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Everything posted by hugthebed2

  1. I've always wondered how those were, and they sound interesting, but I don't have a group of people to do it with, sadly.
  2. hugthebed2

    What song are you listening to RIGHT now?

    paero has posted porter robinson before it's okay and justified
  3. hugthebed2


    I had a dream where everything built in the USA had to be turned in to the government because it was discovered that everything made here had dangerous levels of some chemical, maybe Arsenic. Every single job and school was let out, and apparently my parents walked to school to bring me home (though that is slightly because in my mind/dream mind I thought "huh maybe my parents will walk to get me today" and then they showed up 2 seconds later) and while we walked (we didn't really head home) there were police blockades and stuff set up where you had to dispose of anything made in America. "Everyone continue incinerating your objects" or something. There were a lot of barrel fires and bums and it made me worry just how much it'd suck for the entire country to have to do a total recall and for me to lose all of my stuff. It was one of those dreams where you wake up and check around to make sure it wasn't reality. There was definitely more but this was a day or so ago.
  4. hugthebed2

    Counter Strike: Global Offensive

    Since I don't feel like bothering, it might be possible to remove them with r_cleardecals, but part of me thinks Valve will not give an option for them to disappear. There's only going to be two things they do: 1. They disable the "sprays" from being used in Competitive 2. They make it so only your team can see sprays At the moment, CS:GO comp matchmaking is built around not having dumb sprays that you could mistake for a CTs head. The worst thing is definitely the 50 uses, otherwise I wouldn't care too much.
  5. hugthebed2

    The Binding of Isaac

    Did you have Eden's blessing on your previous run?
  6. but then who santa when he does sodomy

  7. hugthebed2

    share your worst jokes

    You thought the punchline was Albert Hogwarts? Even in english people might not know zwei=two auf deutsch
  8. If you still haven't told your brother, it is probably good to do so. If things go really south, he wouldn't be happy at all that you kept this from him. Regardless, here's hoping the best comes out of it.
  9. Woah hoah ᵂᵒᵃʰ ʰᵒᵃʰ

    1. hugthebed2


      You actually just let me finally discover what this guy was micspamming on CS:GO two years ago



    2. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      they have jagermeister oh yeah baby ᵂᵒᵃʰ ʰᵒᵃʰ

    3. Doopliss2008


      whoa whoa whoa, watch the magic!

    4. Show next comments  69 more
  10. The entire point of discord is to be able to used by anybody (like skype) and also take the perks that each VOIP system has, like file sending, video calling and screen sharing (work in progress), chatlogs, private channels, roles and all that stuff. The only unsettling thing to some people and somewhat me is that you aren't actually the one hosting the server, whereas you are with mumble and teamspeak. There's also other minimal stuff but mainly it's gotten a lot better and there's a reason why it's getting big.
  11. wow tsc taking the monopoly on spuf ownerships
  12. We don't have a discord and I've told my friends a lot how SirActionsSlacks used to be known for posting on SPUF and stuff. I also wonder what would happen if he was asked about it.
  13. Happy belated birthday I really hate facebook's whole birthday system. I don't see how people telling you "happy birthday" from a dumb notification is very comforting. I keep it a goal to remember the birtthdays of everyone who are important to me so that I don't have to rely on some site telling me so. I've wondered if my family would tell me happy birthday if I changed the birthday on my facebook account to a day earlier or a day later (my mom made me an account years ago but it's unused). be strong wullfy
  14. I was surprised by Google Chrome's material design update on mac a couple weeks ago and found out it was added to windows today as well. Thankfully it can be disabled under chrome://flags
  15. hugthebed2


    Would we do a custom campaign or versus? As in, would we do those instead of a regular campaign, not asking between those two choices only.