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Everything posted by Wulff

  1. Wulff

    What song are you listening to RIGHT now?

    Black Eyed Peas anno 1998, before they hit mainstream and before they added Fergie to the group. The difference between this album and the stuff they released in their later years is insane and I much prefer their old style. Behind the Front is a great album.
  2. Wulff

    Dota General

    I can feel the autism overtaking me.
  3. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    ​Her hat is stupid.
  4. Wulff

    Dota General

    Yeah fuck Techies, every game he's in gets prolonged at least 20 minimum past what it should have been. I just played this game today http://www.dotabuff.com/matches/1613872537 Which should have been over at minute 30.
  5. Wulff

    Is TF2 Dead?

    I remember watching this trailer way back in 2006 and being beyond intriqued with Team Fortress 2. I had a vague idea of what the original Team Fortress was, but I had never really played it. It might just be nostalgia talking, but I remember thinking 9 years ago that this trailer, however short it might be, oozed with flair and I still hold that opinion today. Team Fortress 2 is without a doubt my favourite shooter of all time and I think it's a damn shame what happened to this game. I've ranted on that topic many times in the past though so I won't go into too much detail. So I'll just chime in here and say that I think Team Fortress 2 is definitely dead. I had a short stint with the game again for 30 days or so roughly four months ago and while I did get some fun squeezed out of it by playing with stacks of friends, it really just wasn't the same. I know it might be a bit pessimistic to call the game "dead" but honestly I was kinda done with this game by the beginning of 2013. The art direction was a big thing for me and watching it get summarily dismantled as the updates rolled in, it just annoyed me. Of course that wasn't the only thing, but it was big for me. Some people might think that silly as cosmetics don't -really- affect the game, but it was enough to put me off playing, combined with increasingly unbalanced unlocks. Of course age is a factor as well, we are closing in on the 8-year anniversary of TF2, which is pretty darn impressive. Perhaps it's just that the game has run its course for me with 1k+ hours put into it. I really wish I could still have fun playing Team Fortress.
  6. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    Decided to go to /a/ after my morning dota only to realize that the new Little Witch Academia has released and I completely missed it. Read the sticky on the board and then realized that the 1080p version was removed from nyaa. I was too late, now I'm stuck with the 720p one.
  7. Wulff

    Would you use a subSPUF Mumble?

    can confirm a good time, less autism than expected overall (until i came along of course) 8/10 experience.
  8. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    tfw you're an idolshitter and there's nothing anyone can do about it goddamn i love being an idiot.
  9. Wulff

    Dota General

    i dont actually understand what the problem with abaddon is. EDIT: Other than the obvious "melee support Xd" meme, but that's like the most basic shit. Just pair him with a ranged support in a trilane or a decent ranged core that can abuse his spells (Weaver) and you're fine.
  10. Wulff

    Dota General

    ​That's not even a bad lane though. Shadow Fiend is the sort of hero that will run away with his lane at level 5+ against virtually any hero, unless the other hero is murdering him over and over again on his own. Laning a support middle to put even more pressure on him is a completely valid strategy and it's actually great if you managed to pull it off (Zeus free farming and the SF struggling to get levels/farm/runes. Lich is one of the better heroes for this as well, simply because of Sacrifice being an auto-lane winner. The only problem I could see with that being the fact that you weaken other lanes to have a dominating presence in mid and some core heroes can't really lane without a support because they're weak laners (Whereas a Zeus should do decently vs. SF middle, even on his own). But obviously if you communicate your intentions to your team and have them pick laners that can sustain themselves and not fall behind in experience because they're getting zoned out, Lich + Zeus is not a bad lane at all, even though mid is most commonly solo. What I'm talking about here is shit like solo mid Sven with treads > drums > heart at 40 minutes into the game or solo offlane Naga Siren with brown boots > Radiance at 35 minutes, both of which I experienced yesterday.
  11. Wulff

    Dota General

    I wish people would just pick real heroes so I could have real lanes and not have to fight an uphill battle from minute one because our lanes get absolutely shit on to the point where we have to fight under our towers for the rest of the game, to even have a chance to win Dota 2 the video game thanks for reading my blog. tl;dr everyone is a fucking idiot.
  12. Wulff

    Monarch's stuff

    Sketches start off on paper and are since scanned and imported into a program on my laptop, so it's sort of a mixture of both.
  13. Hey guys, how do I become a disgusting moefag who revels in the inconsequential bullshit tropes that permeate through about 85% of all anime released each new season?


    I'm being dead serious, I need to know how to achieve this state of mind.

    1. Guy923


      meme overdose to the point where your brain rapidly deteriorates

    2. Facade


      Watch BlackRock Shooter!

