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Everything posted by Buddhazilla

  1. Buddhazilla

    Smache Brothers

    DIO confirmed for smash 4.
  2. Buddhazilla

    E3 2014

    You do know that Nintendo's showing all their stuff today, right?
  3. Buddhazilla

    Mario Kart 8

    (I main DK) Do you know how many bananas you have eaten in your life?
  4. Buddhazilla

    Game Grumps

  5. Does anyone want the e3 digital ticket bundle thing? It's just like a buck if anyone wants it.

    1. Idiot Cube

      Idiot Cube

      what does it do?

    2. Raison d'être
    3. Idiot Cube

      Idiot Cube

      forget it then, I've got wizardry to uphold

  6. Buddhazilla

    E3 2014

    Fuck man, Sony wrecked face today. Excellent press conference, audio issues aside.
  7. Buddhazilla

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Here's a recap in moderately hard-to-read chat format. [spoiler2]4:30 PM - BuddhaziΓΓa: okay let's see 4:30 PM - BuddhaziΓΓa: far cry 4 trailer 4:31 PM - BuddhaziΓΓa: sunset overdrive looks awesome but it's xbone exclusive 4:31 PM - BuddhaziΓΓa: cuphead looks awesome too but see above 4:31 PM - BuddhaziΓΓa: rainbow six siege looks hype as fuck 4:31 PM - BuddhaziΓΓa: the new assassin's creed looks unimaginably beautiful 4:32 PM - BuddhaziΓΓa: Aisha Tyler has nice legs 4:32 PM - BuddhaziΓΓa: but is too gregarious for her own good 4:32 PM - BuddhaziΓΓa: The Crew is a vroom vroom racecars game where there are 2h+ missions where you just drive 4:32 PM - BuddhaziΓΓa: also it has basically all the major roads in america mapped out 4:33 PM - BuddhaziΓΓa: battlefront 3 was teased but literally no new valuable info 4:33 PM - BuddhaziΓΓa: mass effect 4 same thing 4:34 PM - BuddhaziΓΓa: battlefield hardline looks the exact same as the last two but it's cops n robbers now 4:34 PM - Simon: mass effect 4 4:34 PM - Simon: why 4:34 PM - BuddhaziΓΓa: EA's press conference was literally sports every other game 4:34 PM - BuddhaziΓΓa: mirror's edge 2 early footage 4:35 PM - BuddhaziΓΓa: console league of legends ripoff 4:35 PM - Simon: did their conference look any sillier than the xbone shit from last year 4:35 PM - BuddhaziΓΓa: the stage itself looked pretty cool actually 4:36 PM - BuddhaziΓΓa: the setup was pretty good 4:36 PM - BuddhaziΓΓa: dragon age inquisition blah blah 4:36 PM - BuddhaziΓΓa: witcher 3 blah blah 4:36 PM - BuddhaziΓΓa: crackdown 3 looks a lot like the first one and that's good 4:37 PM - BuddhaziΓΓa: platinum's doing an awesome game about slaying and training dragons 4:37 PM - BuddhaziΓΓa: but it's xbone exclusive 4:37 PM - Simon: "slaying and training dragons" 4:37 PM - BuddhaziΓΓa: and that's about it 4:38 PM - Simon: i'm just imagining the dragonborn as a pokemon trainer 4:38 PM - BuddhaziΓΓa: basically 4:38 PM - BuddhaziΓΓa: except he's a cyber-hipster and a huge dork 4:38 PM - BuddhaziΓΓa: and then materializes dragon armor 4:39 PM - Simon: okay that sounds fun 4:39 PM - BuddhaziΓΓa: it looks kinda silly even for a platinum game 4:39 PM - BuddhaziΓΓa: and that's saying a lot [/spoiler2]
  8. Buddhazilla


    I guess if most of you guys are picking Sapphire it's probably for the best if I get Ruby. I wonder what the exclusives beyond gen 3 are gonna be.
  9. Buddhazilla


    I'm getting Ruby cause my friend's getting Sapphire and is being a total butt about it. I want Sapphire damnit. Rolling Brendan, and I really can't decide between Sceptile and Swampert. It'll probably come down to where the extra 100 stat points are distributed.
  10. Buddhazilla


    Swampert was already a pretty solid poke with surprisingly good bulk. Swift Swim seems like a good fit for its lacking speed. Sceptile getting lightningrod... I mean yeah, it's got a tree for a tail, but... really?
  11. Buddhazilla


    Where'd you hear Sceptile-M's dragon type?
  12. Buddhazilla


    CoroCoro leaks as shown by Serebii. IT IS NOW SAFE TO GET HYPE. Oh.
  13. Buddhazilla

    Anime General Discussion

    JoJo. Just... just watch JoJo. Please. I promise you won't regret it, at least after you get past the first part.
  14. Buddhazilla

    Anime General Discussion

    I don't see JoJo anywhere in there. Put it in.
  15. Buddhazilla

    TIAM: Entertainment Stuff

    Are we just gonna do this for every subforum now?
  16. Buddhazilla

    In which we post the randomest shit we find on YouTube.

    For the love of Gabe, put your fucking videos in spoiler2 tags so the page doesn't take forever to load every time.
  17. Buddhazilla

    What song are you listening to RIGHT now?

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Zl5vpy__dQ As a musician the amount of restraint needed to keep this slow a tempo is mind-boggling. I love it.
  18. I sure could go for a pokemon battle right about now.

    1. Buddhazilla


      within the hour*

    2. Davjo_


      Not necessarily good, actually. Let's say, average at best, I run a Snivy in my team afterall.

    3. Buddhazilla


      Gotcha. Cobra Unit for you. Also add me on steam so we don't have to use this.

    4. Show next comments  54 more
  19. Buddhazilla

    Game Grumps

    Mega Man 3's pretty alright. Still, I find 2 best friends much more entertaining now.
  20. The struggle for the gold glider continues.

  21. Buddhazilla

    Mario Kart 8

    Not that many at all, actually. Most of my restarts were from falling out of bounds. The item balance in this game is just fantastic. Also Toadette is the spawn of Satan. Baby Daisy is her first lieutenant.
  22. Buddhazilla

    Mario Kart 8

    Gold Standard Kart, check. All the cups 3-starred in every CC, check. 2.8k of 10k coins for glider. Guh. I've unlocked everything except that, I think.
  23. Buddhazilla

    The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style

  24. Buddhazilla

    Mario Kart 8

    I've already unlocked Mirror Cup and beaten all the dev ghosts, if that says anything as to the quality of this game. Gold Standard kart here I come. Gold Glider's gonna be a chore.