This is awful, and my heart goes out to the people of France. However, in response to a topic this thread is quickly turning to, quick thing of note for all those about the whole "no true Muslim" or "religion of peace", just be aware that the Quran does explicitly command violence against nonbelievers. Insofar as I know, it is the only scripture which, under the current explicit doctrine commands violence. (War has been commanded in the old testament, but that was under the Abrahamic covenant, and I believe violence is commanded in a no-longer-recognized part of Hindu scripture, though my memory is fuzzy.) There is a problem with Islam, and that problem is that people are supposed to emulate Muhammad, who was a warlike and very dangerous man. As long as that is true, there will be Muslims - arguably the "true Muslims" - who commit acts of violence in the name of Islam. I have a fair amount of context on this whole systemic issue, as my family is directly involved with several families of missionaries sent to Iraq and other parts of the middle east where Islam is the dominant religion.