    3. Arm the Homeless
    4. Show next comments  39 more
  14. Wulff

    Dota General

    The fucking Custom Game Mode dream
  15. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    Did you watch the latest episode? They literally confess their love to each other. Unless they pull some really weird backwards bullshit, but Kumiko quite clearly says "This is a confession of love"
  16. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    Yes, as of episode 11 it's one of the best homosexual relationships I've seen in anime so far (this is hard to say with a straight face, Xd). Seriously though, I'm really appreciating this anime because it manages to have two same-sex characters develop feelings for each other without being super contrived and ridiculous, which is usually the case with gays presented in anime. It's more like a subplot to the overarching storyline and that makes it feel so much better. Hibike! Euphonium is not a yuri-anime with a bit of music, it's a muscal anime with a bit of romance. The romance just happens to be between two characters of the same sex, among others. Now it's not done airing yet, so I don't want to sing it's ultimate praises, but episode 11 was fucking great.
  17. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

  18. Wulff

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    alright i need you guys to be 100% real with me. How many of the catgirls in Nekopara can I have sexual relations with?
  19. Wulff

    Dota General

  20. Wulff

    Dota General

    My personal favourite is to build flat health items on agility cores, love that meme - goddamn.
  21. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    "Ore Monogatari" is probably the sweetest anime I've seen since Usagi Drop.
  22. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    Armed with plenty of spare time and the sudden urge to voice my anime opinions I'm gonna go ahead and write a bit about the anime "Parasyte: The Maxim" or "Kiseijuu: Sei no Kakuritsu". I watched the anime from start to finish a couple of months ago, with no prior knowledge of the series (which is based on an original manga of the same name). The only thing I did know before watching, was that literally every single person I knew who had seen the anime or read the manga really liked it. Now usually I get wary when a lot of people tell me they enjoy something within the anime nation, because the unfortunate truth is that most anime fans find regurgitated, otaku-pandering, slice of life anime with cute moe girls furiously chowing down cake to be "good". But I was pleasantly surprised to discover that Parasyte is in fact deserving of the praise it gets! --- So just to sum up the anime very shortly: The viewer enters the life of "Izumi Shinichi" a 17 year-old Japanese high schooler. A quiet and timid young man with geeky interests and a bit of a socially awkward guy. He lives with his parents in a cozy house in the suburbs and is just trying to get through life with as little trouble as possible. He has relations with a young woman from his school named "Satomi Murano", they're "kinda-sorta" a couple, as they very clearly have feelings for each other, but being the typical JAPANESE YOUTH that they are, they have some troubles getting their feelings out in the open. One night while Shinichi is sleeping, a strange looking larva creature enters his room through an open window. No bigger than a couple of centimeters, the creature scurries up Shinichi's body and attempts to enter his ear canal. Unfortunately for this creature, Shinichi is wearing earbuds, as he had been listening to music before falling asleep. While attempting to find an alternate way into Shinichi's body, the creature's scurrying wakes the sleeping boy, who immediately freaks out. A short battle ensues and left with no other option, the worm burrows directly into his arm. In a rush of clarity, Shinichi quickly wraps the cord of his headset around his arm and tightens it, preventing the creature from moving further into his body. After a short while the struggle seems to be over. Shinichi's parents rush to his room as they heard him screaming and struggling but when Shinichi tries to show the hole left from the creature who had burrowed into his arm - there is nothing. His parents write the event off as a vivid dreaming experience and tell Shinichi to get a grip. Little does anyone know that Shinichi had just been infested by a Parasite. --- The rest of this post will contain MASSIVE SPOILERS for the anime, so please DO NOT read unless you're willing to be spoiled about basically everything!!! Overall Parasyte: The Maxim is a great anime. It goes places where most anime don't tend to tread and because of that it ends up feeling fresh and interesting. Great characters combined with a compelling story and praiseworthy pacing makes it easily one of the "must-watch" anime of 2014/15. The anime is not without issues, but the good outweighs the bad by far and if you're looking for a mature and compelling story with a bit horror and a bit of action - you should watch Parasyte: The Maxim.
  23. Wulff

    World of Warcraft

    ​I haven't watched any Egoraptor content in years so I don't even know who 80% of these people are but I didn't think any of them were particularly insufferable. I know having them start at level 90 instead of level 1 is kinda the gimmick of the show and to prevent it from dragging on for too long, but I really think this Ross(?) person who is the seemingly experienced WoW player is stupid Why give them a fucking lore explanation about a franchise that they obviously haven't cared about for at least 10 years? Why not just spend some time explaining the base mechanics of the game? Part of World of Warcraft's charm is that Azeroth is a massive open world with lots of interesting zones, locales and secrets. They were having fun when they realized they could take to the skies and explore the surrounding forest, why not just let them do that for the first session? Let them explore the world, see the cities, see the zones? Instead they're being tugged along by this guy who's done it all four times before and seems to be more interested in herding them through questlines which they get no chance to associate themselves with. Why don't they get to make their own characters? A big part of WoW's longevity is also attachment to your personally customized avatar. Why not just start them off at level 1 where the amount of abilities they've got is manageable? Where they're dealing damage in the tens instead of the thousands, where they can find a sense of progression as their character class unlocks new abilties, specializations and talents as they level up. My immediate assumption would be because it can add some easy "funny moments" by having them all dive headfirst into high tier levelling when they don't have a clue about what their class does and as I said in the first paragraph, it's less time consuming. But really though the "WOW LOOK AT ALL THESE SPELLS I DON'T KNOW WHAT DO IMMA CAST THEM RIGHT NOW" and "WHAT'S HAPPENING I DON'T UNDERSTAND VIDEO GAMES HAHA", with Ross resting his face in his palms in frustration got fucking stale after five minutes. Who can blame them though when they're being handheld through a game they clearly have 0 interest in and the quote unquote "fun" parts were being sidelined for the sake of progressing in levels. I don't know man, seems retarded to me.
  24. Wulff

    Dota General

  25. Wulff

    Dota Scoreshot thread

    dr paveleer im cia