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Everything posted by Mersopolis

  1. Mersopolis


    Oh, man. THAT old site? It's been YEARS since I was last on there! Anyway, here are my vids: http://goanimate.com/user/060GrJQTjPV4/videos And here's another vid I worked on with a friend before he moved: http://goanimate.com/videos/0EtwwBPsw-0U
  2. Mersopolis


    Could we maybe put a password on it?
  3. Mersopolis


    Well, I managed to finally find a pirated Minecraft, but... It doesn't let me play on non-cracked servers. So close, but so far.
  4. Mersopolis

    TF2 general

    Hm... Just met my first phisher, and a bot, no less.
  5. Mersopolis


    Oh how I wish I could join you guys.
  6. Mersopolis

    city of lost souls

  7. Mersopolis


    Sadly, I do not have, nor can afford a minecraft account. And it's too hard to pirate one.
  8. Mersopolis

    Improbable Island

    With a bit of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy science.
  9. Mersopolis

    Improbable Island

    Dat recursive link.
  10. Mersopolis

    Hello nerds

    Do we even want his/her organs, guys?
  11. I wish I could give you a hug.
  12. Mersopolis

    TF2 general

    Has it even been that long since the map was released?
  13. Mersopolis

    TF2 general

    If I wasn't busy teaching people how to make cake mix cookie sandwiches, I would've joined up with you guys.
  14. Mersopolis

    What song are you listening to RIGHT now?

    I only just now realized it might be because I can see hidden posts and they might count which is stupid Indeeb.
  15. two cookies made from cake mix with frosting in the middle: The purest form of diabeetus, but delicious, nonetheless.

    1. Arm the Homeless

      Arm the Homeless

      needs more ice cream and apple pie.

    2. Unromantic XYTWO

      Unromantic XYTWO

      Make it chocolate cake and put a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top and you'll have utter delicious madness on a plate

  16. Mersopolis

    What song are you listening to RIGHT now?

    this is now my go-to MvM music. Dat post number I meant Huff's post number. Not mine. Why would I quote his and then say nothing pertaining to the video, but to my own post?
  17. Mersopolis

    What song are you listening to RIGHT now?

    this is now my go-to MvM music. Dat post number
  18. Mersopolis

    TF2 general

    If I can find a ticket, sure!
  19. Rep is love. Rep is life (42).

  20. Mersopolis

    I'll rek u m8 (FritzDitz)

  21. Mersopolis


    So I just got the game (Thank you, Binary), and want to play it with you guys. Anybody up for some thievery and dirty criminality sooner or later?
  22. Mersopolis

    Need a Disp- introduction here!

    That is affirmative... However gross I assume that implies.
  23. Mersopolis

    Free stuff

    Could I have your Tour of Duty and Squad Surplus Voucher tickets, as well as the "Scouts killed" part?