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Everything posted by Gyokuyoutama

  1. Gyokuyoutama

    Best OPs of the Last 40 years.

  2. Gyokuyoutama

    Best OPs of the Last 40 years.

  3. Was trying to see if it would be worthwhile doing another SPUF image search thread. (The answer is no, incidentally). In the process I got a bunch of stock images from weird German sites and decided to figure out why that was happening. There's actually two or three sites that do the same thing that came up in results, but it's hard to find the posts going page by page since they are interspersed with things pulled from other sites to make a huge amount of complete gibberish.
  4. So some German health scam site randomly added SPUF posts to its page code. Here's the page. (I guess I should warn you that the page is hella sketchy and while I haven't confirmed that it distributes any malware, that's definitely a possibility, so click at your own discretion.) Inspect the source HTML and you'll find a paragraph (hidden from normal view in the page itself) with the text: Mainly a bunch of gibberish, but clearly part of it has been mined from SPUF, what with EhManana, Gyokuyoutama, F2P, Casual Matchmaking, Haplo81 and the talk of graphics cards. Looking through the rest of the source it seems to consist of a bunchy of randomly interspersed text taken from other website, including news articles and the like. I'm guessing that it was done to try to add a bunch of text with irrelevant keywords that could point search results to the page.
  5. Gyokuyoutama

    In which we post the randomest shit we find on YouTube.

    I have no idea what the purpose of this channel is, but it feels like a spoof ARG. I mean, if this is discovered by the mainstream we'll get articles about "this creepy youtube channel has thousands of pronunciation videos and no one knows why." But when you see what constitutes a "creepy video" you get stuff like this:
  6. Gyokuyoutama

    In which we post the randomest shit we find on YouTube.

    Wrong, this is only nine months old: It's also possible that there was something after that that I forgot about since apparently youtube took down a bunch of his recent stuff.
  7. Gyokuyoutama

    In which we post the randomest shit we find on YouTube.

    I appreciate the work that 2snacks puts in, but when it comes to the Zaibatsu's animation crew I think I'm partial to Plague's creepy stuff: But actually now that I look at his channel his creep animations seem to have vanished. Luckily someone reuploaded them with Italian dubs: Wow there's actually two italian dubs:
  8. Decided that my least favorite way to lose in card games is when I'm playing second in control vs. aggro, draw a bunch of late game cards, mulligan, get more late game cards, and the aggro deck proceeds to get the perfect curve-out play.

    1. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      My favourite way to lose is to be voted out of the game for being too good.

    2. aabicus


      My favorite way to lose is when the other guy draws all five cards of the Exodia

    3. Idiot Cube

      Idiot Cube

      My favorite way to lose is to be banned for unsportsmanlike conduct. 

    4. Show next comments  96 more
  9. Yeah but it's the password to log into my work computer, so I'd need another device with my password manager on it. Or I could make a crap password and stick a notecard in my wallet reminding me what it is.
  10. Gyokuyoutama

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Now we get to see if GoG rejects Touhou as too niche.
  11. Mind you, this is the same IT department that forced a lab to install Windows 8 on one of their computers for "security reasons" even though said computer was entirely off the network, was only used to control one piece of equipment, and the software it used to control said piece of equipment was incompatible with anything post Windows XP. (I believe that they currently use someone's personal laptop but shhhh it's a secret.) They also have only one help line for the entire institution, and said help-line is always staffed by college interns. Thus you can have a problem where you know exactly what needs to be done on IT's side, but you still have to spend half an hour talking to some kid who thinks that you are trying to set up your e-mail address. They even paid to have some consultants do an external review on the IT department, and their number one conclusion was that it was absolute essential to give people with more difficult technical problems direct access to someone experienced in the IT department, but nothing has changed.
  12. IT department has decided on a policy of requiring passwords to change every month and requiring that no old password can be reused ever. I tried explaining to them how this actually makes things less secure because people will have trouble remembering their passwords, and thus will either simply increment numbers on their current passwords, or will write down their passwords somewhere, with either option making passwords easier to determine. But of course, such concerns were dismissed.
  13. Gyokuyoutama

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    If the Big Bang theory starts making Rick and Morty jokes, will the internet explode?
  14. I switched my avatar. That'll be the extent of it I imagine.
  15. Gyokuyoutama

    TF2 general

    So is this that Adult Swim TF2 show that they talked about doing way back when:
  16. Gyokuyoutama

    Game Deals Announcement Thread

    Currently on GoG you can buy nep-nep 1-3 and the first two serious sam encounters for just over $15, and get tales from the borderlands thrown in for no additional charge. I mean I guess there's other ways that you could get tales from the borderlands thrown in but I don't know why you would.
  17. >40-50F environment >middle of winter are you missing some negatives.
  18. Gyokuyoutama

    Doujin/Japanese Indie Games

    My dog wasn't very appreciative of me riding him around while carrying a grand piano.
  19. Gyokuyoutama

    Doujin/Japanese Indie Games

    On the topic of orange juice though I was really hoping that the second voice pack was going to have all 8 of the "extra base game characters" (i.e. not-starters, npcs, or bosses). Because damn this is going to get expensive if it's four at a time forever.
  20. Gyokuyoutama

    Doujin/Japanese Indie Games

    Super Cosplay Wars Ultra Infinity is a pretty legit game.
  21. Gyokuyoutama

    What song are you listening to RIGHT now?

    Also when he wrote this: I'm sure that he was meaning to write this:
  22. Gyokuyoutama

    What song are you listening to RIGHT now?

    I'm sure that when Beethoven wrote this: he really was intending to use the main them for this instead:
  23. Gyokuyoutama

    Jungle Inferno Update Thread

    Come on, be fair. They barely had more than a year to test things.
  24. I'm still in a dream, SPUF eater.

  25. I'm sure it was gone before the end, because I'm sure I was using my first account at the time, and there were only like twenty posts from that account that weren't deleted due to old age. However, as Wicket mentioned, it probably wasn't "auto"-pruning. I also don't have confirmation of this, but I can say that in addition to it not happening after Valve employees stopped coming, even when they were still around it usually only happened once a year, sometime in January. That's more consistent with someone just manually deleting a year's worth of posts than with a computer program automatically deleting old ones.