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Everything posted by Grobag

  1. I left a towel outside to dry but I forgot it's January and now it's frozen. On the plus side a frozen towel looks really fucking cool, but on the downside I have a frozen towel
  2. Grobag


    apparently the dog room text has also changed and Sans' workshop has a new picture in
  3. Grobag

    i got an android fone

    a case
  4. Grobag


    I've given and received, it was all very lovely
  5. Grobag


    ​Get your K/D together man
  6. Grobag


    Had a wild one a couple of nights ago. I was on a plane watching Conan the Barbarian, except with Robert De Niro replacing Arnie. He wore a tuxedo throughout the film. But then I turned around and Arnie was on the plane as well, and it turned out I was in a film the whole time, and that the plot of the bigger film was that Arnie saw De Niro being Conan and had to go back in time to get it right. Arnie looked at the camera and said something like "we'll have to go... BACK IN TIME" and then I woke up
  7. Grobag

    ITT We Appreciate Good Video Game Music

    MMMM that organ
  8. Grobag

    weirdest things on your harddrive

    I've got a bunch of shitty MS Paint photoshop jobs like this that were from Steam chats, but I can't remember any context. This is Bill Hurray
  9. Grobag

    I remembered my password!!!

    holy shit it's fucking splosion
  10. Someone left the door open last night and we got burgled. They went into the living room and stole the TV, my Xbox and my housemate's PS4, games and all. They didn't touch the SNES though. I'd almost be happy if we still had a TV to play it on.
  11. It's still a bit early for halloween

    1. Rynjin


      It's already Christmas at Sears now's the perfect time for Halloween festivities to begin.

    2. Paero


      Tell that to the people coming into my store at the end of September asking for drinks that are on the Christmas menu.

    3. General DeGroot
    4. Show next comments  3 more
  12. Sounds like there's trouble afoot
  13. Grobag

    subSPUF 10v10

    Might still be out for my mum's birthday then, sorry
  14. Grobag

    subSPUF 10v10

    781 hours and no MMR yet
  15. Grobag

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Halo Wars 2 has been announced, on Windows 10 as well as Xbone. Super glad to see it come to PC, the first one was a lot of fun.
  16. Grobag

    Dota General

    Backslash also seems to not be usable any more.
  17. Grobag

    Best Poll Round 7: Lefty

    Obviously Alan Rickman's the winner.
  18. Some threads might actually work for this
  19. Fesh Pince is leaking from the status updates to the main forum
  20. ​As much as I disagree with like all of UKIP's policies, getting 1 seat from 3.8 million votes is ridiculous. At least this is stirring up more interest in electoral reform