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Unromantic XYTWO

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Everything posted by Unromantic XYTWO

  1. Unromantic XYTWO

    Smache Brothers

    http://www.bestbuy.com/site/games-promotions/nintendo-smash-fest/pcmcat332400050002.c?id=pcmcat332400050002 BEST BUY DEMO LOCATIONS REVEALED
  2. Unromantic XYTWO

    i writed a creepypaster

  3. Unromantic XYTWO

    "The best flight simulation in the history of computer games"

    As long as you get something else too
  4. What college does every high school basketball player want to attend?

    1. Unromantic XYTWO
    2. DualJay


      is there a joke here

  5. Unromantic XYTWO

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    That's why we don't play Combat Arms
  6. Unromantic XYTWO

    Smache Brothers

    The most recent game with Toon Link was Spirit Tracks. What's your point? Just that we'd probably end up with sticker moves and/or a Sticker Star stage which would be disappointing as fuck
  7. Unromantic XYTWO

    Smache Brothers

    The only problem with Paper Mario is that the most recent game was Sticker Star.
  8. Unromantic XYTWO

    Smache Brothers

    Huh, didn't expect to see a confirm with E3 under a month out.
  9. IGN is doing a Game of the Generation thing. Checked it out because why the hell not. You can vote for HL2 Episode 2, Portal, and The Orange Box.

    1. Huff


      ugh they're all AAA games

    2. Rynjin


      You sure? I've been reading along and off the top of my head Flower and Shadow Complex spring to mind as two of the non-AAA titles they picked.

      And remember, these are all console games. Not a ton of successful Indie titles on console. Flower, Journey, Limbo, and Shadow Complex are all I can think of.

    3. Unromantic XYTWO

      Unromantic XYTWO

      There was also Braid and Fez on there. Still, I can't help but feel like Cave Story (it was on Wiiware) would have been a better choice than the fifth fucking CoD

    4. Show next comments  84 more
  10. Unromantic XYTWO

    the Final Update

    Pretty sure it was confirmed not to be.
  11. Unromantic XYTWO

    the Final Update

    1) thank you for your support. That's precisely why I want to keep the Powerjack as it is. 2) are we going to have to take this outside
  12. Unromantic XYTWO

    the Final Update

    You can have your old Powerjack back over my dead body
  13. Unromantic XYTWO

    Game Deals Announcement Thread

    Was Guitar Hero always an Activision franchise? Because if not...
  14. Unromantic XYTWO

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Speaking of Sanic
  15. Unromantic XYTWO

    Game Deals Announcement Thread

    yeah but Origin
  16. Unromantic XYTWO


    Corv is a grown-up?
  17. Unromantic XYTWO


    liking caramel you are everything that is wrong with this thread
  18. Unromantic XYTWO

    The SPUFiest Place on Earth

    No portrait of Gaston, this chapter is 2/10
  19. Unromantic XYTWO


    Almond, but Mocha is acceptable as well. Oreo I'm on the fence about. The rest are eh
  20. Unromantic XYTWO

    Smache Brothers

    This is a glorious day.
  21. Casually eating tortilla chips, suddenly AUGH FUCK. It turns out one of them was sharp enough to leave a nasty cut in my gum between my upper front teeth. Goddammit.

    1. Sir Slick

      Sir Slick

      your gums got chipped

    2. Razputin



    3. 1Fort 2Fort

      1Fort 2Fort


    4. Show next comments  84 more
  22. Unromantic XYTWO

    Web Browsers

    But in reality Internet Explorer is just the letter e
  23. Unromantic XYTWO

    Web Browsers

    I use Chrome, but as long as you're not using IE or Safari or something you're pretty good
  24. Unromantic XYTWO

    Twitch to be (maybe) bought by Youtube/Google

    twitch plays federal copyright law But seriously, what's the legal status of stuff like that anyway? Genuinely curious, since it's technically being played.
  25. Unromantic XYTWO

    TF2 general

    Well, EotL might, but since EotL seems to have a bad case of the overhypes I wouldn't get my hopes up.