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Everything posted by ICBMoose

  1. ICBMoose

    Magic The Gathering (TCG)

    There are some free online thingys that let you play mtg, you may want to look into them. I really oughta get one of them at some point. I haven't used one since Cockatrice ate a copyright infringement thing from wizards.
  2. ICBMoose

    AMAs - The Road Ahead

    Fair enough.
  3. ICBMoose

    AMAs - The Road Ahead

    Yeah, and?
  4. ICBMoose

    PETA Claims Milk Causes Autism

    Cant have new users without necros.
  5. ICBMoose

    AMAs - The Road Ahead

    AMA's for our subspuf in space characters?
  6. ICBMoose

    Okay, guys - I have appeared.

    Welcome. Enjoy this place as best you can.
  7. ICBMoose

    Binary Models

    I like A and E
  8. ICBMoose


    If I actually had a 3ds and money I would happily be the fairy type dude.

    1. Rynjin


      That's more like Buffalo sauce than hot sauce though.

      Cholula best hot sauce.

    2. A 1970 Corvette
    3. ICBMoose


      Cholula is most definitely a good.

      I found some wasabi to put on my chicken-substitute nuggets, crisis averted.

    4. Show next comments  252 more
  10. ICBMoose

    Smache Brothers

  11. ICBMoose

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I liked it a lot actually, but I only played to a certain point before my computer died and I never bothered to re-download it.
  12. ICBMoose

    Other Forums

    SPUF, mostly so that I can babble pyro main nerd strategy with a few other pyro main nerds and keep up with the daily SPUF. MTGCommander, where I can blab about Magic the Gathering with other edh/commander players in a fairly small and friendly community.
  13. ICBMoose

    Anime General Discussion

    Well that confirms my suspicions. Time to watch some Madoka Magica approximately a century after everyone else already has.
  14. ICBMoose

    Anime General Discussion

    What the hell is Sword Art Online and how does it manage to have such utterly conflicting reactions in the two random people I know who decided to yell about it in public today?
  15. ICBMoose

    TF2 general

    That Rayshud looks nice, I may try that. I tried the new yahud and didn't like it.
  16. ICBMoose

    TF2 general

    I want an updated HUD but everything but old-yahud-5md-that-seems-to-have-been-scrapped hasn't really clicked with me. Any suggestions?
  17. ICBMoose


    Diglett's underground body finally revealed.
  18. ICBMoose

    Competitive Friendlies

    I want to make it but I should probly sleep in preparation for camping tomorrow.
  19. ICBMoose

    TF2 general

    Time to work on my shitty reflexes by playing some dodgeball.
  20. ICBMoose

    Magic The Gathering (TCG)

    Yeah, that looks a lot like a particular MtG artists work (cant remember their name, I might dig through cards in a bit to try and find it).
  21. ICBMoose

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I'm really sad that the roaches in Black Mesa are just particle effects rather than the fun actual npcs of the original Half Life.
  22. ICBMoose

    Welcome to SPUFPowered.

    We need more jiffs of this.
  23. My cousin has arrived for a visit and she still makes hilarious EEP noises.
