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Everything posted by Razputin

  1. Razputin

    The Reaction Pictures Thread

    I can't help to see the fat Night's Watch guy from Game of Thrones as Jontron I always expect him to suddenly break into song
  2. Razputin

    TF2 general

    bread I am both hyped and confused it is a sensation I've never felt before
  3. Razputin

    Game Deals Announcement Thread

    Gone Home is 66% off, get it now hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
  4. Razputin

    Magic The Gathering (TCG)

    http://www.wizards.com/Magic/Magazine/Article.aspx?x=mtg/daily/ur/303 Probably the best MtG story I've ever read
  5. Razputin

    Smache Brothers

    I'm with you on the anti-crits team, but with the differenc ethat TF2 lets servers turn crits off. So comp tf2 can still function while comp Brawl players are just fucked
  6. Razputin

    Smache Brothers

    This is never a good thing. Never. I prefer brawl to melee as well since, as you said, it is much more accessible than melee's weird advanced mobility, but holding good players back to help bad players is always a terrible idea. Look at Skullgirls: it got a lot of praise for being so easily accessible to new players while it also allows for some amazingly impressive feats and high-skill play. Without tripping, Brawl would have been just as accessible to new players as it is now, while still being great for competitive play (albeit way too floaty). Adding tripping was just a big slap in the face to the comp scene.
  7. Jeez that's terrible they stab her 19 times and still fail to kill her? git gud
  8. Razputin

    E3 2014

    Splatoon looks like it could have a lot of potential with that movement system. I really dont like the artstyle though
  9. Razputin

    E3 2014

    well that isn't really fair now is it
  10. Razputin

    E3 2014

    Im waiting for the video to be uploaded somewhere. It isn't loading for me on the nintendo e3 site
  11. Razputin


    Did people call 3rd gen worst gen before then or what? Because I disliked BW already while playing them for the first time and disliked DPPt on the second run God tier HGSS Emerald (only 3rd installment that was significantly better than it's "split" versions) Great tier XY GSC RS Ok tier FRLG RBY Shit tier DPPt BW never played BW2 but heard they were much better than BW I don't have Crystal. Maybe should try replacing the battery of Gold again though
  12. Razputin


    no worst gens or emulators plz
  13. Razputin


    Mmmmm I feel like a pokemon run what game should I play and do you guys have any idea for a good gimmick?
  14. Yesterday we had the largest storm in 20 years where I live. It was amazing to see

    1. Raison d'être

      Raison d'être

      Did the windmills make it?

  15. Razputin

    E3 2014

    Guess who are being pissy about the hostage in Rainbow Six being a women
  16. Razputin

    TF2 general

    I am sorry mein Führer, from now on I vil only have fun in ze designated area
  17. This daylight until freakin 11 pm bullcrap is throwing me out of my rhythm. I turn around and suddenlt it's 4am

  18. My other status update is a Porsche

    1. Kraszu


      Nah, I mean 911 has engine hanging over rear axle, tha's where boot should be.

    2. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      you're porsche a shit

    3. Jordax


      Nice Beetle, Raz.

    4. Show next comments  291 more
  19. Razputin


    So what's your RS remake run gonna look like, subspuf? Omega Ruby with (hopefully chocolate) May and Mudkip for me
  20. Razputin

    TF2 general

    Alright fine Jesus Christ Freakin fun police
  21. Razputin

    TF2 general

    There is a big difference between a rocketjump and gliding over a wall for a good five meters
  22. Razputin

    TF2 general

    I'm pretty sure the NA doesn't register on foothigh water, although I have to admit I hardly ever used it other than on badwater_rainy nevertheless it's a pyro going faster than a Scout
  23. Razputin


  24. Razputin

    TF2 general

    You should be seeing drips then, which don't appear to be there
  25. Razputin


    Roidspert is awesome character designs are a bit meh but maybe they reintroduce the skin and hair colour thing again and I can have a nice chocolate May