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Everything posted by hugthebed2

  1. hugthebed2

    TIAM: Entertainment Stuff

    I'll occasionally catch an episode of Black Mirror with my dad. I've only seen from season 3 and I've seen episodes 1, 3, 5, and 6. Episode 3 Spoiler (Shut up and Dance)
  2. hugthebed2

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    The only servers active in North America are spanish servers where 3/4 of the players have the game pirated.
  3. hugthebed2

    Animation General

    I think it had more people enjoying it rather than people hating it. People have been waiting for Rick and Morty season 3 for a long time, and Samurai Jack is still slated to get its episodes aired.
  4. where the april tomfoolery at

    1. Veez


      the tomfoolery is that there is no tomfoolery


      get pranked

  5. hugthebed2

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Oh, I assumed they wouldn't accept a run if you used the c4 glitch. Holding out in the bank manager's office has proven to be hell in all of my runs due to bad luck and people being dumb (sometimes me).
  6. hugthebed2

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Jeez Raison how many tries did it take for you and your friends to get the secret masks on The Heist? I feel it was easier because you probably all knew each other whereas I've been having to get a rag-tag team of people together and after the fourth try we've only gotten an hour and a quarter in.
  7. I don't know who that is but it could mean he/she blocked you... Have you checked their profile in a private browsing window?
  8. http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?p=36293236#post36293236
  9. gen. Degroot has posted it. Stamda posted it before he left forever, and this is the most recent post with it http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?p=36322723#post36322723
  10. The site has been posted numerous times on SPUF and not a single person has registered. Might be a couple lurkers, though.
  11. hugthebed2

    Best superpower?

    Descendant of a wizard is cool because then only people in your family could really have powers rather than people stumbling on a debiru and getting it from them. The powers to choose from are pretty difficult, it'd be cool to be tanky and stuff but I'm not really a fighter. Probably should've gone with precognition but I don't want to change my answer.
  12. Reminds me of a guy finding my username on a SPUF thread from 2013 where I mentioned I had played Roblox in the past. He asked what my account name was and I just so happened to have obtained stuff when I really young that was quite rare nowadays. I don't have paypal so he gave me $11 worth of CS:GO skins I could sell later. Pretty good.
  13. hugthebed2

    Random Image Thread: Animu Edition

    not an anime?!?
  14. hugthebed2

    What song are you listening to RIGHT now?

    it's a strange song i grabbed from a tf2 map i played a few years ago. I.. sorta like it
  15. I'm in the same boat - despite all the "John Wicket" memes I hear, I haven't seen the first film either.
  16. hugthebed2

    hey silent where's the 2016 reflection thread?

    I'm still not too huge on watching shows unless it's with someone else (watched the first thing on this list alone, however. Still had someone to talk to about it), so here's the list of stuff that I watched (mostly with different people). I can't really fill out the template with such little shows, I think. Winter: Boku Dake ga Inai Machi (The ending seemed a bit strange and I'm not too good at picking things up and since I don't read forums to spoil me or anything, it was a fun thing to watch. Ended up getting with the girl I liked the best so it ended off decently. Enjoyed watching it in bed on school nights Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! (watched this one during Spring I think, it's got some funny stuff and Aqua is best girl. Just wish the damn Nendo wouldn't be out of stock all the time) Mahou Shoujo Nante Mouiidesukara.(didn't watch the last 2 episodes for varying reasons, it's a short so there wasn't much to it) Spring: Netoge no Yome wa Onnanoko ja Nai to Omotta? (Jokingly asked a friend if we should watch it, we ended up marathoning it one night I think. It was fun because we would relate the four main characters to our gaming group, which worked out surprisingly well.) Summer: nothing Fall: Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku (I really didn't like this one, but I had to push forward and finish it. Truly a "why am I watching thisi?" experience.) Occultic;Nine (I liked the fast pace but WOW that ended way too quickly. Definitely needed more episodes. Had fun with this, and it made me watch Steins;Gate in January. Too many plotholes with just the anime sadly.) Movies watched: Kizumonogatari 1 (Watched this right after Bakemonogatari and 3 episodes of Nisemonogatari before I was told I HAD to get this story before continuing on. It was nice but the characters still look a little sweaty and icky sometimes, but that's probably intentional.) Kizumonogatari 2 (Read the book before I could see this one so I knew the plot. I've watched this with two different people, having others with you totally makes a few comedic scenes that I didn't find funny at all in a solo-ish viewing) Tantei Opera Milky Holmes movie thing (technically February 2016 even though it took like 20 years to come out. I never watched seasons 3 and 4 [and won't] so it was nice to see G4 and Milky Holmes back in action. Wish there was some Poporo action though. Fun and funny) hope u enjoyed srry if it doesn't explain a lot
  17. when am I getting my Sir Slick reviews

  18. Given a video to watch in class, so I watch it at 2x speed to save some time. Well now that I'm finished I don't have anything to do for the last 20 minutes of class. The struggle.
  19. and i'm getting driven to school dying at -5 degrees F