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Everything posted by Wulff

  1. Wulff

    Banning the Word "Bossy"

    Stay on target boys, I've been enjoying this read so far.
  2. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    Real talk, is the Yu Gi Oh TV series actually something worth watching? I'm going to sound condenscending here, but the truth of the matter is that I always dismissed that as a cheesy kids show, which was just made to promote the cards etc.
  3. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    Eh, if you say so. The thing about Death Note, is that I was having real trouble getting on with it, even when I liked it. I would binge 5-6 episodes in one sitting and say to myself "Man, this is pretty enjoyable!", but then it would be weeks between my next watching session. Now I don't even find it enjoyable when I DO getting around to watching it. It's hard. I kinda just want to forget about Near and Mello and go watch Haruhi.
  4. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    What a sad day boys. I just "finished" Death Note... I ended up dropping it at 29/37, which is basically a first for me. I'm not gonna go too much into detail on this one. I will say this though: When people warned me that the series kind of fell apart after a certain big plot point comes along, I can now say, that I agree with them. I liked the anime quite a lot up until that point, but following that it became hard for me to watch, as it felt contrived and very poorly executed. Actual Death Note spoilers in spoilerbox
  5. Wulff

    Banning the Word "Bossy"

    I bet the matriarchy did this.
  6. Wulff

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    If only the expansion wasn't beyond overpriced, I might play that game again now that they've released the 2.0 patch.
  7. That Witch Charlotte plush tho.
  8. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    I remember you liking Paprika, is that correct? If that's true I would recommend the only TV anime Satoshi Kon (Guy who made Paprika, among others. RIP) has ever produced. It's called "Paranoia Agent" and I thoroughly enjoyed that anime. EDIT: If you liked Baccano!, you can try "Durarara!!" made by the same people, set in the same universe, stories aren't intertwined in any way though, it's a new story... Some characters from Baccano! do show up as cameo. I personally thought Durarara!! had an excellent start, but fizzled after the midway point. I still enjoyed it though and it is very much the same style as Baccano! Paranoia Agent Durarara!!
  9. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    It's really hard to recommend anime to people, when I don't know what they've watched. My go-to recommendation anime is always Cowboy Bebop, because it's very entry-level, it's pretty damn good and it was my gateway anime. If it's a recommendation beyond entry-level anime, I need some information on the person I'm recommending for.
  10. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    He told me that he was going to watch it, too. I hope he did. And then I hope he stopped being a butt and read Gakkou Gurashi like I told him to, but hey everyone has to start somewhere Everything is piling up on Guy, huh? I hope he'll live.
  11. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    Speaking of anime, I've been poking and prodding at Guy for 6 months now for him to watch Madoka Magica. Based on the Steam message I received last night, I think he's finally getting around to it. Get the fuck in here Guy.
  12. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    If you watched it with 2-3 episodes missing, that might be the reason. She goes from part fan-service, part comic-relief, part relevant story character to 100% badass in episode 7 and onwards. I didn't like Seras a whole bunch in the beginning, I didn't mind her, but she felt very much like a character, who was just there to really underline how much of a monster Alucard really is. In episode 7, she becomes her own character... And its awesome.
  13. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    I recently finished "Hellsing Ultimate", a 10-episode OVA that has been steadily releasing over the past six years. 10 episodes. 6 years. It's an alternative retelling of the original Hellsing TV anime series, which aired in early 2000's (2001-2002 I think). Prior to watching this, I knew nothing about Hellsing, other than it being a manga, an anime and a partial inspiration to the original Devil May Cry games. I'll say right now, that this post is going to be long, because I have a lot of things I would like to get off my chest regarding this anime. I guess I'll make a TL;DR at the bottom or something, skip to that if you wish. First of all, I absolutely adored this anime. It has definitely shot itself into my top 10 favourite anime of all time. I am very thankful, that I didn't begin watching this before it had all aired, because I'm pretty sure that the six year waiting time would have done something to my psyché. I chewed through it over the course of a single weekend and I loved every minute of it. Hellsing is about vampires. Don't think Twilight vampires, don't think Blade vampires... Actually, think a little bit about Blade vampires. Point is that this anime is about vampires. Badass vampires. The basics of the story are: The supernatural exists in the modern world. Not many people know about it, because most supernatural incidents