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Everything posted by Buddhazilla

  1. Buddhazilla

    Smache Brothers

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52kL7aIbZqw Sonic 2skrong
  2. Buddhazilla


    Deadlift gets pretty annoying on TVHM. I think he becomes resistant to electric on top of his ridiculously large shield capacity.
  3. Buddhazilla


    You have no control over which subroutine becomes active. So yeah. It's like Anarchy but really, really bad.
  4. Buddhazilla


    Claptrap's boomtrap tree is pretty effective, since all the explosive damage bonuses work with the passive chance to proc bonus explosive damage when using regular bullets, and the explosive nova that you emit when you reload and shoot. The subroutine tree is probably good in theory but I really don't want to bother switching weapons constantly. The support tree is a support tree. It does its job but you should really not just use it exclusively.
  5. Buddhazilla


    His reputation certainly precedes him.
  6. Buddhazilla


    At the end of Borderlands 2, you see that underneath the mask Jack has a vault symbol burned onto his actual face, which is still otherwise handsome. You can probably guess what happens when Jack gets to the vault on Elpis in the Pre-Sequel.
  7. Buddhazilla

    Smache Brothers

    I've been playing so much Falco, Cap, and Dark Pit I can barely play heavy characters any more.
  8. Buddhazilla


    Mega Beedrill is 65/150/40/15/80/145 Bee afraid. Bee very afraid.
  9. Buddhazilla


    Here's the official art. Mega Glalie confirmed for scariest pokemon ever. Definitely considering it for my OR team.
  10. Buddhazilla


    So, anyone wanna start a vault huntin' party as soon as the game launches? I'll probably roll clappy unless someone else wants to, which does not seem likely.
  11. Buddhazilla

    TF2 general

    Holy shit, how long have they been planning this??? How couldn't we have known?
  12. Buddhazilla


    Mega Beedrill and Pidgeot. Beedrill gets Adapability (holy fuck) and Pidgeot gets boosted sp.atk No Guard. You know, the ability that increases all moves' accuracy to 100%. Like Hurricane. Also Mega Latias/Latios confirmed. They look identical, probably for good reason.
  13. Buddhazilla

    Smache Brothers

    I found my favorite taunt for DDD. Simply face right and crouch. Also, Ganondorf is excellent; don't know why he's so low on the list. Shame that King Donger is at the bottom of the rocket barrel.
  14. Buddhazilla

    Smache Brothers

    I think I just played someone from Nintendo. They had the Nin(star) tag and went Villager only. Beat them for the 4 matches they stuck around but they seemed like a pretty nice person from what I could tell. The only letters visible of their actual name were Bar. Barbara? Barry? Who knows.
  15. Buddhazilla

    Game Deals Announcement Thread

    Darksiders 2 is way better than 1, plus it actually works on PC.
  16. Buddhazilla

    Christmas Name Change Request Thread

    I found the thread. Spookazilla.
  17. Buddhazilla

    Smache Brothers

    Played a bit of Jigglypuff. Absurdly powerful but also really easy to KO. It's actually much more reliable to shield break with pound into Rest instead of using sleep.
  18. Okay fine whatever. Spookazilla. Make it so.

    1. Buddhazilla


      Unless I'm supposed to make it so, in which case I have no idea how.

    2. Expresate


      There's a thread, you know.

    3. Guy923


      Threads are for scrubs

  19. Buddhazilla

    Smache Brothers

    Oh dear. edit: fixed URL, now no longer Marth killing someone with a hand motion
  20. Buddhazilla

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Shadow of Mordor is really fun. You don't get the brand mechanic until after the entire first area but the mechanic itself would probably be hard to get your head around near the start of the game. On that same note, the second area looks fantastic; a great departure from the grimdark wasteland of the first part.
  21. Buddhazilla

    Payday General

    I think lasers actually do improve stability and accuracy when hip firing when they're turned on. Could be in my head, though.
  22. Buddhazilla

    Smache Brothers

    Paper Mario is still a really bad stage. Especially the Bowser's Castle part. Also, I think I actually prefer Dark Pit to Pit. He's still an unabashed clone with only very minor differences aside from the silver bow's dark shot, but I still prefer him. Better taunts and victory music, too. For those wondering what the differences are, Dark Pit is just slightly stronger and his attacks come out a tiny bit faster, but that also means the hitboxes are over faster. The silver bow's arrow can barely be aimed at all aside from up and to either side, but it has considerably more hitstun than Pit's arrows. The arrow itself is a little slower, but larger than Pit's. No idea how the Electroshock arm is different, but it is, if only slightly. Up and down specials are the exact same as Pit's.
  23. Buddhazilla

    Smache Brothers

    Anyone up for some online battles? Online randos are lame right now.
  24. Buddhazilla

    Smache Brothers

    Online players sure are thirsty today. Most notably a Greninja and a Sheik. The Greninja used the same tactic over and over again because bullshit I'm dumb. One match it came down to sudden death and he was so thirsty he ended up using the down-air to SD. The sheik was even less fortunate, though. I KO'd that one with a Wario fart. Then I wrecked them with DDD. Then they switched to Charizard and SD'd and I got bored and left. Also, there really aren't many good standard stages without stage hazards that aren't FD. There's really only battlefield and yoshi's island. MAYBE lumiose city.
  25. Buddhazilla

    Smache Brothers

    I think I'm gonna main DDD with either Samus or ZSS on backup. Also, Mario seems to be smash 4's version of flowchart Ken. Uptilt until they escape, dash attack because it's annoying, and backthrow so you can ~try~ to get your MLG forward air off.