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Everything posted by Buddhazilla

  1. Buddhazilla


    fuck penguins
  2. Buddhazilla

    Dota Scoreshot thread

    Casual dagon 5 Also my pugna pick barely even mattered because the OD was an idiot. If he was more proficient maybe my nether ward would have been more useful.
  3. Buddhazilla


    I have it.
  4. Buddhazilla

    Game Deals Announcement Thread

    Loot List: Gifted copy of Guns of Icarus Das about it.
  5. Buddhazilla

    Dota General

    > New meta
  6. New meta: 4 supports and a mid.

    1. alexgndl


      Did this once in LoL. Didn't end well.

  7. I have finally freed myself from the bonds of iTunes. Now to get an Android.

    1. Binary


      Welcome brother.

    2. Kraszu


      Welcome on better side of mobile.

  8. Buddhazilla

    Dota General

  9. Buddhazilla

    crits versus nocrits

    As a newly dedicated pyro main I pretty much rely on powerjack crits. Still, random minigun and rocket crits are never fun to be on the receiving end.
  10. Buddhazilla

    TF2 general

    I'm pretty happy with the Saxxy winners. Odd that [spoiler2]chinatown getaway[/spoiler2] won action but [spoiler2]guardian pyro[/spoiler2] got best overall, but it's the way I would have done it.
  11. Buddhazilla

    The Tale of Two Cities Update

  12. Buddhazilla

    The Tale of Two Cities Update

  13. Buddhazilla

    Dota General

    You're going against Blitz? Ohhhh boy.
  14. Buddhazilla

    The Tale of Two Cities Update

    Of course. The eye museum.
  15. Buddhazilla

    The Tale of Two Cities Update

    I'm pretty excited about this, especially if the effects can be applied to any weapon. I just wonder what exciting stuff they're gonna announce in the next part of the update. Also, what do you guys think the other city is? LA? Chicago?
  16. Buddhazilla

    Update thread

    I am thoroughly convinced that Ogre Magi is my best hero.
  17. Buddhazilla

    Update thread

    Wow. The new hero models look very impressive. Almost a departure.
  18. Buddhazilla


    Double items clause; you'd have to take leftovers from 2 of those.
  19. Buddhazilla


    Next up is Elaina from Hawaii, who apparently retrades trades. She sent me an adorable Spring Deerling for Marill #21! — Marriland (@Marriland) I GOT ONE OF MARRILAND'S MARILLS. AAAAAAAAAA
  20. Buddhazilla

    What'cha been playing?

    Since, oddly enough, we didn't have one of these yet, I decided to put this up. Basically, just list out all the games you've been playing for the past week or two, and come back and report every once in a while. You are encouraged to ask other people how a game is, and if the game is worth having a more lengthy discussion over, create a thread for it.
  21. Buddhazilla

    Smache Brothers

    I like Marth and Snake. I really hope they put in another tricky and slow character like Snake in this time, if they're not just putting Snake in again. Maybe Big Boss.
  22. Buddhazilla


    Oh my god that last match I had was GLORIOUS. Here's a replay. HWRW - WWWW - WWW2 - JADQ
  23. Buddhazilla


    Toxic Orb get. I now have a functional team of 3 bats.
  24. Buddhazilla


    I suppose I could keep track of everyone's FCs. I added mine and Cube's to Bern's list. Huff: 3539-9194-9016 Dakka: 1220-6811-4328 Doop: 0018-0954-5554 Bern: 1907-9011-0522 Simon: 1693-1377-4857 Raz: 4141-2975-0140 Wulff: 0275-8355-6138 Silent: 1246-8699-3630 Cretler: 1203-9455-7119 Splosion: 4570-7557-6483 Buddha: 0232-8016-8883 Cube: 5155-2919-2222 Facade: 2509-2137-4587 Edit: also Facade