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Batty Batterson

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Everything posted by Batty Batterson

  1. Batty Batterson

    PC mustard race

    Wow, I'm Jelly. Nah.
  2. Batty Batterson


    I had a dream that I was in a game that was kind of a cross between Deus Ex: HR and Law & Order: SVU. Really the only similarity to Deus Ex was the fact that I was augmented and had a coat like Adam Jensen's. All I really did was go around interrogating people.
  3. Batty Batterson


    I hope they make Mega-evos for Sceptile and Swampert when the Ruby/Sapphire remakes come out.
  4. Batty Batterson

    What song are you listening to RIGHT now?

    Wow, double post. This song is really good, and it's not a YTPMV. (The video's not very good though)
  5. Batty Batterson

    The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style

    I really want to try this.
  6. Batty Batterson


    Oh hey, Ashley Davis is part of the team working on Namco High. I think that one was drawn by another artist instead of Hussie, at least, I hope it was. I love the Terezi pic, though, for obvious reasons. They're both drawn by non-hussie. Scroll down to the team section.
  7. Batty Batterson

    TF2 general

    Since they're calling them tri-monthly now, does that mean the next one will come out in 4 months?
  8. My room is obnoxiously hot, which I normally love, but I'm rather sick and the heat makes it harder to breathe.

    1. Stackbabbin' Bumscags

      Stackbabbin' Bumscags

      5 degrees? Cute.

      Thermostat is on the 2nd floor of my crappy townhome, rooms are on the 3rd.

      3rd Floor is about 10 degrees warmer than the 2nd, add 5 degrees more for my room.

    2. Wulff


      I read that as "My roommate is obnoxiously hot,"...

    3. Idiot Cube

      Idiot Cube

      I think a lot of us have had to deal with obnoxiously hot roommates before. Leaving their dirty dishes in the sink, then distracting you with pure masculinity when you call them out on it...such a pain.

    4. Show next comments  147 more
  9. Batty Batterson

    TF2 general

    scrap.tf hardly ever has any sandmen. How the hell am I supposed to finish this chemistry set?
  10. Batty Batterson

    Game Deals Announcement Thread

    Wow. Right after the Steam Sale, too. That's cold, humblebundle.
  11. Batty Batterson


    Fuck, fuck, fuck. I was playing the Emerald Battle Factory, and I got all the way to Noland, then I lost because he had a FUCKING KINGDRA. FUCK KINGDRA!
  12. Batty Batterson

    Game Deals Announcement Thread

    Actually you have another 24 hours after that since "daily" deals last two days. (Forgot it was the last day of the sale.
  13. Batty Batterson

    Game Deals Announcement Thread

    I remembered that The Walking Dead Season 2 was a thing so now all my money's gone.
  14. Batty Batterson

    Just Webcomics

    Gunshow's having a Scooby week.
  15. Batty Batterson


    There's probably a name rater somewhere that lets you change names, but pokemon you didn't catch yourself (like the event Torchic) can't be renamed. You could breed it and name the offspring, though.
  16. Batty Batterson

    The Walking Dead

  17. Batty Batterson

    TF2 general

    And why is the image done so unprofessionally? Everything in the Valve Store is like that, which is rather annoying.
  18. Batty Batterson

    Game Deals Announcement Thread

    I picked up Fez.
  19. Batty Batterson

    TF2 general

    New thing in the valve store. Cool, but what the fuck is with that price?
  20. Batty Batterson

    crits versus nocrits

    Crits have really been bothering me recently. Crit kills aren't even fun anymore, they're just disappointing.
  21. Batty Batterson

    Game Deals Announcement Thread

    Still haven't bought a single game.
  22. Batty Batterson

    Upcoming games thread

    This looks fairly promising.
  23. Batty Batterson

    TF2 general

    inb4 Skye gets a Golden Frying Pan.
  24. Batty Batterson

    Game Deals Announcement Thread
