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A 1970 Corvette

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Everything posted by A 1970 Corvette

  1. Isn't it fucking amazing?
  2. A 1970 Corvette

    share your worst jokes

    If Kirino was a food, she'd be Wurst.
  3. A 1970 Corvette

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I'm not sure why I got this far but I'm okay with this
  4. ​You gotta disable notifications or it will get online if anything happens (news, friends activity, sales) ​I tried that with no luck. I'm beginning to think my account's been associated with a mobile device that doesn't exist, so Steam's like "oh I guess it's just always on"
  5. steam mobile is being an absolute fuckwad and making it look like I'm online at all times even when i use the sign out function I STILL AM SHOWN AS ONLINE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA It even shows a fucking sign-in screen as if I logged out all the while the little mobile icon shows up
  6. A 1970 Corvette

    Anime General Discussion

    I like Himouto but hopefully all the mangafags were right in saying that the show moves away from her being a little shit to her brother because that can get stale real quick
  7. A 1970 Corvette

    Anime General Discussion

    ​It's cute girl doing cute things, duh.
  8. A 1970 Corvette

    Magic The Gathering (TCG)

    ​They're going to be so broken, then the people who were mad that they pulled Steamflogger are going to feel so silly! I want River of Tears to be made into a full cycle.
  9. A 1970 Corvette

    Magic The Gathering (TCG)

    I was randoming through Gatherer and found Whip-Spine Drake once again. I wish they tried off-colour morphs in Tarkir. It would have been cool with all the three-colour decks that were going around.
  10. A 1970 Corvette

    Anime General Discussion

    First episode was pretty good. The last scene and some subtle hinting throughout really was nice. Now if only people stopped asking "is this yuri?" ​Well, I used to change it with every new manga scanlation but now the anime's out so I might as well right
  11. A 1970 Corvette

    Anime General Discussion

    it's happening
  12. A 1970 Corvette

    TF2 general

    I really don't like the new weapon skins. Some of them make the Rocket Launcher look very similar to the Rocket Jumper.
  13. A 1970 Corvette

    TF2 general

    I'd like something brand new too. If TF3 was basically TF2++ then I'd probably be even less interested in it, to be honest. I'd love a completely new kind of feel as well, just like how TF2 was to TFC. It might alienate some people, but it drew so many more people in.
  14. A 1970 Corvette

    TF2 general

    I want a TF3 too. I don't really care if it's a departure from what TF2 was, because that's what TF2 was itself. ...In the absence of TF3, just give us weapons. Or balance the existing ones.
  15. A 1970 Corvette

    TF2 general

    But the only thing the majority of TF2 wants is gameplay updates ;~;
  16. A 1970 Corvette

    TF2 general

    People are thinking it's going to be a dreaded community update, considering the credits at the end
  17. A 1970 Corvette

    Humble Backlog Adventure Giveaway Quest!

    ​...Make a game with six people?
  18. A 1970 Corvette

    Anime General Discussion

    Maki is okay but rin is best
  19. you could try using a non-communist colour scheme
  20. I have to say we do not have the advantage here regardless U S A U S A U S A U S A U S A U S A U S A U S A U S A U S A U S A U S A U S A U S A
  21. A 1970 Corvette

    TF2 general

    They're clearly pushing pauling because strong lesbian females are all the rage nowadays
  22. A 1970 Corvette

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    ...I like to imagine I took the Psionic thing just to crush Cube's dreams.
  23. A 1970 Corvette

    The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style

    ​Looking up the stuff causing that is interesting shit
  24. A 1970 Corvette


    ...I was at an opulent mansion, and during what I assume was a tour there was a room full of caged animals (I can only assume it was for the owner of the mansion to shoot when he's bored). Of course, two animals broke from their cage and I had to fight them. One was a large wolf, and the other was A FUCKING LHURGOYF. I quickly pulled out a sniper rifle (I apparently had one the whole time) and used an ability basically exactly like Zer0's from BL2 to evade and headshot the two animals to death. (I assume I shot the lhurgoyf in the mouth since its head is a little hard to gauge.) After that, I wandered the party for a bit before realizing it was a full moon and that I was apparently a werewolf. Yeah. So I went all awoo and shit and ran around the grounds for a while before learning I could control the transformation. Then I sat with this girl I think was in my high school at one point and we talked about drawing before I woke up.
  25. A 1970 Corvette

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    ​Serves you right for buying that over Nekopara ​I'm mildly sad that I did.