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Everything posted by kayohgee

  1. kayohgee

    Opinions on new watch cover.

    E, B or maybe D.
  2. kayohgee

    Payday General

    jesus why
  3. kayohgee

    Payday General

    This is hard. Payday 2 OST: Razormind, The Mark, Clean Getaway Payday 2 DLC: Death Wish, And Now We Wait, Hot Pursuit "Death Wish" and "And Now We Wait" are probably my two overall favorites.
  4. kayohgee

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    He is getting old. And that's got me thinking. What will become of Valve once Gabe dies? Who is qualified to take on the massive hole he will leave when he goes? Do they have like a line of succession similar to the U.S. President? Will they vote on who takes over? It worries me because only a founder(s) of a company or service have the original vision for their company, and when they go, their successors only try to think of what their predecessor's vision was for the company. And with a company such as Valve, who will be able to fill Gabe's shoes? Call me morbid but sometimes I think Valve's shift in focus away from being developers has to do with Gabe getting older. I don't see the guy retiring any time soon, but at some point it's gonna happen, or he's gonna just drop dead. I think if you're in his position of trying to make sure your company will continue to succeed after your part in it is over, you're going to focus more on breaking into new markets, bringing Steam to the living room, experimenting with new technologies like VR, streamlining your distribution service and all the things that they're doing right now. Valve could easily rest on its laurels and just rake in money from Steam, but I think Gabe is interested in doing a lot of cool shit while he's still able to. I think as far as creating a legacy for yourself, all of those attempts to innovate are going to have a much larger impact on the gaming world than just releasing Half Life 3.
  5. kayohgee


    Are there going to be issues with map corruption/fucked up biomes? I haven't been keeping tabs on how worldgen works now in 1.8 except that it adds ocean temples retroactively, which is pretty cool.
  6. kayohgee

    Payday General

    I'm also pretty sure the rocket fires from the center of the screen, instead of the barrel of the RPG.
  7. kayohgee

    Payday General

    A lot of people had their faith shattered by Infamy 2.0 and were probably seriously thinking about getting a refund on their pre-ordered DLC. But you can't get a refund on something that was released. "We know you guys are busy so we released it early" is pretty shallow an excuse. Yeah, I understand that. I definitely think it's bullshit that overkill released stuff (some of which clearly wasn't finished yet) so people couldn't get their money back. As far as the Completely Overkill pack though, it just seems silly to complain about it either way. People made a twenty dollar donation to pre-order unspecified bonus content and get imaginary points to meet some gimmicky, bullshit goals in order to "unlock" content that we almost certainly would have gotten for free anyway, from a developer that routinely releases overpriced DLC, has released other disappointing content in the past, some of which was also "unlocked" with the same kind of gimmicky tactic, and has already promised free content that either took way too long to be released or that they haven't delivered on at all. And people are still surprised that they may have wasted their goddamned money?
  8. kayohgee

    Payday General

    Yep. As of now, it is physically impossible to get your money back if you paid for the OVK pack, not to mention that the new weapons are buggy as fuck (RPG doesn't work sometimes, barrel of the minigun doesn't spin at all) not to mention you still don't get anything at all for the completely ovk pack so you are like puff said, loaning them money for a product you have LITERALLY no idea on what the quality will be it's over for overkill at this point, there's no coming back To be fair, I think Overkill was pretty up front about the whole "this pack is just so you can throw lots of money at us" thing. People paid what was essentially a $20 donation for some bonus masks and a supeeeer secreeeet item and now they're getting pissed off and disappointed? What did they expect? I agree this is a shitty business practice, but I can't say I have a ton of sympathy when people were dumb enough to buy that shit in the first place.
  9. kayohgee

    Payday General

    That stumpy barrel looks fucking hilarious
  10. kayohgee

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Halo is one of those games where on a regular basis something utterly bullshit like this happens and you can't help but love every second of it. Halo 3 was honestly one of the most fun I've ever had with a game. I consider it to be a pretty perfect balance between well crafted gameplay mechanics and balls to the wall mayhem, intentional or not. Crazy shit like this happened all the time, but it usually just made me giddy instead of frustrated just because the game was so good on the whole. I think that's the same reason I like GTA IV and V so much. Those games are a little too out of control sometimes, but there are usually some fantastic "what just happened" moments.
  11. kayohgee

    Payday General

    They probably will be just mask/texture/material sets Also, apparently the Rocket Launcher is a secondary. Jesus. More or less the stats I expected for both, but four shots for the RPG? I thought it would get one or two at the most. Can you refill that shit with ammo bags? Because if so, that is insane.
  12. kayohgee

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

  13. kayohgee

    Payday General

    Random thought: How are they going to implement non-masks with Jacket? Are they gonna give him a face, or is he just gonna have sunglasses awkwardly taped to his chicken mask or something?
  14. kayohgee

    In which we post the randomest shit we find on YouTube.

    I think I have the same sweater John Darnielle has. Cool.
  15. kayohgee

    Payday General

    Honestly this shit is the same reason I eventually left TF2. Both games started out really slick and focused and eventually just went batshit insane with the tone, the theme, the look, what have you. Instead of doing one thing really well TF2 just got too scatterbrained with all the cash grab cosmetics and poorly done weapons, and some of the shit that's been added to Payday makes me feel like it's going a similar route. I defended Wick when he was released because it seemed like a one time deal (and at least they bothered doing a whole short film with his introduction), but the additional characters are getting a little out of control. Those new masks are fucking ridiculous. And while they'll probably be well implemented, I'm not really all that hyped about them adding miniguns and flamethrowers and shit. It's just getting ridiculous. I think it's great they're adding regular new content but shit, how hard is it to respect your own game and have some quality control?
  16. kayohgee

    In which we post the randomest shit we find on YouTube.

    RIP video. What was it? Some crazy woman who's obsessed with Harry Styles. This isn't the same video but it should give you some idea about what it was like:
  17. This page has been like this forever and I'm really curious wtf it's supposed to be about: http://kayohgee.com/

    1. kayohgee


      My ARG journey begins now!

      jk fuck that

    2. ICBMoose
    3. <Witty Name>

      <Witty Name>

      rip kayohgee 1739-2015

    4. Show next comments  66 more
  18. kayohgee


    I agree for everywhere except TIAM. I don't really care if people fuck around there.
  19. kayohgee

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    The screaming youtubers annoy the shit out of me. I get that they have to play this shit up for views but no jump scare is that frightening. Especially FNAF, where the gags are basically the same every time. You can't tell me Markiplier falls for that bullshit "I looked away from the cameras and an evil robot jumped out at me OH NO" scare for three games in a row.
  20. Apparently my student loan payment of $0 is past due. Okay then.

    1. hugthebed2
    2. Raison d'être

      Raison d'être

      With interest: $300000000000000

    3. ICBMoose


      damn man that's a hell of a lot

  21. kayohgee

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Did they finally add vasectomies? That's all I've ever wanted in this game.
  22. kayohgee

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Why are people so obsessed with these games? The first one seemed pretty cool but now it looks like they're gonna just keep crapping the same thing out every three or four months. Is it for the lore?
  23. kayohgee

    In which we post the randomest shit we find on YouTube.
