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Everything posted by hugthebed2

  1. hugthebed2

    TF2 general

    No contracts. I don't know what every expected other than hats and reskins, but even then they kinda failed in the hats department. Will play the maps once the crates start dropping, bought this pass for making profit.
  2. hugthebed2

    TF2 general

    I remember being told about it by Stamda himself in a steam chat a while ago. I just saw it and silently acknowledged it.
  3. hugthebed2

    doot doot

  4. ​ this is the first time i've been in a group photoshop joy ​On the status post page, repped post rep numbers have an orange background when they probably shouldn't. Only applies on posts with rep higher than 0. Also, profile rollovers are a bit too white.
  5. hugthebed2

    Anime General Discussion

    Since it doesn't start out as looping, it's quite underwhelming at first.
  6. Is this Halloween going to be SPOOKPowered-less?

  7. hugthebed2


    I was watching some Star Wars thing on TV (I don't think it exists in the real world) and all of a sudden the tooth directly adjacent and to the right of my right canine fell out. I got really worried, it didn't bleed that much in the dream but for a moment after waking up I felt and I couldn't feel a tooth for a good 5 seconds with my tongue. It wasn't until I checked with my fingers did I finally verify that I did indeed still have a tooth there.
  8. hugthebed2

    A report of current events

    ​Banging your head against a wall also isnt. ​On Thursday during AP United States History, the teacher played a song from his computer and said "this is desk head banging music right here, everyone bang you head into your desks 5 times". Then I did. And everyone looked at me.
  9. hugthebed2

    A report of current events

    technically disallowing impersonation isn't in the rules
  10. hugthebed2

    The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style

    There wasn't really a book that was too close to me, so I just went to the bookshelf above my bed. I have A Light in the Attic, Falling Up, and Where the Sidewalk Ends. A Light in the Attic was on top so I just decided to go with that.
  11. hugthebed2

    The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style

    Snake Problem It's not that I don't care for snakes, But oh what do you do When a 24-foot python says...
  12. hugthebed2

    Anime General Discussion

    gosh darn unspoilered spoilers
  13. hugthebed2

    Anime General Discussion

    Maybe eventually I'll get bullied into reading it maybe probably not
  14. hugthebed2

    The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style

    ​Are you a brat? Because you're the wurst.
  15. hugthebed2

    The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style

    ​Still can comment on people's screenshots if you're not friends with them. I do it to people who have comments disabled on their profile and I need to contact them for whatever reason.
  16. hugthebed2

    TF2 general

    It's usually the sniper - getting a 15 minute talk on where not to stand and then dying because I stood there kind of stings, you know? I really dislike Borneo as a map.
  17. hugthebed2

    The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style

    Valve-given setting that chooses who can comment on your content when.
  18. hugthebed2

    TF2 general

    i want my items_game.txt medic exploits back Perhaps I'll go back and search for more workarounds except i wont
  19. hugthebed2

    TF2 general

    give tips on how to not let team down plz