a game that's hardly been out very long and it's a game with a small E-Sports scene. The E-Sports category, the other choices were CS:GO, DOTA 2, League of Legends and Rocket League. I don't know how big Rocket League is but the other three games are fucking huge when it comes to E-Sports and way easier to watch. Personally, I think Skyrim should have been nominated for best ongoing game. It's on a billion different consoles and has a huge modding community, despite being a 6 year old game.
  8. Medic

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    All these game awards are dumb. And probably sponsored by the same triple A companies that get handed these rewards. Destiny 2 being nominated for "best ongoing game" still pisses me off. Don't care that Overwatch (a year-and-a-half-old game) won, Destiny 2 being nominated was so fucking retarded. Yeah, I know, cOLD mOLD on a pLATE, but still...
  9. The question is, how many people will follow them into their next games? Probably enough for Hi-Rez to keep on doing this.
  10. You exist because a little bit of sperm fertilized an egg.
  11. Christmas tree is up. I also made some decorations for my bedroom.
  12. Medic


    Most specters aren't really worth it. it's only the Shield Ospreys and Ancient Healer Specters (from Cephalon Suda and New Loka) that are particularly useful. Clem specters apparently give pretty good damage (I suppose they're not bad for solo interceptions). I use Volt Prime specters simply because they actually use their first three abilities and have the energy capacity to do so. I think a lot of Warframe specters don't use their abilities because they don't have any mods equipped and use base stats. Corrupted Bombard specters are the fucking worst. They're not even Eximi.
  13. The weird thing is, it's Hi-Rez themselves doing the killing! It's like they have an internal competition on how much they can piss off their players. Also never considered to do that veggie chili with rice. Don't actually have rive very often because half the family hates it.
  14. Medic


    I still haven't done the Clem quest. As someone who uses specters, I really should, the Clem specters are pretty powerful. And I just got an awesome Twin Grakatas riven. And honestly I prefer Darvo to Clem.
  15. Funnily enough, bows are still genuinely good weapons in Warframe. Super high critical chance and a lot of damage to boot. The Dread and Rakta/Mutalist Cernos are both great bows, and the Paris Prime is pretty neat. Then there's the Lenz...
  16. Me: If it's okay, I'd like to have an early night tonight. I've not been sleeping well and have to get up early on Friday. Everyone else: We're all going to this late night thing and we're going to stay up all evening watching loud TV and playing music.
  17. Medic

    TF2 general

    Because Dota 2 makes them more money.
  18. I wrote like 5000 words yesterday.

    1. aabicus
    2. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      They all came together into sentences, right?

  19. Medic


    Ah bollocks. Yeah, I just wish I could get the skins. The Excalibur one wasn't so bad since it came with a colour palette but this one, egh. I might buy it anyway if I get any Christmas money but otherwise I'll just stick to my Deluxe Proto skin. Wasn't last year a different Syandana, the Vanquished one? I've been wearing it on my Ivara for ages.
  20. Medic


    Yeah, I think it's like $8 as well.
  21. Medicinel Warlocke. That article is actually quite an old one, written back in August I think.
  22. Medic


    I'm pretty sure I just used a Trinity or something to do the endurance test. Random thing, there's a free Syandana available to anyone with their Warframe and Twitch accounts linked, if you watch the Game Awards on Thursday, at 1:30am GMT. There's also a new Twitch pack available with a Volt skin and a Tigris skin. I actually want that Volt skin. I know, I just got a Volt skin, but I like the Twitch skin.