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Everything posted by Razputin

  1. my uni has a new internet login system and it took me almost half an hour to get it to work. PROGRESS

  2. my uni has a new internet login system and it took me almost half an hour to get it to work. PROGRESS

  3. Razputin


    Who of us is badass enough to blind nuzlocke X/Y on his first run I sure as hell am not
  4. Razputin

    TF2 general

    I love this one starting to think about whether I actually want these ingame + they do look pretty funny + bigspuf would go completely mental - it would rape the rotting remains of the artstyle - I fear bigspuf's rage might end the universe
  5. Razputin


    I only need to know one thing Does Megablastiose X still have squirtlesforarms This is literally the only factor that matters in my starter choice
  6. I found bacon. Today is a great day.

    1. Guy923


      FOUND bacon?

    2. Medic


      Where did you find it? Behind the kitchen sink?

    3. Idiot Cube

      Idiot Cube

      omg guys you can't just ask someone where they find their bacon!

  7. Razputin

    TF2 general

    There is a point where this has to stop and we clearly passed it... ...several years ago so by all means keep going
  8. Razputin

    share your worst jokes

    Why can't you trick an aborted fetus? Because it wasn't born yesterday
  9. Razputin


    Last night I had one hell of a wack-ass dream I walked into my garden and there was a guy sitting on a big rock, holding onto a giant oil barrel. I was cautious at first, but when he opened it it turned out to be filled to the brim with pineapple slices. Seeing as I like pineapple I sat down next to him and we quietly ate every single slice of pineapple until the vat was empty apart from some sand on the bottom. The guy left but left his barrel behind. I just stood there for a while and then decided to kick the barrel, at which point sand at the bottom of the barrel came alive and started crawling around: what I thought was sand had actually been hundreds of tiny spiders.
  10. Razputin

    Game Grumps

    I am a bit ashamed to be part of the gamegrumps fanbase sometimes Dan mentions Black Hole Sun and immediately the music video is drowned in LIKE IF GAME GRUMPS SENT YOU HERE XD comments
  11. Razputin


  12. Razputin

    In which Raz buys a 3DS

    So I walked into a store and they were selling brand new 3DSes for 75 bucks. Obviously I couldn't pass that up Any suggestions on what to buy? Keep in mind that I'm a poor student so I will be reluctant on buying full-priced AAA games. Currently I have downloaded: Mighty Switch Force 1 and 2 Shantae (VC) the new Shantae game Bloons Tower Defense gonna preorder Pokemon X tomorrow and maybe the new Zelda game Any suggestions? Also 3DS general I guess
  13. Razputin

    The Government was shut down...

    well lah di dah, this government shutdown actually influenced my life (Pubmed is a database for research papers that I have to use for uni btw)
  14. Razputin

    In which Raz buys a 3DS

    Shit, I backed that but asked for a steam copy I wonder if I can get a 3DS copy instead
  15. Wasted an entire day on irrelevant shit, I hate myself

    1. DualJay


      It's ok you're not the only person who hates you. Remember, Raz: you're never alone.

  16. Razputin

    The Government was shut down...

    >Obamacare will cause damage to small businesses >let's shut down the government in protest and cause damage to small businesses
  17. Razputin


    I just preordered pokemon X hyped
  18. Razputin

    The Government was shut down...

    Europe's small businesses are doing perfectly fine. And even if small businesses suffer under it, is that worth people dying: Stories like these aren't even that rare. I remember a few years back I talked to some person online, who had kidney cancer. It was completely curable but he simply didn't have the money and he was gonna die of kidney failure within 3 months
  19. I am having my weekly "great thing X was the greatest thing"-moments, this time about the film Paprika

    1. Guy923


      All I remember is a dancing fridge and trippy music

  20. Razputin

    Anime General Discussion

    Why have you not watched Paprika yet What are you doing with your life Go watch it now
  21. Razputin

    The Government was shut down...

    Is there any argument that can't be refuted by pointing at Europe and saying "seems to work out pretty well for them"?
  22. Razputin

    The Government was shut down...

    What exactly is the reasoning behind this?
  23. Razputin

    The Government was shut down...

    grumblemumble twopartysystemisbad mumblegrumble other than oldmanraz rambling I am completely in favour of free healthcare so go team Obama I guess
  24. Razputin

    Magic The Gathering (TCG)

    Yeah, good ol' Thoughtseize is crashing like crazy. You'd think they'd at least reprint it at a mythic not that I mind
  25. Razputin

    Magic The Gathering (TCG)

    In other news we drafted yesterday and I am really happy eith my rare pulls: Elspeth, Whip of Erebos and the Colossus (which has +5000 coolness factor) I started with making UR but got so many good black picks that I went Grixis. Which was good because I won two matches solely by drawing Whip of Erebos: lifelink and reanimator is sickeningly good A friend also pulled a Thoughtseize, and we got two Scrylands. All in all I think we definitely got more than the 50 bucks it had costed us, plus drafting is always fun so it was a great day