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Everything posted by Medic

  1. Medic

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I modded my L4D2 to turn survivors into Rahkshi and common infected into Bohrok, with various specials turned into other Bionicle models. Aim at the neck, not the head.
  2. A good font puts crosses on its capital Is so you can tell the difference between them and lowercase Ls. I also have too many fonts.
  3. Medic

    Medic's Non-Daily SPUF Writings

    I particularly like this recent story, Figure on the Roof.
  4. The Phoviverse is basically a stupid fictional universe with a bunch of non-human species. The stories are convoluted, the characters are bat shit insane, the locations are poorly fleshed out and Death has massive tits. I've been wondering when to post this. I put off posting this last year because 1. I was mostly in a bad mood, and 2. a lot of my current story arcs were all kinda... deep? It was either tantrums between the three main deities, somewhat boring political banter or all the stupid deranged magic stuff that a certain someone was working on. But now it's the new year and I've tied up most of the loose ends from 2017 and started with some much more down to earth story arcs, featuring nicer characters and shit that's easier to understand. The Happy Cold follows Psiksi, a former super-soldier sort of guy starting a new job as a gladiator fighter, while Gath and Retvik's Mini Adventure is basically me doing something I should have done for the couple ages ago. I also hope to flesh out some more species and locations in the near future. It's worth mentioning that almost every story occurs on or around the day it was written, unless specified otherwise. So if you really wanted to, you could start on page 40 of my Stories section and read everything in chronological order from there. I wouldn't recommend it though.
  5. I bought that game as a secret santa to someone. Annoyingly, the person I had to give a gift to was someone I hated. Double annoyingly, I didn't receive a gift, because the game I was gifted was one I already owned, on sale for less than a dollar.
  6. Medic

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    My school had some of that and it was awesome but my class never got to use it because my class was full of cunts who didn't want to be there despite picking technology as a lesson.
  7. I know but still, You all get bored of it, I bet.
  8. Most I've done is repaint cheap, fake Nerf Guns into Borderlands guns. And for reasons unknown, I made a miniature single-shot Harpak from Warframe out of a €1.99 fake nerf gun. Was honestly kinda cute but then I made a Sonicor and I ended up taking that to my local comic con instead.
  9. Anyone with half a brain can see that the whole cryptocurrency bubble is going to pop at some point.
  10. Turns out, sounding like a retarded 10 year old when you speak Greek does have benefits. Someone called me, asking if I wanted to participate in a survey, I spoke, answering in Greek, they asked if I spoke Greek, I lied and said "όχι" (meaning no) and they said thank you and hung up.
  11. I'm sitting here wondering why I don't remember any of this sort of stuff, then I remember that I finished lyceum at the age of 19, which was nearly 7 years ago.
  12. i.e. badly. Apologies for all the Warframe stuff. I've got a huge backlog of Warframe articles and I'm trying to get rid of them so we can have more normal content.
  13. My high school didn't have anything interesting like that. No secret weebs, no bronies, nothing like that. I was the weird one with all my drawings of dinosaurs.
  14. Medic

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Speed runs are a work of art and skill and to hell with anyone who thinks otherwise.
  15. For me it depends on how close ammo and metal are to where I want to build.
  16. Medic

    Wallpapers based on TF2 achievement icons! [1920x1080]

    Those are all genuinely really nice. The Spy in the limelight one in particular.
  17. Medic


    I actually dreamed I was a 40 year old-looking German doctor. My mercenary days were over and I had retired, living in a nice house, going to the beach regularly. I look pretty good despite actually being about 80 thanks to my awesome technology that I'm now vaguely famous for. I don't have kids or anything but I am friendly with my neighbours and their two kids. One day, I get a call from Spy. He's visiting someone or other and wants to visit me. I'm taking the kids down to the beach, and Spy decides he wants to visit me then. Spy looks amazingly well, despite the fact that I know he's not been using my technology and all that. The weather is weird, oddly cloudy and windy, even though it's August. But the wind picks up and I think there's an earthquake and lightning too. Everyone on the rather packed beach runs into a bunch of shelters. The kids go with a younger friend of my neighbours, while I help someone who's got all tangled up in something. I find myself in an old storage room full of old arcade amusement thingies. Spy is there too. Suddenly Spy stabs me and I find I can't move. He says he wants to take my body. Because somehow my body is nicer than his body. Keeping in mind that I'm an 80 year old who looks like a 40 year old. He sticks something in my neck and I start seeing his memories. Over the last 4 years, he has been using natural disasters as a cover for stealing people's bodies, transferring his mind into a new body then leaving his old body in the wreckage. I fight back, as best I can. A door breaks down and Heavy comes rampaging in, and Spy somehow makes me attack him. Turns out Heavy is aware of the shit Spy has been up to. Heavy breaks my arms then knocks Spy out, pausing his mind transfer thingy. Heavy then carries me to what looks like an old part of the map Koth_King, and Engineer and Demoman are there. Demo is more robot than human and he and Heavy beat the shit out of Spy while Engy fixes me up. Before long, I'm fine (apart from the broken arm), but Spy disappears, never to be seen again.
  18. Medic

    Star Wars Thread

    That's the thing. The Kylo being all Sith-y smashing stuff is really cool. Really letting the rage flow.
  19. Medic


    I logged into my original Warframe account from 2013. The only inbox messages I have are about me killing Captain Vor and the Cicero Crisis, and for some reason I have a Valentines colour palette.
  20. I took some cold and flu tablets last night that were supposed to make me drowsy but didn't - I was up until 1am. But now it's 9:30am I'm falling asleep at my desk.
  21. aabicus seriously it's the first part on Casual matchmaking, literally right at the top.
  22. Fuck.

    1. TheOnlyGuyEver
    2. General DeGroot

      General DeGroot

      What, you just see the new Mercy nerfs?

    3. Medic


      No, I don't even play Overwatch.

    4. Show next comments  30 more
  23. Medic

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Fuck you Gara you fucking stupid bitch of a Warframe with your fucking retarded chance to actually get fucking parts so I can fucking build you already. Your fucking parts are supposed to be fucking uncommon but I've gotten more fucking rare rewards than I've gotten Gara parts. I've been doing low level bounties since the Plain of fucking Eidolon came out and I have exactly zero of your fucking parts. Should have fucking bought you with platinum and gotten the fucking shotgun riven, at least that would have been guaranteed to be good, even if it did turn out to be another fucking Phage riven. And fuck you too, Hydroid. 30 fucking runs against Vay Fucking Hek and I STILL don't have your fucking Neuroptics.
  24. Medic

    Meltdown and Spectre CPU Vulnerabilities

    So, for the average moron like me, as long as I keep everything up to date (which I do), I should be alright?