are covered up by the government. The "British Order of Royal Knights Hellsing" is an organization which deals with the supernatural. Ghouls, vampires, you name it. It's run by the Hellsing family and in their employment is actually none other than the vampire "Alucard" himself. A vampire fighting vampires under the command of humans. In the very first episode, Alucard is responding to an incident revolving around a vampire priest in a small British town. After dispatching the vampire, he comes across a young police officer, who has been gravely wounded in the battle. He offers her the chance of "living", by making her a vampire before she expires and so the stage is set for the world to be saved by an antihero of caliber, Alucard, and the rather unwilling, freshly made vampire, Seras Victoria. I won't say anymore about the plot itself. Other than the fact that Hellsing stays fresh and interesting from beginning to end, wraps up very nicely and maintains great pacing through out the 10 episodes. The animation for the show is out of this world. It looks sharp, it's stylized and I have nothing but praise for it. You can tell how much effort went into each and every frame of the series from beginning to end. The colour schemes are primarily dark and menacing, which really helps put an emphasis on the many crazy and sadistic characters which inhabit the world of Hellsing Ultimate. The pure pleasure it is to watch the anime unfold really helps make the action stand out as some of the best action I've ever seen in a show. The animators cut no corners in making the action as over the top, bloody, gory and violent as possible. Kill la Kill couldn't even get close to the intenseness the combat in Hellsing achieves and considering how much fighting goes on in Hellsing Ultimate (READ: It's a lot), it certainly helps that the action is as well animated and well thought out as it is. The characters are definitely the best part of Hellsing Ultimate. It's impossible not to fall in love with the imposing vampire Alucard, who remains calm and collected throughout the anime, except the few times where he is utterly consumed by bloodlust. He's as regal and courteous as he is batshit crazy and demonic. Seras Victoria is the unwilling vampire, who you can't help but pity, but even she changes colours through the course of the show and near the end nearly stole the slot of "favourite character" away from Alucard. Not only are our heroes an interesting watch, but the many enemies that they must face in the span of 10 episodes all manage to be menacing enough to feel like a real threat, none of them are simply brushed aside and they all really help put a scale to the overall threat which the world is facing. Finally, Hellsing Ultimate's soundtrack is top-tier as well. None of the music feels out of place and helps build the mood near perfectly during the anime. I won't go into an abundance of detail with this, because I find it rather hard to describe music to people. Like most things, it has to be experienced. So now with all of this praise, I will continue by saying that I can definitely understand why some people might not like Hellsing Ultimate. A: It's a slaughterfest of caliber. It's packed to the brim with hyper-violence. Excessive amounts of blood and gore litters the screen during combat and to someone squeamish, this will probably put them right off. Not only that, but for some people the utter ridiculousness of such showers of gore can really turn them off the show. Which ties into point B. B: Hellsing Ultimate is ultimately (Hehe) a bit of a parody. Hellsing Ultimate can be cheesy like the best of them at times. It has several moments of your stereotypical "Shounen Powerjumps", which I can understand some viewers might be put off by. It has a tendency to swing between dark, menacing and wholly disturbing, to cheesy and shounen-y. I personally did not mind this, because it is my opinion that you should not take Hellsing Ultimate all that serious and I found the "over-the-top" tendencies of the anime to be very charming and at times hilarious in the good way. With all of that said, I'm going to close this little "review" off by saying that you can definitely see, hear and feel that Hellsing Ultimate has been six years in the making. It's stylish, it's polished, it's paced - It's fucking excellent.
  14. Wulff

    Hello nerds

    So, never?
  15. Wulff

    Cute stuff.

    I wasn't aware that anime had any character other than that spazzy brownhaired girl, because that shit's the only thing /a/ ever seems to post about EIDT: I just realized that could be applied to KLK too. Unless Mako is kill, no spoilers I haven't watched yet thats because /a/ really likes loli, so they will focus on the loli character.
  16. Wulff

    Cute stuff.

    This could fit in like seven different threads but I settled for cute That anime is pretty cute in general
  17. Wulff

    Hello nerds

    I'm sure he already joined. Yeah he did. Oh god, I bet he is going to spam his music recommendations everywhere.
  18. Wulff

    Hello nerds

    Nugie, Malix, Kami, Omni, Marcus. There's quite a few I think. God forbid if Rhombo joins, christ, that'll be horrible. Pretty much anyone from MLM that hasn't already joined would be an annoyance I think. Except for Scoots and Bloom... Can't really think of anyone else. It's a good thing we never talk about this place outside of Mumble.
  19. Wulff

    Hello nerds

    A VOIP Client.