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Everything posted by hugthebed2

  1. hugthebed2

    TIAM: Entertainment Stuff

    I wish shit would've gotten serious when his mask was blown off, though.
  2. ​At least it sparks some activity and gets rid of some of the melancholy
  3. ​Magickus deleted everyone from the subSPUF group then came here and posted gore and porn the end.
  4. witch smoke



    don't breathe this

    1. hugthebed2


      Corv I said "Don't breathe this" 1 second after you did but you didn't see it because I said "FUCK" right after because you stole my joke you meanie

    2. Jaydor
    3. Jaydor


      Took me a second to get it.

    4. Show next comments  138 more
  5. hugthebed2

    Best Poll: Semi Finals!

    Can't see votes for this one?
  6. Always a good feeling when you get someone to delete a thread with a good retort.

  7. hugthebed2

    Steam Refunds

    I think the only flaw here that could slip buy would be buying something like Poker Night 2, using SAM to get the achievement items for tf2, and then refunding the game. That will probably be used a bit and then Valve will catch on. Otherwise, this will surely be helpful for trying which games work on Wine for Mac...
  8. hugthebed2

    Best Poll Round 7: Lefty

    I changed my vote so we can end this
  9. hugthebed2

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    ​I sure chose a great time to add money using a new card and getting trade locked for a week.
  10. ​We've scared off quite a bit of people - Slick, Spycicle, DeGroot, Britt. who is next one thousand posts why
  11. hugthebed2

    Windows 10

    I think the main reason to get it right now is to ask yourself a question. "Am I happy with my current OS?" You wouldn't want to risk anything and lose your precious Windows 7, would you? Of course there will be program incompatibilities though.
  12. I was just going to bed and as I was climbing into my bed I felt something on my chest. I looked down and HOLY SHIT A MOTHER FUCKING MOTH AAAAA.


    it's dead now

    1. <Witty Name>

      <Witty Name>

      you're gonna have to burn it all down

    2. Arm the Homeless

      Arm the Homeless

      first a fucking bug in your pants and now a bug in your bed

      wicket stop fucking insects

    3. hugthebed2


      it wasn't in my bed i was at my desk still and as i was getting up to go to bed it touched me and spooked me

    4. Show next comments  138 more
  13. I don't really care if these are watched or not - I just want to post them somewhere. I don't plan on making any sort of channel or attempt at being a success, I upload just to show a few people and that's really it. Don't expect stuff of the highest quality. Let's start with some of the dumbest/best luck I've ever had with ladder accuracy in CS:GO. Brain was there - as you can see by the chat at the end of the video. I screamed like a little girl over comms when I got that AWP shot.
  14. Are you getting no response or shit responses?
  15. hugthebed2


    It's funny because he posted it and never came back so he hasn't read a single reply.