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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/19/12 in Posts

  1. 1 point

    Dota General

    Invoker isn't as hard as people make him out to be, getting to learn him is relatively simple -mastering him is hard though. As for tips. - Make sure to read the tooltips of your spells, understanding what they do will allow you better decide when to use them properly. - Don't expect to be this all-powerful master who can keep the entire enemy team crowd-controlled for ten years whilst killing them at the same time, not even the best of Invokers can do that. Invoker is very squishy and relies on not getting focused in teamfights. Stay back, cast your spells, know when to back off. - Remember that basically all of your spells have a medium cooldown, you gotta remember those, because they won't be shown if you dont have the spell invoked and there will be times where you invoke a spell, thinking it is off cooldown and you die because it wasn't. I'll list you some good "Combo's" that Invoker can pull off. EMP + Tornado (Guarantees the EMP to hit the enemy if you time the tornado right. Chaos Meteor + Deafening Blast (The Chaos Meteor keeps doing damage as it rolls, with Deafening Blast you can forcefully push people into its path, causing a ton of damage). Cold Snap + Forge Spirits (Cold Snap freezes from all instances of damage (Apart from Rot, AFAIK), this will mean that combined with your own auto-attacks and those of your Forge Spirit(s) you can keep a guy locked down for a good while. Finally, and this is important. Do NOT throw points into all three orbs in the early game. Doing so will give you a lot of spells to juggle, but because Invoke's cooldown is very high at lower levels, it is not worth it all. Focus your points on either: Quas/Wex for great mobility, ganking and teamfight potential Quas/Exort for great pushing power, right click damage and global presence with Sunstrike. The reason Exort/Wex is not really used, is because the spells you get out of this combo are not very useful in the early game and Quas is extremely potent in the early game, where regen is king. It is very hard to push a Quas Invoker out of lane. Hope this helps.
  2. 1 point