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DurDen last won the day on May 23 2012

DurDen had the most liked content!


About DurDen

  • Rank
    Not OP
  • Birthday 09/23/1992

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  1. DurDen

    What song are you listening to RIGHT now?

    Something by "Snowing", they're from around here, but have been done since like 2011 or so.
  2. Just stay away from Top 40 music and EA games and you'll be fine, really.
  3. Police State incoming, oh wait, it's already here. Did nobody read 1984 or Brave New World.
  4. DurDen

    hi there cuties

    Nerfed lel
  5. DurDen

    Not quite curent, but...

    So what was going on here...?
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=WHH59ZTfe_w BRBRBR to boot apparently.
  7. Did he beat the high score? But seriously, the world is going to complete shit and this is what people are pushed the the brink do. Don't think this won't be exploited with some new 'security' shit to be put into schools. Like a TSA molestation squad in preschools or something.
  8. crtl+shift+j chrome Crtl+shift+K firefox opens the console that's where you put the line of command thing whatever.
  9. Right off the bat he just starts shouting the same things over and over as he is obviously reading them off paper sitting next to him. You can see he's just going through an exercise. Piece of shit.
  10. DurDen

    Best. Video. EVAR.

    What an asshole. And imagine what it'd be like without the piano, since that was added.
  11. DurDen

    Dead Capitalist Style

    Yeah earlier today, all the more reason to hate that gook. Now he's going to lip synch his shitty song at some white house event? What a fucking joke.
  12. DurDen

    IGNorant's Game of the Year 2012

    He's an annoying piece of shit whose association with anything ruins the game. Also one of his videos everyone saw his porn web history.
  13. DurDen


    I can't unsee this any longer
  14. DurDen

    IGNorant's Game of the Year 2012

    Pewdiepie made it famous and cool to like, huuurrrfff