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John Caveson

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Everything posted by John Caveson

  1. John Caveson

    TF2 general

    Ugh, fuck MvM. Wave 4, Bavarian Botbash, Mann-Up. I'm slightly irritated that we are on our third retry of the wave. Suddenly, just before we have to start, Argeon has to leave (no ill will to him, he has stuff to do, understandable), but right when the bots appear I crash. I restart the game click *Play Co-Op* then this message appears: "Cannot connect to game coordinator. Please try again in a few a few minutes. :troll:" I restart and try again. Same message. After that I just lose it. I rage to Icecubes about the whole thing in chat after that. I was just so pissed off. It took us an 1 1/2 hours to get to Wave 4., and I just wanted the mission to be over, as I hate Rottenburg (for several reasons). I'm more calm now though. From now on I think I'm just gonna solo queue unless you guys want to organize a Two Cities run. Speaking of which, to those who do organize em like Binary and such. You guys are saints. I don't how you guys put up stressing over stuff like this. Seriously, to me it ain't worth it unless you actually complete the mission, at least you get something out of it, so you tolerate it. That's the main downside of MvM for me, it's a huge time sink considering the average perfect mission takes like 45 minutes. It's seriously not worth it unless you get something out of it, even with friends. So ends my little rant. If you guys are planning on playing any of the Two Cities missions (besides Escalation) then let me know. I'm done organizing MvM games, it's just not worth the stress. I've got enough to worry about.
  2. John Caveson

    TF2 general

    I'm planning on holding another session tomorrow night, you're welcome to join.
  3. John Caveson

    TF2 general

    Man that was torture, we'll have try again tomorrow. I'd recommend going to boot camp to practice some strats.
  4. John Caveson

    TF2 general

    It's been delayed to 9:00 PST instead of 8:30. Reason: I'm going to watch a movie with my family tonight and I just realized that it is 1 hr 45 min and starts at 7:15 Sorry for those who have tight schedules.
  5. John Caveson

    TF2 general

    MvM to celebrate my birthday in 2 1/2 hours anyone?
  6. New flatscreen TV get.

    1. Batty Batterson

      Batty Batterson

      TVs can be broken if you look at them too hard.

    2. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      tvs can be broken from negative thinking

    3. Razputin


      Sorry Caveson, Moose has olives. Olives beats tv

    4. Show next comments  129 more
  7. John Caveson

    TF2 general

    http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=273129037 For those of you wondering on how to get the Proof of Purchase post Uber Update, you can till get it by purchasing the Orange Box as a set. Just so you know.
  8. John Caveson

    Love & War (A.K.A. Bread Update)

    The inevitable "day after" bugfix is here. So I updated the OP with it as well as some undocumented changes from the Wiki. Here's today's update: Added a new startup music track from Expiration Date Added a crafting recipe for The Back Scatter Fixed a client crash caused by Strange Fists Fixed players using the partner taunts to enter enemy spawn rooms Fixed a regression with the Disco Beat Down unusual effect Fixed The Classic automatically zooming in after going through a teleporter while charging Updated The Tide Turner to also refill the charge meter from impact kills
  9. John Caveson

    Steam Summer Sale 2014

    Buying Portal 2 before an inevitable Flash/Daily deal? 7/10 bold move It was already on sale for 10 dollars. I had 10 dollars, so why not.
  10. John Caveson

    Love & War (A.K.A. Bread Update)

    This right here. People already knew Demo was unbalanced from the start, but after 7 years of him being the central power class, people got used to it, even embracing it. I see this change as what Valve should have done 7 years ago. Though I do think the numbers need to be adjusted such as disabling falloff against buildings so Demo can actually destroy buildings again. The best comp leagus can do for now is ban Wrangler and SC, so Demo has easier time destroying buildings.
  11. John Caveson

    Steam Summer Sale 2014

    Got myself Portal 2 the rest of the Orange Box. I am complete now.
  12. John Caveson

    Steam Summer Sale 2014

    Green means go, I got Green, so I'm gonna go.
  13. John Caveson

    Love & War (A.K.A. Bread Update)

    Valve just doesn't have any respect for the scene. Would they pull this on Dota 2 or even CS:GO? No they wouldn't, because Dota and CS are designed with competitive play in mind, unlike TF2 which is the "silly, fun shooter". And I reiterate, they should rethink the TF2 meta to cope with the change. You know, figure out new strategies, rethink class limits and team sizes, maybe have HL actually ban weapons. and 6s allow more weapons for once. You know stuff like that. I don't think they should just put up their hands and go, "Welp, that's all folks!" Or alternatively, create server plugins to revert the change, which I'm betting they will do because fuck creativity. On an unrelated note, these taunts have made up for the tauntsliding fix by giving me something to do during setup, thanks Valve.
  14. John Caveson

    Love & War (A.K.A. Bread Update)

    Well, what the Demo nerf did was basically collapse 7 years of meta in one swoop. What the comp scene should do though? Make a new one.
  15. John Caveson

    Love & War (A.K.A. Bread Update)

    Conga line is awesome, you can make a whole server friendly with it, though it can get annoying if you're trying to win.
  16. John Caveson

    Love & War (A.K.A. Bread Update)

    Updated the OP with the patch notes, I'll add Undocumented Changes as they unfold. GG Volvo with dat weapon balancing.
  17. John Caveson

    Love & War (A.K.A. Bread Update)

    Downloading now. Also from Saxton Hell's Announcement page: http://steamcommunity.com/gid/103582791432294076#announcements/detail/1802878729801894458 15 new taunts HOLY SHIT!
  18. John Caveson

    Love & War (A.K.A. Bread Update)

    Strange, I was expecting a Day 3 for at least cosmetics and a new map. We'll just see what the patch notes hold I guess.
  19. John Caveson

    Love & War (A.K.A. Bread Update)

    I count 8 of the new achievements centered around the B.A.S.E. Jumper, wtf?
  20. John Caveson

    Love & War (A.K.A. Bread Update)

    Let's see here, that's 1 weapon for Scout, 1 weapon for Soldier, 1 weapon for Demo, a multi-class weapon for Soldier and Demo, and 1 weapon for Sniper. And Spy is once again left out of the weapons department, with only a Sapper reskin that's purely cosmetic.
  21. John Caveson

    Love & War (A.K.A. Bread Update)

    Updated the OP with the Day 2 page link. 5 new weapons holy FFFFF- New Scatter- Seems pretty underpowered, possibly. Tide Turner- Valve's way of putting charge turning back. Why they put it on a whole nother unlock I have no idea. B.A.S.E Jumper- Already knew it was coming, seems fun, and it's for Demo too, which is unexpected. The Classic- COD update confirmed Air Strike- UP. Though I think I've seen that model on the workshop before. Lol at bread reskins.
  22. John Caveson

    Love & War (A.K.A. Bread Update)

    Yea, it was Nolan, he had to voice Soldier during that scene. He also voiced the Engy in all the scenes that weren't pre-recorded voicelines.
  23. John Caveson

    New Forum Bug List

    Me as well. A quick refresh and everything's back to normal, but it's so damn annoying.
  24. John Caveson

    Love & War (A.K.A. Bread Update)

    Looks like the Square Dance taunt will be different for Spy, where one character will offer to dance, and the Spy will reject them coldly. Or the Spy won't get the taunt at all...